(78) 약속

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[Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoy 💙❤💙]

Chapter Seventy Eight: Promise.

yagsog - 약속

[Into 8 months of pregnancy]

In the silent night, Jimin's cute giggles could be heard prominently. "I can't believe you did that, Kookie!" Jimin giggled more, leaning against his husband's shoulder as they walked home, holding hands.

Their date night just ended. After watching a nice romance movie and eating lunch, they were returning home. "Shut up, sugar." Jungkook pouted cutely, keeping watch on their surrounding just for safety purposes.

"How can I when you literally burst out of the cinema theatre when you saw the actors getting touchy?" Jimin giggled. "As if you were never touchy with me", he added, winking.

"How can people watch a sex scene in public?" Jungkook mumbled, rolling his eyes.

The two finally reached their home, greeted by silence. Jackson was out of country for a job. It's been a week since he left.

"You wanna sleep or want something to eat, Sugar?" Jungkook asked as they entered their bedroom.

Jimin made a thinking face before making a decision. "Food!!" He said with a grin.

Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. "Wait here for me. I'll make you something light", he said, kissing his cheeks and his baby bump before walking out of the bedroom.

"Love you Kookie!!"

"Love you too, Sugar!" Jungkook shouted, smiling.

Jimin laid on their bed, caressing the bump with a fond smile. He can't wait for the baby to be born. Of course he knows it will hurt. But their baby will be worth getting hurt for.

He gathered the bedsheets and pillows, getting into a position that he found comfortable before closing his eyes. His mind clouded with thoughts of his husband and baby.

How their future will be filled with happiness.

Slowly sleep took over him, his eyelids falling over. He fell asleep.

And just as slowly and silently, the window of their room opened.


Jungkook hummed to himself as he cooked food for his husband. Just some green onion pancakes.

He was a little aware of the fact that his cute little husband might fall asleep while waiting for him.

Jungkook has been saving money by not buying unnecessary stuff and using it carefully. To buy them a car and pet for Jimin.

He wanted to surprise Jimin with the puppy, he had asked for.


Jimin had his hand on his baby bump as he slept on their bed. He wasn't really comfortable sleeping on his back but he was scared of hurting his baby. So he learnt to sleep like that.

Jungkook always appreciates his effort. And that kept him going, motivates him. His motivation- Jeon Jungkook!

He already fell deep inside his dreamland to notice the man approaching him. A sharp dangerous object in his hold.

As he came up to the married couple's bed, the lamp made his face visible. Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon got on the bed, hovering above the pregnant man. "If I can't have you, no one can, Jimin", Namjoon whispered, grinning ear to ear. He slowly leaned forward, gently kissing the love of his life. "Don't hate me, love," he started. As if Jimin didn't already hate him. "I'll come with you too after killing you. Together we can live up there in the clouds where there is no Jungkook", he whispered.

He inhaled deeply, loving how his Jimin smelled like. "I love you so much, baby. So fucking much", Namjoon hissed, hands running up the man's side. "This baby! It is that Jungkook's baby! I just want to kill it. That stupid foetus!" Namjoon harshly pressed his hand on the baby bump. Anger evident in his touch.

"Let's get this done with", he whispered. But instead started kissing Jimin's lips, desperately sucking. "I'm addicted, baby! You are just so perfect. Fuck." Namjoon wanted more of them.

But he knew he had to stop. If Jimin woke up, the man will easily push him off. Not easily, but he can push Namjoon off.

He readied himself to kill his Jimin.

Namjoon raised the knife, positioning it to stab right into the man's stomach as he hovered above him.

The knife hovered right above Jimin's baby bump, it's tip touching Jimin's skin.


Namjoon let the knife go, letting it fall on the floor. He looked down at his stomach, a knife penetrated deep inside him from behind.

"AGHHH!!" Namjoon screamed in pain as he fell to his side, holding his stomach. Jimin flinched awake.

Jungkook stared at the man with wide angry eyes. "HOW DARE YOU?!" He screamed loudly, taking the lamp from the side table before slamming it right on his head. "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Jungkook continuously slammed the lamp on his head until Namjoon stopped moving.

Namjoon was dead.

"J-Jungkook", Jimin squeaked out, his face covered in splatters of blood. Namjoon's blood.

"JIMIN!" Jungkook let the lamp go, pulling Jimin for a tight hug, making sure to not push hard against the baby bump. "I-I was so s-scared, J-jimin", he mumbled while crying into Jimin's chest.

"D-don't cry, K-kookie", Jimin whispered, tears filling his own eyes. He hugged his husband back, rubbing his back to comfort him. "It's fine, Kookie. I am here. Right here with you", he said.

"I-I k-killed s-someone, J-jimin. I-I a-am a killer. A-a killer! I-I will go to prison a-and and th-then never g-get t-to see y-you. I-I a-am scared, J-jiminie. P-please", he cried loudly.

"N-no Kookie. You won't", Jimin said, sobbing and crying with him.

"P-please J-jimin. I-I don't w-want t-to go t-to p-prison. P-please don't let th-them take m-me away from y-you and o-our baby", Jungkook panicked, shaking his head. His breathing uneven.

"Calm down, Kookie. Look at me. You are not going anywhere", Jimin said, cupping Jungkook's face.

"I-I am a murderer, Jimin! A FUCKING MURDERER! NO NO NO! THEY WILL TAKE ME AWAY FROM YOU! I DON'T WANT TO GO ANYWHERE. PLEASE JIMIN!" Jungkook was full on having a panic attack just at the thought of leaving Jimin and their baby.

"No one is taking you anywhere, Jungkook. You are not a murderer. You saved my life! You won't go anywhere, Jungkook. Please don't cry baby." Jimin kissed the man's cheeks.

Jungkook turned silent, but his tears didn't stop falling. "We will be together forever, Jungkook. Even after death, we will be together as ghosts, scaring Jackson and our other friends. No one can take you away from me, my mawkish baby. So don't cry", Jimin whispered, peppering Jungkook's face with kisses.


"I promise, Kookie. No one can take you away from me." Jimin connected their pinkies in a promise. "I love you, my mawkish baby", he whispered, pulling Jungkook for a hug who buried his face into his chest.

"I love you too, my Jiminie." Jungkook sighed into the hug, closing his eyes.


▪ Feedbacks :)

Again, don't ask me why this took so long to write.

Special Chapter.
Bonus chapters.

Love you sweethearts 💙

Take Care 💙

Vote cause that's what hotties do😘

Fighting 😙

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