Four Houses (6)

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The sky darkened as the train stopped and we were off and to the boats after seeing Hagrid I sat with three boys, the blonde boy that helped me and what looked like his goons, I sighed knowing I was gonna get a pep talk about friends and the right families, "my names Draco this is rabbe and Goyle..." He said and I looked at him my mask still on my face as I nodded to them "Samantha Lupin, but I prefer to be called Sammy" I said crossing my arms and leaning back slightly on the wood, Hogwarts came into view and my eyes widened in shock as I stared at it owls swarmed a certain building and above the castle. 

We climbed the staircases and came to a stop seeing an elderly man and a cat with amber eyes, "Filch thank you" a voice I had heard before but couldn't pin point from where made me look up, a lady in green robes had approached and explained the four house's Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Griffindor, and Ravenclaw. I looked at her when she looked at me and her eyes sparked in curiosity, "I will need you to wait while we set everything up for you" She said and disappeared into the Great Hall. "I heard that Harry Potter and Samantha Lupin has come to Hogwarts" I flinched at the name and turned to see Draco in the lead with his goons and a few girls behind him, Draco looked at Harry "the names Draco Malfoy, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle" He Introduced his buddies and Ron snorted "what's so funny?" Draco snapped and looked at Ron a smirk reached his face "hand me down robes, ginger hair must be a Weasley", "be friends with me and I will show you who to actually be friends with" Draco said looking at Harry and I. Shaking my head I stepped forward and smacked his hand away from Harry's "back off Malfoy" I said lowly my eyes on fire in rage as I glared at him, his eyes hardened in anger as he was about to get mad parchment landed on his shoulder. "We are ready for you now" She said and we followed, in the Great Hall four tables with banners around them and students sat at each, I looked around my mask still covering my face and I looked amazed. 

"I will call you up one at a time so you can be sorted" the lady said and she called the first name, "Granger, Hermione" She called, the girl with the bushy hair that had fixed Harry's glasses stepped forward "Griffindor!" It called out, "Lupin, Samantha?" She called and I walked up my mask still on my face as I sat down, she set the old hat on my head and it hummed "keen enough to be a Slytherin, but nice enough to be a Hufflepuff, Brave enough to be a Griffindor, better be RAVENCLAW!" I exhaled and stood walking to the table of blue and sat down putting my hands over themselves, "Malfoy, Draco" Malfoy shoved past Harry and sat down before the hat could even touch his head the hat shouted "Slytherin!" And shouts of joy and whoops of glee were heard. I rolled my eyes and watched a victorious Draco sit next to Grabbe and Goyle, I shook my head as Draco looked up and met my narrowed eyes and he smirked at me. "Potter, Harry" Harry went and sat on stool, "not Slytherin eh?" I heard the hat chuckle, "Better be Griffindor!" Whoops of shock and glee come from the red table where I see Fred and George smiling gleefully, I sighed and looked out into the distance, "Weasley, Ronald" Ron walked up nervous and the hat chuckled "hah another Weasley!" I giggled and watched as Ron flinched, "Griffindor!" I sighed again all the people I know are in different houses. I sighed as the Headmaster came up and announced the Forest on the grounds is strictly forbidden and the forbidden corridor. Food had appeared but I had not touched it some of the Ravenclaws looked at me confused and I motioned to the mask, "can't you take it off?" an older male student asked and I shook my head "I refuse to take off my mask" I said and he sighed and nodded. "So are you just not going to eat?" I sighed "fine... Only because my stomach is winning this stupid argument" I muttered before I inhaled and took off my mask gently and looked at the food. "Oh my Merlin..." I heard voices all around I looked up and noticed some students and teachers included look at my burn Mcgonagall the lady that introduced us was looking at me, "is that a burn?" I heard whispers all around, I ate a little bit and put my mask back on and put my head down tears pricking my eyes. 

We were lead to the Ravenclaw Common Room, "What can travel around the world but stay in the corner?" the knocker asked and the Prefect smiled "would the only First Year like to have a go?" the Prefect asked and I hummed nodding, I tapped the side where my burn wasn't and smiled "A Stamp" I said, the door opened and whistles of surprise echoed as we entered "okay so the males dorm is up the stairs to the left and the girls is up the stairs further down and to the right" the Prefect explained and I nodded slightly smiling under my mask, "you can take off the mask... This is a judgement free zone..." He said and I sighed. I took off my mask and put it in my pocket, "thanks..." I said biting my lip gently as I made my way up to my room, I entered and noticed I was furthest away from the rest of the girls that ignored me as I entered and I sighed putting my stuff down. "Grreat..." I said looking down as tears pricked my eyes, "classes will be better..." I said gently and inhaled before exhaling gently and getting into fluffy PJ's and laying on the pillow Ash wasn't using.

The Snake and The Raven: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now