Mirrors and Hopes(12)

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I finished having Breakfast with the boys and went back to my Common Room for the silver owl, I entered and sat down and smiled at it pulling out the bacon and gave it some it nuzzled me and waited, I opened the letter confused and slightly worried about who was sending me anything.

'This is the second letter without response aside from the one in the gift, you can call me whatever you want, a friend, an enemy, I don't care... I just want to be friends... I go to Hogwarts with you but my friends would not approve of this... I want to know more about you but do not know how to talk to you... Please write back soon'

I looked at the letter perplexed my eyes looked over the silver writing again and again, I looked at the owl that chirped at me and I tossed it another bit of bacon so it didn't choke. I got a small piece of parchment and started writing quickly.

'I do not see why we cannot be friends, It will take a little bit for me to trust you... But I would be more than okay with making a new friend'

I finished writing and tied the letter to the owls foot, "return to sender" I said and it chirped nuzzled my cheek and took off, I smiled and went back to what I was doing I hung out with Hagrid and helped him clean his garden that was now full of dead pumpkins. 

I was getting ready for when I heard a tapping noise and I sat up and looked over seeing Hedwig and my brows furrowed, "come here" I said to the bird and it chirped and I stroked her head and grabbed the note. 

'meet me outside your Common Room -Harry'

I sighed and looked Hedwig who chirped and took off, I shook my head and stood getting on a warm morning robe and went to the entrance of the Common Room. "I swear to Merlin Harry" I muttered and heard shuffling and saw nothing before the air 'shimmered' and Harry's head popped out of nowhere "Holy! Harry!" I snapped and he threw it over me as well, "I have something I need to show you" Harry said and I sighed shaking my head he led me to a room and I saw a mirror, I approached it and looked at Harry "I saw my parents and Ron saw him as the captain of the quidditch team... Your team..." I gulped and sighed, I looked at the mirror and saw a man with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes next to him was an older version of me and my eyes narrowed, the only reason I knew it was me was the burn and the rare form of heterochromia I have. My jaw tightened when I looked at the man again he reminded me of someone but I didn't know who, "what do you see?" Harry asked and I looked away and at Harry my eyes adjusting "I see a man with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes..." I said and Harry raised a brow "what else?" He asked and I looked at it again and noticed the rings on my and the man's fingers and my brows went up "it's my future husband..." I muttered before turning on Harry "take me back to my dorm room right now..." I said and heard an older voice "I see you two found the Mirror Erised it shows ones true desires" I jumped and spun on the voice it was Dumbledore and I relaxed, "I apologize sir... I was just heading back to bed..." I said to him and he smiled amused and shrugged "it is alright children" he said and I looked at him perplexed and confused. Harry and I went back to bed and I laid awake staring at the ceiling frustrated and slightly angry, I sighed and rolled over closing my eyes it was eerie and quiet in the dorm only three of the upper class boys returned and I sighed falling asleep.

"It has been driving you mad hasn't it!?" Ron asked everyone had returned that day Harry was obsessed with the mirror but he couldn't find it which was A okay with me and I sighed, I ate my food with Hermione next to me ranting about Harry being an idiot for sneaking out. "Hagrid wanted to see us later" Ron said to Hermione and I, I nodded and remained quiet with my mask back on I had been talking to the stranger who had sent me my necklace, I ran my right fingers over it feeling the scales in the figure eight and I smiled under my mask. 

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