Feathers, Insults, and Trolls (9)

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Harry and I had been working with Wood and Davis in learning Quidditch, now I sat next to Seamus and listened to Flitwick explain Wingardium Leviosa and I smiled it was one of my favourite lessons, I had gotten a new mask it was Ravenclaw themed and it made me feel less miserable although I could hear insults from the Slytherins and the laughter at me whenever I would walk past after Crabbe, Goyle, or Draco would say something or even Pansy who was the one who made me fall in the first place. I sighed as he said Swish and Flick and left us to our devices, I sighed grabbing my wand and looking at the white feather it was my birthday two days ago that's where I got my new mask, but someone by the name of Draco went out of his way to make my life absolutely miserable. "Wingardium Leviosa" I spoke clearly at the same time as Hermione and both of our feathers lifted into the air, mine was a little more stable than Hermione's but it happened Ron muttered incoherent words and laid on his desk. "Good Job Mrs. Granger, and Mrs. Lupin!" Flitwick said happily and Malfoy looked up at me his eyes angry as I had just beat him at lifting a feather into the air, 'what a toddler' I thought to myself. All of a sudden an explosion made me jump and I looked over Seamus' feather had exploded and Harry looked at Flitwick "uh... Professor... I think we need a new feather" I giggled and shook my head running my hand through my dusted grey hair now because of the explosion. 

Ron was ranting about Hermione and about her know it all attitude and my blood boiled, Hermione shoved past him and took off my eyes narrowed at Ron and I punched his arm harshly "get your head out of the shade and into the sun you git" I snapped making Ron jump in shock.

I sat in the Great Hall drumming my fingers on table humming slightly, I glanced at Draco who was eating but he was being polite 'weird' I thought and noticed his buddies eating like slobs and my stomach rolled 'how'. I didn't notice I was staring until Professor Quirrell burst screaming "Troll in the dungeon!" Then he fainted people started to panic well I didn't I read the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, I knew what to do but I needed Harry and Ron's help.  I snuck away from my house and got to Harry and Ron who were too hiding "guys... Hermione" I said lowly and they jumped at the sound of my voice pushing me out of view of the 'T' intersection in the hallway, I saw a shadow and noticed the Troll "it's headed towards girls bathroom! That's where Hermione is!" Ron said worried his eyes wide. We started towards the washroom to hear a roar and a scream "Hermione!" I yelled running into the bathroom to see her under the sink "guys! Help!" Hermione screamed loudly moving, one thing lead to another and Ron knocked the troll out, I had a decent bruise on my shoulder but I brushed it off Mcgonagall, Snape, and Quirrell entered "what are you four doing in here?!" She asked shocked in seeing the troll knocked out and me holding my shoulder. "Explain yourselves before I punish all of you!" She snapped and I flinched back "I thought I could take on the Troll myself..." Hermione said and the professor looked stunned before he face screwed into anger "and what about you three?!" She asked "they came to rescue me when they realized what I was gonna do... If it wasn't for them... I would be dead..." Mcgonagall pinched the bridge of her nose. "10 points from Griffindor for stupidity... 10 each including Ravenclaw for sheer dumb luck" She said her eyes flashing at all of us. I gaped but left the bathroom my eyes trained down as I went to my dorm but I was stopped short by the trio, "Sam... We have to tell you what's going on..." Harry said and I raised my brow before he explained how Draco tricked Harry into going to the Charms corridor, and how they ran from Filch into the forbidden corridor into a large room, where they met a three headed dog that was guarding a 'trapdoor' as Hermione called it and she looked at me "we are going to go talk to Hagrid about in a few days... Want to join us?" She asked and I sighed nodding "it would have been nice if you guys came to talk to me before anything else happened..." I said looking down uneasily, they sighed "sorry" they mumbled and I shrugged "it's alright" I said smiling warmly before going to my Common Room.  

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