The Hogwarts Express (5)

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After staying in the Leaky Cauldron Hagrid was leading Harry and I, me still wearing my mask through the London Station "Hagrid... This ticket says 9 3/4, that is not an actual-" Harry and I turned and noticed Hagrid was no longer standing next to us and I huffed "fantastic" I said and Ash meowed at me before Hedwig, Harry's Snowy Owl chirped at us and I laughed and found a security guy and went up to him as he directed a couple "Uh... Excuse me... Sir...?" I called out to him and he turned to me and looked at me confused "do you know where Platform 9 3/4 is?" I asked and the man started laughing at me and I flinched away, "is this some kind of joke?!?" He asked looking at Harry and I grumpy "get out of here before I call the police" He said and I huffed before hearing an older lady speaking to multiple red headed kids about two years older and one about our age, "come on platform 9 3/4 this way" she ushered and Harry and I glanced at each other following closely in confusion, Harry and I watched one boy not quite sprint but walk quickly at the wall and vanish. Harry and I did a double take before I approached with Harry behind me he spoke before me "Excuse me... Mrs... How" He asked motioning to his ticket and I, "you want to get to the platform?" She asked and Harry nodded before she looked at me smiling. "It's Ron's first year too" She said motioning to the boy that was about our age "you just gotta walk full force into the wall, and don't hesitate or you will crash" she said and the young girl smiled at Harry and I "you can do it" she encouraged. Harry went first and I inhaled sharply before exhaling gently blowing out my mask slightly and I followed Harry appearing on the other side and I smiled, "Hey Potter you alright?" I asked looking at him warmly, he nodded and we went to go get our stuff packed onto the train I lifted up my trunk a little and I gasped in pain as the burn scar flared in anger, I grumbled incoherent Latin swears, I taught myself Latin when I was really bored "need some-", "help?" Two voices made Harry and I spin in surprise to see the twins from before. "Yes", "please" Harry and I said finishing our sentences like they did and they smiled nodding "This is Fred-", "and this is George" they introduced each other and lifted my and Harry's trunks into the compartments and I smiled under my mask "thank you" I said and Harry smiled "Harry Potter" and the twins froze in shock and looked at him and I sighed. "The Harry Potter?" George asked and Harry nodded and they looked at me and I sighed, "Samantha Lupin" they're eyes widened again "the first female to survive He-Who-Must-Not-", "Be-Named?" They asked Hagrid had explained this and I nodded slowly and we shook hands with the twins before getting on the train, I entered the compartment with Ash and Harry followed sitting across from me, I could hear Fred and George "Mum!" George called and Fred continued "Samantha Lupin and-" George finished this time "Harry Potter are going to Hogwarts this year!" I chuckled and shook my head getting comfy, "hey... Could I sit with you guys...? All the other compartments are closed..." A nervous voice made me turn and see the youngest male red head. "Yea sure!" Harry said smiling and the boy sat down.

The train started going and the boy looked at us, "why does she wear a mask?" He asked and I turned to look at him my eyes studying him, "reasons what's your name?" I asked and Harry sighed looking at me pointedly and I shrugged him off, "Ronald Weasley but you can call me Ron what about you two?" He asked and looked at Harry and I, "Harry Potter" Harry said and Ron spun on the green eyed boy with the taped glasses "the Harry Potter?" He asked his voice going down into a whisper and Harry nodded "do you... Have the uh..." Ron was gesturing towards his forehead and I started to laugh slightly, "the what?" Harry asked looking at Ron perplexed before Ron huffed "the scar?" He asked and Harry nodded moving his hair away from his lightning bolt scar, the red head turned to me "what's your name?" He asked and I gulped, "Samantha Lupin..." I said and Ron looked at me in shock. "I am blessed to be in the presence in saviours" he said and I looked at him my eyes narrowed and my brows knit together in confusion. 

"Something from the trolley dears?" A lady Ron pulled out a bundle "I came prepared" my nose scrunched under my mask and I sighed, "we will take a few of everything" Harry said holding up a handful of Galleons and Sickles "great belly aches before dinner" I muttered and sat down helping Harry carry some of the treats, I grabbed some licorice wands and kept them beside me "how are you going to eat with your mask on?" Harry asked and I froze my eyes wide, a horrified expression flashed over my eyes. I sighed and looked at Harry "might as well show you guys now..." I said my silver and hazel eyes bouncing between the two sadly, I gulped and pulled off the mask looking down my long hair hiding my face "Sam... I can't-" Before he could finish I looked up and met Harry's green eyes, my burn screaming as it came into contact with the oxygen his eyes widened as did Ron's "Bloody hell!" Ron said in shock and tears pricked my eyes as I looked down. I put the mask back on my eyes looked out the window before a girl with bushy hair walked in "have any of you seen a toad?" She asked and I turned my body towards her "no sorry" I said and she sighed "Neville lost his toad Trevor..." She said and I nodded "I will keep an eye out" I said and she nodded in relief. I turned back around before Harry looked at me again his eyes studying mine and my eyes held no emotion as I looked at the two, Ron explained all the candy even Burt's Every Flavoured Beans, Chocolate Frogs, and a few others. I glanced at his garden rat that was eating candy on Ron's lap as Ash lay curled up at my side purring as her tail swished gleefully, "he's a fat rat isn't he?" Ron asked noticing my uncomfortable look at the rat "I don't like rodents..." I said and Ron nodded slightly, "Fred taught me a spell" (I dunno if it were Fred or George but I just want to use fred dont @ me please). Ron cleared his throat as the girl returned "have you seen the toa- oh you're doing a spell... Well?" She asked looking at Ron who continued, "Sunshine, Daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow" he said and the spell did nothing but shock Scabbers. "Are you sure that's a real spell?" The girl asked looking at Ron pointedly, "here let me show you" she made her way in front of Harry and held out her wand "Reparo" and the tape on Harry's glasses vanished and I smiled behind my mask in amusement to Harry's reaction, "we are about to make it to Hogwarts... Better get your robes on... And you... You've got a bit of durt right here" she gestured to Ron on her own nose before vanishing. I stood "I am going to change" I said and grabbed my robes and left to find a changing room, "looking for changing rooms?" a cold voice made me spin and look at the owner of that voice. "Go straight the females is on the left" the boy had platinum blonde hair and silver eyes, I nodded in thanks and continued on my way. After getting changed I got back mask still on my face and entered the compartment to find Harry and Ron in robes and Ash hissing and growling at Scabbers that was squeaking at her angerly and my eyes flashed in anger, " Ron get your fat rat  away from my cat!" I yelled and Ron jumped grabbing his familiar as Ash looked at me and curled up again. "Be careful Ron... Scabbers will end up getting eaten and I do not want to be responsible for that" I said more calmly as I sat next to a dozing Ash.

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