His guardian angels

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With no other word Ed sprinted to the burning barn closely followed by Lorraine. His heart was pounding in his chest. Judy was there they both heard her. And as they got closer they heard her scream once more when something broke.
'Dad! Mom!'
'It's her, dammit, it's her!' Lorraine yelled.
'Stay here, I am going inside,' Ed told her.
'I can't leave you alone!'
'You have to, Lorraine. I can't risk.'
But he knew she was stubborn. He knew it too damn well. So he exhaled gratefully when Christopher caught her with his arms, pulling her back with strength. She screamed with anger, wanting to go to save her child and to be with her husband, but Ed couldn't let that happen.
So he ran inside the barn, avoiding carefully the pieces of wood that were falling.
No answer. He called her once again then once more. Until he heard a soft voice speaking.
Then he finally spotted the dark hair of his daughter. She had her ears covered and she kept murmuring stuff to herself, probably to give herself courage. She looked up at him with Lorraine's eyes fixing on him. She was surrounded by fire.
'Daddy, I'm afraid...'
'It's okay, honey, just look at me okay? I am taking you out of here.'
'Are you really you?'
Ed wondered shortly what did his daughter have to go through the past days if it made her ask that.
'Yes, honey. Now I am coming to get you, don't move from there.'
He avoided the flames carefully and walked to his daughter, careful so the floor under them wouldn't break. With each step he spoke something soothing for Judy. And when his hand finally caught hers he let himself breath.
Just as careful the two walked back, Ed holding her closely. When they were about to step outside something covered their way and blocked them inside.
'Bill, bring the water hose!' Christopher shouted at his second son who hesitated with fear. 'Now!'
The redheaded boy dashed and came back quickly while Lorraine and Lily brought water cans that couldn't do much anyway. But it was something to help.
The cold water flew out of the hose, putting down the flames from the exit. Lorraine ran to help her daughter and his husband come out but they stumbled out before she got there.
The little girl was crying of fear and happiness to finally see her parents. Lorraine fell on her knees in front of her, pulling her to her chest and placing kisses all over her face.
'Oh, Judy, my sweet girl,' she kept murmuring.
Ed pulled them both at his chest when he and the boys put down the fire. Lorraine didn't let the girl out of her hug all the time, but Judy didn't want that anyway.
They sat there for a long while in which Lorraine's sobs heard constantly. Ed kissed their heads with love. His guardian angels were back in his arms after so long.
'I missed you,' the girl whispered.
'Oh honey, we missed you too. So so much.'
Later that day the three Warrens were sitting on the porch, on a fluffy blanket. Judy laid her head in her mother's lap while her legs were on Ed's. Lorraine was playing with her dark hair as they talked.
Judy didn't say anything about what happened and didn't give a sign that she wanted to. It was alright, none of them forced her to say. She was just like Lorraine, needing to keep stuff to herself.
'Don't blame yourself, mommy,' the girl mumbled. 'It wasn't your fault.'
'It doesn't matter now,' Ed said. 'We are together again and that's all that matters.'
'That's right.'
Judy closed her eyes softly with tiredness.
'Sweetie, if you are tired let's go to bed,' spoke Lorraine gently.
'I like it here.'
The woman smiled to her daughter and placed her head on Ed's shoulder. He wrapped a blanket around them after Lorraine gave hers to Judy to keep her warm.
It all seemed fine but the evil was still there. And the thought that Judy was with them on a case gave Ed a feeling of sickness. That girl had already felt too much.
But all that mattered was that they were all fine. And together nothing could beat them.

~Yeeey they found Judy! The story is not over yet, dont worry. I was thinking that I should create a story with young Ed and Lorraine Warren and how they fell in love but for now I am focusing on this one.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it and wish me luck because I start school tomorrow. Coming soon with the next chapter!~

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