'I lost her'

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~The story is written with the fictional characters!~

The cup of tea was laying empty on the table, somewhere between all the papers and documents. A low but comforting sound came from the clock that showed 12:02 PM.
Lorraine Warren ran her thumb over her forehead, feeling tired and trying to focus on the case. Ed was checking a house while she looked at all of the documents about the case. The clairvoyant wanted to wait for her husband to come back home before she would go to sleep. She unconsciously developed this need of the comfort his arms always gave her when he wrapped them around her small body. Especially during a strange case.
The small radio from the office was playing low so it wouldn't disturb her daughter who was now sleeping peacefully. The little girl wanted to stay with her mother even after she finished all her homework. However, at the look of her tired eyes, Lorraine convinced her to go to sleep since it was already late.
Suddenly the radio stopped and the room became colder. The woman blamed it on her tiredness, realizing that she wasn't having a vision. The lights blinked shortly and she carefully looked above her.
Before she would be convinced that something was really wrong, the noise of a glass breaking came from a room upstairs. A sharp feeling of panic took over her as she almost threw the chair she stood on to the ground.
'Judy!' Lorraine screamed and rushed to the stairs.
How could she not sense it? Why didn't she sense anything at all?
Her feet guided her on the very familiar road to her daughter's room. She slammed the door and the smell of the cold air of the autumn filled the chamber. The window was wide opened bringing in the freshness of the nature.
However, Judy was nowhere to be seen which made Lorraine go insane. On the ground she felt a small piece of glass and she saw a frame with a broken glass laying on the carpet. Three faces were brightly smiling from the picture that wasn't now staying the same.
'Judy?' Lorraine asked for the millionth time even if she knew her daughter was not there.
"Please be here" the scared mother thought, realizing that her wish was probably not going to become true. The air around her was somehow thinner, a feeling she knew too good.
Her mother instinct acted before her brain could focus. Freaking out she began searching the entire house, hoping that Judy simply left the window opened and went somewhere else. "Why am I fooling myself?" her voice screamed inside her head.
The moment she pushed the front door with all her strength and dashed she almost stumbled upon her husband. Ed Warren stared at her in a scared confusion. His hand tried to catch hers and pull her close to understand what was happening. Instead she pushed him away with tears of fear in her crystal eyes.
'Hon? What's going on?' Ed asked following her but his wife simply ran away crying to the back of the house.
He didn't have what else to do but follow her to understand what was happening.
'Lor, please talk to me!'
The woman stopped under the window from their daughter's room and sobbed louder.
'Judy is gone,' she said with a low voice then shouted: 'She is gone!'

'What do you mean?'
Ed took her hands with his heart pounding inside his chest. The fear he was observing on his wife's face was terrifying. She was always keeping her emotions hidden as good as she could and it was scary to see her like this.
'I was working at the case, waiting for you and she went to sleep because it was late,' Lorraine began. 'Something strange happened and I heard something break. I went upstairs and she wasn't there. She is nowhere inside the house or outside.'
She broke down crying and he automatically wrapped his arms around her small body. Her sobs were the only sounds that came to his ears despite the rain that was pouring from the sky. A claw of fear wrapped around his lungs making him breathe so much harder. Their daughter was gone.
More as a paternal instinct he checked the house once again, not because he didn't believe his wife but because he hoped it wasn't real. Even the door from the artifacts room was closed but not locked. At that moment he simply thought he had forgot to lock it and didn't pay too much attention to it.
When he was done he found Lorraine sitting on the couch from the living room. She looked miserable with her pale face being almost transparent and her eyes red.
'Ed, what do we do?' the woman asked without even moving her eyes from the thing she held in her hands.
It was a frame with a broken glass above. The picture was with the three of them, Ed holding Judy in his arms and Lorraine keeping her arms around his neck. The photo from Judy's room.
'I think we should call the police.'
'But she vanished! It can't be something the police can explain.'
Ed sat next to her and took her hand in his one. Her palm was cold and he squeezed it between his fingers.
'Did you feel something?'
Lorraine sighed. 'No. That is the problem. I didn't sense a damn thing.'

When the police arrived it was almost 2 PM and no matter how exhausted she was, Lorraine refused to close an eye. Even if her husband insisted that she needed to get some rest she just couldn't stop imagining the worse. Each time her eyes closed, even for a simple blink, Judy's face would show there and make her heart ache.
Lorraine finished the story to the two policemen that sat at their table. They listened carefully while looking around with neutral faces that didn't show the fact that they were a bit scared of the place. Yet at that moment they just saw two terrified parents who wanted to find their lost daughter.
'So you believe someone took her?' a short man asked. 'Even if there was no sign of a force entrance.'
'What other explanation could be?' Ed countered.
'Maybe your daughter ran away by herself,' the other policeman said.
It felt like something hit Lorraine's stomach painfully at that thought.
'She might have been terrified of what is in this house. The artifacts room.'
The scared face of the little girl when she saw for the first time the room flashed in front of the woman's eyes. Her face each time her parents brought something else dangerous.
Ed saves the situation and his voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
'No. That's not our Judy.'
The policeman rose his shoulders like saying 'Whatever' then got up to leave. Lorraine was drained of her energy and couldn't even get up from the couch. It couldn't be real. She still wanted to wake up from this and realize it was just a bad dream. However she was painfully aware that it wasn't going to happen.
'What of they are right?'
Ed sighed with sadness and silently admitted that the same thought was also bothering him. No word came out of his mouth and the two simply looked at each other for a few moments.
'I lost my own daughter. What kind of mother am I?'
He expected her to blame herself even if she didn't have why. Judy disappeared in a way that no one could have stopped her. And they had to figure out how.
Yet the question brought back another memory of Lorraine coming out of their bedroom after eight days of being locked inside. She asked herself the same question after hugging their daughter for two minutes.
'You didn't lose her. And you are an amazing mother because you will being her back I know you will.'
The man sat right next to her and pulled her head on his chest. A tear soaked the t-shirt and made Ed kissed the top of Lorraine's head.
'We will get her back.'

~Woooow I am so excited about this!! I just love these movies and these characters. I hope you guys will like this and please vote it of you do! With love, see you soon with the next chapter.~

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