-4- A Very Interesting Lunch -4-

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"Why was she so rude" I ranted while Darwin just nodded."Like why was she such a-" I cut myself off.

Why is that new girl sitting with Penny?Are they friends?Could- Could she help me get closer to Penny?

"Gumball? Actually, I'll take this time to go to the library. See ya "Then he got up and left the cafeteria but I didn't care I still have to convince that new girl to help me get closer to Penny. I see Tobias with his arm around the new girl.

He's probably using some stupid pick up line. He really should stop. Also what's the new girl's name-

Suddenly the new girl slammed Tobias on the ground and pinned his arm behind his back. She was saying something but I couldn't really hear it over everyone,who had taken out their phones and started recording the 'fight'.She unpinned him and he ran off crying.

I should try to find one of those videos later.


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