(24) 도서관

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Chapter Twenty Four: Library.

doseogwan -도서관

Jimin's fingers tapped the wooden table, impatiently, waiting for his worktime to end.

Multiple yawns left his mouth as he stared at all the regular customers sitting in the chairs, reading their book.

"Can you stop that?" He heard his Boss say.

"Stop what, Mr.Boss?" He asked in a loud voice.

"You know what, Jimin. Go and arrange those books that arrived today" He said making Jimin groan. "Silent!"

"Yeah yeah" Jimin huffed, walking towards the stack of books arranged in top of a table.

He started taking them one by one, placing them in the correct section and order.

"This book comes....here!" He whispered to himself, as he placed a book into the bottom shelf.

He stood up, checking if the other books are in order.

Jimin flinched when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, pulling him back.

"Fucking let me go" Jimin hissed as he readied himself to throw a punch.

"Why should I? Aren't you my husband?" He heard a low whisper.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" Jimin asked as he pushed his husband away from him.

His cheeks turned red once he saw Jungkook. He remembered what happened yesterday.

"We need to pack and buy some stuff. We have only one day" Jungkook said as Jimin nodded.


"I forget to say this," Jungkook smiled, "You look so pretty, covered in my love bites" he finished as Jimin slapped his arms.

"I told you to stop talking about that! I didn't kill you just because-"

"I was drunk" Jungkook finished, rolling his eyes.


Jungkook let out a tired groan as he got up, stretching his arms. He turned to his right and saw his husband sleeping in his bed, hands tied, shirtless and pantless.


"What happened?" He whispered to himself, holding his aching head. He saw a aspirin and glass of water in the side table. "Did I get drunk?" He wondered.

Jungkook slowly untied Jimin's hands, throwing away the tie. He kissed his bruised wrist before turning to the medicine.

Taking the water and aspirin, he sighed.

Jungkook did notice the beautiful hickeys, covering Jimin's beautiful skin. "Did we do something?"

"You tried to rape me!" Jimin said as soon as he woke up.

"I did?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded. "But it isn't rape if you enjoyed it" Jungkook smirked, pointing at his thighs which was covered in cum.

"Fuck!" Jimin groaned as he ran to his bathroom. "I AM NOT KILLING YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE DRUNK!"

Jungkook chuckled as he picked up Jimin's shirt from the bed.

"You looked so pretty~" he whispered, hugging the shirt close.

"Let's go home now" Jungkook said as he grabbed Jimin's small hands and walked away.


After shopping for their honeymoon, Jimin was so tired that he didn't even care to change his clothes and fell asleep.

Jungkook chuckled, finding the older cute as he pecked his forehead and left to take a quick bath.


"Get off, Jungoo" Jimin whined as he tried to push the man behind him. "I told you to maintain a distance" he mumbled sleepily.

"Can't I back hug you?"

Jimin's eyes widened, sleep leaving his body. It wasn't Jungkook.

The older knew his husband's voice, and he was sure that this wasn't his husband's voice.

His heartbeat increased as he readied himself to throw a punch. "Don't even think about it".

"Going to honeymoon huh? You both think I will let you?! I won't" The man spoke as he pushed himself off Jimin.

Before Jimin could turn around and see who it was, the electricity went off, making the whole home dark.

"Jungkook!" Jimin called out as he quickly grabbed his phone and turned on the torch.

He walked to the bathroom and found it empty. Then to the kitchen.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" He asked.

"I am. But how do you turn on the light in this phone?"

Jimin sighed in relief, knowing his husband was okay.

"You pull this down, and you can find a bunch of options. Like Data, Wifi, Bluetooth. There you can see a torch symbol. Press that, and the light will turn on" Jimin explained as Jungkook nodded.

"Thanks, sugar" He grinned.


▪ Who do you think, was at Jimin's home?

▪ Will the person disturb Jimin and Jungkook's honeymoon?

▪ Feedbacks :))

Hello! Your lazy author, here.

And sure, y'all will get a hybrid AU 😌
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Take Care sweethearts 💙

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Fighting 😙

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