Potions (7)

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I had Potions with Harry, Ron, Hermione, a few others and the Slytherins 'great' I thought and entered the dark classroom Hermione was telling me how the boys were late and that Mcgonagall had threatened to turn them into a pocket watch and a map, I giggled behind my mask and sat near the front. Snape entered and sneered "ah our new celebrities" he droned and I flinched away from his voice sighing, I had herbology with Sprout then transfiguration with Mcgonagall, then Charms with Flitwick. " You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making" Snape said his gaze landing on Draco who was next to me, before Snape's eyes moved to me, and he continued "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses" he paused looking us over again his eyes cold and dark "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death- Potter!" I turned to see Harry writing notes and I rolled my eyes sighing and putting my fingers on the bridge of my nose, Snape spoke again "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry looked around horrified before his eyes landed on me and Hermione and I raised our hands, Snape's gaze moved to me and his eyes sparkled in anger "I don't know... Sammy might know..." He said and Snape sighed "fame isn't everything" he muttered and Draco chuckled, "Ms. Lupin do you know?" I nodded firmly and Malfoy looked at me confused as I cleared my throat to speak "it is the Draught of Living Death is it not?" I asked moving my head to the side and Snape smiled, "Potter" Snape snapped moving his attention back to Harry, "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" I bit my lip and smiled and put my hand back up again Malfoy looked at me his brows screwed together in shock "you  know?" He whispered at me and I nodded firmly. "Lupin? Do you know?" He asked and I nodded again "in the stomach of a goat, it will cure you of most poisons" I said the entire class was silent and Snape looked impressed "Potter really take a page outta Lupin's book" I looked down avoiding Harry's hurt expression as Snape drew my attention again, "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane? Lupin?" I looked at Snape my brow screwed together in thought, "disappointing guess you can't-" before he could finish I called out making me stop and look at me his eyes boring into mine as Draco looked at me, "Same plant... Also known as Aconite" I said looking at him and Snape nodded smiling slightly "20 points to Ravenclaw" he said and I nodded Malfoy looked at me in shock. "Take a photo it lasts longer" I said to him under my breath and he snapped out of it before Snape snapped at everyone "well are you gonna write that down or not?" He asked looking at the others.     

The bell thing went off and I packed up my stuff "have a good day Professor" I said leaving the classroom and Snape nodded as I left, I got out and was grabbed and shoved to the ground I yelped in shock and pain as my mask fell 'wow! You don't fall when Dudley shoves you but as soon as you're in a magic school you magically fall off! Stupid mask!' I thought to myself, I kept my head down so the attacker didn't see my scar "you know it's better to look at the person who shoved you" a high pitched voice said snobbishly. "Looking for this?" A familiar voice made my eyes move to Malfoy that was holding my mask "please give me my mask back" I said without moving my burn into view, "no" Was all he said and I sighed and turned to walk off "git" I muttered and kept walking my head down "hey! Get back here you stupid Ravenclaw girl!" The girl snapped grabbing my shoulder and turning me, my head snapped up my blonde hair flying over my shoulder and my burn screamed at the sudden motions and I sucked in an angry gasp. "Oh Merlin! What the hell happened?!" Voices laughed at me and I looked down tears pricked my eyes I looked at Malfoy my eyes burning an angry fire as I swiped my mask from his hands and put it back on, "thanks you git" I said sharply, spinning on my heel and walking away with my head down as people laughed at me tears continued to fall as I bumped into someone. "Oh... Sorry... Hey Harry..." I said making sure he didn't know I was crying, "were you crying?" He asked 'frick!' I shouted in my head and I sighed nodding slightly looking away "did... Someone take your mask off you?" He asked and I shook my head "no... Someone threw me on the floor... and the stupid thing fell off my face..." I said and looked away.  Harry brought me into a hug and I sighed as more tears slipped from my eyes "at least it's not the Dursleys..." I said biting my lip and Harry nodded smiling slightly, "I hate Slytherins... I like snakes and serpents... but I hate Slytherins..." I said looking away. "I was just gonna head to Hagrids... Want to come with me?" Harry asked, I bit my lip and nodded slightly my eyes still a bit red from crying as I followed him, I looked down following.

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