Flying Lessons (8)

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I groaned slamming my head on table in the Great Hall sitting at the same table as Harry and Ron they jumped when they heard the noise, as did many other students I whined again Harry patted my back gently, "I hate this... I never imagined I would hate someone as much as I hate Draco" I said sharply making Ron chuckle in amusement and my gaze snapped to him unamused. "I have never heard someone use the word 'hate' more in one sentence" I huffed and slammed my head on table again, "we have flying lessons with the git" I said muffled by the table and my mask since the incident with Draco and his pals I have hidden from Slytherins I don't really have many Ravenclaw friends but I get along with all of them, I sighed again and stretched my arms and back making my joints pop and crack Ron's face scrunched into disgust and amazement that I managed to make all my joints make those noises.

It was Thursday now and I huffed again now standing next to a broom with Ron on my left and Hermione on my right I glanced at her and smiled with my eyes, "Say up with feeling!" Madame Hooch said she was probably my favourite teacher she was feisty and very loud, I looked at the broom and sighed "UP!" I said and it hit my hand almost knocking me over then Harry, and Draco, the blonde haired boy was watching me carefully as Ron's broom came and knocked him in the nose. I put my hand over my masked mouth and started to giggle "oh hush up!" Ron snapped as I lost it in a fit of giggles and I shook my head, "now you mount, be careful you don't want to be sliding off of the end of the broom" she said as I mounted. "On my whistle you kick off, hover, and land again 3...2..." All of a sudden Neville's broom started to levitate and Neville panicked "Mr. Longbottom... Mr. Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hooch said as Neville's broom started freaking out like a wild stallion, it bounced off buildings and finally Neville got stuck on a spire, his cloak ripped and his hoodie caught the lamp then he slipped out of it. I heard a loud crack and I flinched away my eyes wide in shock, I along with Madame Hooch I knelt down and my mask slid slightly to reveal the burn a bit "Neville... Oh... It's broken" I said and helped him stand handing him off to Madame Hooch, "Sam... Your mask is slipping" Harry whispered to me and I fixed it "thanks..." I said and turned seeing Malfoy pick up Neville's remembrall, "if the fat lump had given this a squeeze" Malfoy said and his buddies laughed, I marched up to him my eyes narrowed and he saw me smirking "hand it over now" I said firmly he smirked and mounted his broom, I gritted my teeth "remove the mask and come get me Lupin" he taunted and I huffed under my breath, Harry and I both mounted and I looked at him a smirk on my face "ready?" I asked and he nodded. I took the mask off mid launching and put it in my robes "give it up Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry shouted, "I would like to see you try" Malfoy spat as Harry rushed him Malfoy smirked "fetch" He said throwing it and I sped off leaning forward as my hair whipped past my shoulders. I rolled and caught it coming to a complete stop and I smirked seeing Malfoy's shocked expression, I sighed before making my way back to the ground Harry following he had been right on my tail but I was faster, I landed and Hermione looked at me stunned "S-Sammy... I di-didn't know you had such a scar..." Hermione said. My hand flew to my pocket to find that my mask had gone missing and my heart went to my throat, "n-no... My mask is missing!" I said fearfully spinning in a complete circle the Slytherins began to laugh and tears pricked my eyes as I stopped spinning and looked down, my hair covering my face. "Samantha Lupin and Harry Potter!" I looked up seeing Mcgonagall running towards us, "come with me please!" She said and I looked at Harry my tears still slipping from my eyes 'great I lost my mask and now I am going to be expelled' I thought and followed the howls of laughter and the gasps were heard as Harry and I left.

We got to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and she asked for Davis and Wood, I looked at the professor confused and I kept my head down, "Boys I found you two new seekers... Samantha Lupin performed a perfect barrel roll and Harry wasn't too far behind her" Mcgonagall explained and I looked up confused before Davis looked at me studying me, "she's small... Light... It's perfect" He said and my brows furrowed together "quite the nasty burn ye got there" Wood mentioned and my hair covered my face again as I sighed. Davis put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up "Welcome to the team" he said and I looked at Harry who was just as confused. 

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