Broken trust

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'We should check the house and the surroundings,' spoke Ed to break the uncomfortable tension from the room.
They had met the children and the wife but between Christopher and Lorraine was something that no one understood. He obviously felt guilty about something but Lorraine wouldn't say a word about it to him or to anyone else. So Ed decided to wait until they were alone to ask.
Guided by the oldest child, a sixteen years old boy named Adrien, the Warrens checked the house and the land. Secretly they both hoped to find something about their daughter but unfortunately there was no sign of her. Nothing, even if Lorraine knew they were on the right track for now.
After installing cameras and radios with the help of the family that made them feel welcome right away, Lorraine walked outside the building. She needed some fresh air and she hoped that maybe she will sense something from outside.
'So how exactly does this work?' Christopher's wife, Lily, asked Ed with curiosity, pointing at one of the cameras for spirits.
He turned his eyes from the window he looked through at his wife at the redheaded woman in front of him. Her brown eyes inspected the camera while she held a baby girl in her arms.
'Well, when a spirit walks by the temperature drops quickly. This camera senses that change and takes pictures in which you can see the spirit that triggered it,' Ed explained calmly even if he was dying to go outside with Lorraine.
'Oliver, stop playing with that!' Lily shouted at a young boy before excusing herself politely.
Ed smiled amused, remembering the times he was that naughty too.
'Thank you.'
Someone spoke form behind him and the man turned to see Christopher standing in front of him.
'For coming here to help,'he continued. 'When we didn't get an answer from the church we thought you turned us down and honestly I wouldn't have judged her.'
The man looked at Lorraine too and made Ed even more suspicious.
'No problem. We don't turn down a family that desperately needs our help. And we had enough evidences to know that you needed us.'
'I am sorry the house is such a mess but the children are too afraid right now to stay alone so we need to stay together.'
'I see.'
They both smiled before Lily called her husband and they split up with a polite nod. That family was united and it was easy to see Christopher's love for his wife. Just as easy as seeing the pain left by the death of one of the children.
That's when Ed grabbed his coat and walked out of the modest house with speed. He sat on the stairs next to Lorraine and he saw her opening her eyes slowly.
'What is going on inside that brilliant head of yours?' Ed asked her the way he always did when she was lost.
She smiled a bit.
'Too many things.'
'Are you picking up anything about her?'
'Not really... But I think we are somehow getting close to something.'
A few moments of silence passed before Ed asked the question that bugged him the most.
'What is the deal with Christopher? I saw it on your face, something happened between you two.'
'We didn't date if that is your question,' she answered amused but her smile disappeared quickly. 'We didn't love each other in that way at all. He was my best friend...'
'We are a team, Lor. You and I,' a very young Christopher said to a just as young Lorraine.
'He always defended me in front of others, of those that mocked me for who I was,' she continued.
'Go away morons!' Christopher shouted to a group of boys that picked on Lorraine.
'Yes sure, stay with your weirdo.'
The kids ran away, laughing and the boy walked to his friend.
'Are you okay?'
Her eyes weren't teary but her shoulders were lowered in sadness. She closed her locker loudly with hate.
'And that's what made me think that he actually believed me. One day I had one of those terrible visions.'
Ed knew what she meant. After each one of those she would be unstable for a day feeling sick and he would stay with her in bed, holding her tight so she would know that he will never leave her.
'I got extremely sick and I tried to explain it to him.'
'Come on, Lorraine stop faking all this! You are clearly begging for attention and it's lame,' Christopher shouted what he truly felt.
Lorraine's blue eyes filled with the tears she had kept to herself from the beginning of the fight.
'So you never believed me.'
'Who would?'
'And then, just after a few days,' she continued, smiling, after telling about the fight. 'I found you. The first person who truly believed me.'
'And you know I always will.'
She looked to him and he saw the pain of remembering him in her eyes. She had mentioned a Christopher before but it didn't cross his mind that this was him. And he felt terrible for her. It was unfair.
Ed leaned down a bit to place a soft kiss on her soft and warm lips. She placed her hand on his neck and its coldness made a chill run over his skin. Lorraine felt him and smiled a bit against his lips.
'Sorry,' she murmured when they split up.
He smiled and placed another kiss on her forehead.
After a while of watching the beautiful country side, hugging each other to keep themselves warm, Ed broke the silence once again.
'He didn't believe you back then and now he is going through something like it.'
'Don't be mean.'
'I am not mean!' Ed protested honestly.
Then a scream heard from the house and after throwing each other a shocked glare, they rushed inside.

~Wow, I am posting earlier! The next chapter will have more action, I promise. Please vote the chapter if you like, it would mean a lot💚~

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