Quidditch and Tea (10)

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Harry had received a new broom during breakfast it had gotten a lot colder, I sat with Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid dressed in an oversized blue hoodie with a gold eagle on it and blue jeans I wore my Ravenclaw mask and had a blue head warmer on. People chanted for Griffindor and everyone got onto pitch Harry flew around and looked around amazed, I smiled as the game progressed and I smiled warmly as Griffindor scored a few times Slytherin was starting to cheat knocking people off brooms and injuring players. Harry's broom started to buck and move trying to knock him off "Harry's broom is going to kill him!" Hermione said worried looking around through the binoculars, I noticed Snape watching Harry intently and his lips were moving but they weren't moving violently my eyes narrowed before something else caught my eye, "I need those" I said snatching the binoculars from Ron and I looked around confused where's... Hermi-", "going to Snape..." Ron said cutting me off I used the large glasses and looked at Quirrell behind Snape and noticed he too was staring intently at Harry, my burn started to sting and I gasped pulling away. "I don't think it's-", "I did it..." I noticed Snape stomping on something and I sighed 'she set his robes on fire...' I thought to myself Harry managed to get back on his broom and I looked out again, I noticed Draco was looking at me and I raised my brow he looked away and I noticed Harry speeding off and I saw it he was after the snitch and I smiled. 

Harry pulled up just above ground leaning forward to grab the snitch, his broom hit the ground and he was thrown off catching the Snitch he sat up and looked ready to puke, he was holding his stomach as he coughed and the snitch landed in his hand and I began to giggle. "HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" The announcer said loudly I cheered and smiled the Slytherins looked ticked and I laughed again, "do you guys want to come for some tea?" Hagrid asked and Hermione and Ron nodded looking at me I nodded warmly we had forgotten to go see him during Hallowe'en so we were gonna do it now.

We met with Harry he was smiling "good job!" I said patting his back  my eyes glittered in amusement as we walked to Hagrid's hut, "what is going on in the forbidden corridor?" Harry asked and Hagrid froze and his gaze moved to Harry "don't worry bout it Harry", Ron spoke up and sighed "then why the three headed dog?" He asked and Hagrid spun on the trio as I crossed my arms "how do you know bout Fluffy?!" He asked and I choked on spit "that thing has a name?!" Ron asked in shock and I giggled slightly, "I raised Fluffy o' my own. "What is Fluffy protecting...?" Harry asked and Hagrid huffed as I shook my head in annoyance, "We have a feeling whatever Fluffy is protecting Snape is trying to steal it" Hagrid froze "no... Professor Snape is one o' the ones protecting it" Hagrid said gruffly and I nodded. "I doubt it why would he have a bite mark?" Harry asked again and I huffed, "whatever Fluffy is protecting it business between Professor Dumbledore an' Nicholas Flamel-" Harry yelled in victory "so there is someone named Nicholas Flamel involved!" Hagrid looked angry at himself and he sighed leaving as the trio and I began to go back to the castle. I sighed shaking my head Christmas was going to be soon and I needed to go shopping for gifts. 

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