(67) 남준

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Chapter Sixty Seven: Namjoon.

I glared at his phone. "You can't trust petty messages, Jungkook! Who do you trust more? Me or this insane stranger who I know is Kim Namjoon?" I asked, turning his phone off.

"J-jimin, I trust you more but-"

"No but, Jungkook! It should've been a periodt. This 'but' just shows how you trust some stupid message more than your husband who you've been married to, for a freaking year!" I grunted in anger.

Jungkook sighed, looking down. "Darling, I'm not saying this to make you cry or feel guilty. I just want you to trust me instead of some message", I explained, cupping his cheeks and wiping his sad tears. "Don't cry, my mawkish baby".

Kissing both his cheeks, I smiled at him. "So tell me. What made you trust those messages to that extent?" I asked.

"I-I received a message from the same person on the day we both get to know that Sehun was the stalker. He stated your location correctly. So I-I thought he must've been right when he said, Taehyung will try to get you to cheat on me", he explained silently.
"Forgive me, Jimin. Please". He pouted at me.

I chuckled silently. I couldn't help but wonder. If we get a baby soon, he or she will look like Jungkook...... absolutely cute.

Oh my~ I can imagine those cute doe eyes staring up at me while asking for chocolate, a pout playing in our baby's lips, like it is in Jungkook's.

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked. I pinched his nose making him grunt and whine.

"You are funny", I cooed, pecking his lips. "I am so excited, Jungkookie". Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh of happiness.

Jungkook rested his head on my shoulder. "What are you excited about?" He asked.

"About our future", I whispered. "I can already see cute versions of you jumping around our home, whining for chocolate and ice cream....... and banana milk". I giggled.

Jungkook nodded. "I'm too excited~".


"You can't make me do this", I mumbled, staring at the pile of files, arranged in a stack in that wooden desk.

Taehyung chuckled. "Come on, Jimin. I know you will do it", he said before walking out.

I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have taken this job. Then I remembered Jungkook. Right, I have to work if I want to live happily with my Kookie baby.

"Alright. I can do this", I mumbled to myself, opening one of the file. "So, I have to check this and email this company...fuck".

Author's POV

"These two must love each so much", Namjoon mumbled in annoyance, rolling his eyes.

"But they should know that Jimin is mine! No one else's!" He hissed.


Jungkook was sitting in his flower shop, waiting for Jimin's call. "Hello". He looked up to see a masked man standing there.

He wore a long black coat, black sun glasses, and a mask. His whole face was covered. "Hmm hello", Jungkook smiled up at him.

"I want to have a few words with you", He said making Jungkook frown.


The man closed the door behind before removing his mask. "Oh Yoongi". Jungkook grinned up at the man.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You can't even recogonise your friend's voice", He mumbled, sitting in the chair. "Wow. This place looks nice. Neat", he said, looking around.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Jungkook asked, eyes still not leaving his phone.

"I see you are expecting a call from your husband", Yoongi nodded to himself. "Anyway, I came here to invite you to my wedding. With Jieun", he said.

"Oh! I'll come". Jungkook smiled.

"I'll be leaving now. Location and date will be sent to you soon", Yoongi said before walking out in his masked attire.

Jungkook sighed. "Why hasn't Jimin called me yet?"


He stared at the phone with wide eyes. Jimin's calling him! Just as he was about to answer, someone walked in.

"Hello, Mr.Jeon", The man dressed in a black suit greeted him. He looked like a business man.

"Hmm hello. How may I help You?" He asked, staring down at his ringing phone.

"You have to empty this place in three days. This place was bought by Sinner's co-. For the construction of a public library", The man explained making Jungkook's eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean? This place is mine! I never sold this to anyone. And it's not even enough for a library", Jungkook said with a glare.

This is his second home!

"I am sorry but this paper says you have sold this to Sinner's co-", The man said, placing a set of papers on Jungkook's desk. "You can have it", he said. "Look at it for hours and still your sign will be there".

Jungkook frowned at the paper. "I-I never signed this paper! Someone faked it", he said. "I want to talk to the boss of Sinner's co-! We can resolve this over a talk", he said with teary eyes.

His phone kept ringing, echoing in his ears. "You want to talk to me, Jeon Jungkook?" With teary eyes, Jungkook looked up at the man who just entered his flower shop.

Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon signalled the other man to leave and he did. Now alone, Namjoon smirked. "What do you want to talk about, Jungkook-ssi?" He asked.

"P-please don't take this away from me", Jungkook said, wiping away his never ending tears.

Namjoon chuckled, leaning against the table and licking his lips. "Isn't this where you and Jimin had sex?" Namjoon asked.

"P-please! Leave us alone!"

"Let's negotiate", Namjoon said. "I'll give you back your- this disgusting flower shop back if you give me back my Jimin. Simple. Give me Jimin and you can have your flower shop back", Namjoon continued. "Here is my card. Contact me. We can discuss about where you have to bring Jimin".

Jungkook stared at the card with anger. "YOU THINK I'LL FUCKING ACCEPT THIS?!" He yelled, slapping the card away. "AND JIMIN WAS NEVER YOURS!"

"I think you don't understand the seriousness of this situation, Jeon Jungkook. I'll take away your shop. I'll shut Taehyung's company down. I won't let anyone accept Jimin as an employee. Then you both will be broke! If you give me Jimin, you wouldn't have to go through that phase. Give me Jimin and live your life happily. I'll even give you money to upgrade your shop. Just give me Jimin", Namjoon said with a blank face.

Jungkook glared at the man with hatred. "I'll never give my Jimin to you ever! I will kill you with my own hands if you dare to take my Jimin away from me", he growled.

"I see. Then your loss. I'll be taking my leave now. The business card is right in the floor. You can call me anytime", Namjoon said before walking out of the shop.

Jungkook walked to the business card, picking it up. He stared at it before crushing it in his palms and throwing it out.


▪ Will the shop be taken away from Jungkook?

▪ Feedbacks :))

I thought y'all will find Jungkook sweet cause he donated all his money to the orphanage 😂😂😂 But you didn't 🙄

And drama....oh we love it. But really, this book's coming to a end 😌

Love you sweethearts 💙

Take Care 💙

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Fighting 😙

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