Let's get back home

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The day the priest had to come was finally there, after what seemed to be a year but actually have been almost one day. Surprisingly, the priest came fast. Even if Ed pished their request for an exorcism, it was still a shock.
Now everyone was gathered into the living room, the largest chamber of the house. Judy was holding her mother's hand tightly, still jumping with fear when something cracked. The past days had been awful for her, being in the darkness all the time and having nightmares, not knowing what was really happening. Now that she was back with her parents, it was all gone, her mother sharing an aura of calmness and brightness.
The house was filled with a terrible coldness, no matter how strong the fire from the chimney was. The demonic presence was strong.
'When is he going to come?' Lorraine asked her husband with a low voice. 'Things are not well.'
'I don't know what takes him so long,' he answered. 'But it will be fine, hon.'
Lorraine didn't really feel like it was going to be fine, yet she remained silent, squeezing her daughter's hand harder.
After a while, when the priest still didn't show up, the people spread around the place. While Ed and Christopher were out and Lily with five of the children were upstairs, Lorraine, Judy and Adrien remained downstairs. The two girls were talking with low voices, not seeing the way Adrien seemed to get sick suddenly.
The boy tried to mumble something to the woman but no word came out of his mouth. He didn't have control over himself anymore.
He walked to the drawers and slowly took out a knife. That's the moment Lorraine noticed him and his behaviour. Blood froze in her veins as she said with a serious voice to her daughter to leave the house and call her dad.
The small girl got up and rushed to the door but they slammed in front of her. She let out a short scream and turned back to her mother.
'Adrien, put the knife down,' Lorraine said with a gentle voice, trying to sweeten him. 'You don't want to do this.'
He laughed, but his laugh wasn't his bright one. It was that froze your entire body. He acted different comparing to the way his father did when he was possessed...
'You are right, I don't want to do what you think I do.'
Adrien wasn't terrified like the others have been. He was evil and aggressive.
'But look how sweet your child is.'
In a few quick moves Lorraine was in front of Judy, pushing her behind her body, protective.
'Stay away, demon,' she shouted when wind began swirling around the room.
Judy was crying behind her, while Lorraine was taking out a cross and a small bottle of holy water from her pockets. She was going to perform the exorcism but she had to do something to defend them. With trembling hands, she poured holy water on a knife from the table and threatened Adrien with it.
'No one hurts my daughter, you hear me?'
She began praying and noticed bruises on her wrist like someone was holding her. They didn't have much time.

Ed was yelling outside the house, pushing the door with all his strength. He had heard Judy's scream and his wife's desperate words and since then she tried to get to them somehow.
A car stopped at the entrance and the priest stormed out of it.
'What is going on?' he asked with a scared voice.
'The demon is inside with my wife and my daughter!'
'We have to get inside,' the man spoke calmly.
'That's what we've been trying to do!'
'I have to get in front of the possessed person.'
'Can't you do anything else?' Ed snapped.
'What about the basement entrance?' Lily asked, running to them. 'That one shouldn't be closed.'
Ed thanked Lily in his mind that she was the one to give good advices. The three men sprinted together to the back of the house and stormed inside.
Ed heard another scream and ran even faster to get to his girls. They stormed inside the kitchen and Ed saw the two, staying together, Judy hidden behind her mother's back. Lorraine's blouse was soaked with a few drops of blood and it was cut a bit. But she was holding fiercely a knife.
Ed pushed them away from the room and Lorraine glanced at him, relieved that he was finally there. She nodded when he made her a sign to go out and went outside with Judy.
'Sweetie, are you okay?' Lorraine asked, leaning on her knees in front of her.
She nodded and wipped her teary eyes.
'You are bleeding, mommy,' she spoke with fear.
'I know...'
She looked down at her gut where a long and a bit deep cut was bleeding. When Adrien threatened them with the knife, she got hurt so Judy wouldn't.
The woman tried to stop the bleeding with her own clothes but she needed a sanitized cloth. Something that she couldn only find inside.
Lorraine assisted lots of processes of exorcism and she had heard and seen a lot worse than the one from inside the house. Even if she remained outside with the children, she felt the way the house was cleaned of all the demons. A feeling of light and warmth.
'It's over, isn't it?' Judy asked when it really was over and Lorraine glanced at her with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
'How did you know?'
'I don't know. I just felt warmer suddenly.'
The girl looked away, not observing the way her mother watched her. The woman realized what Judy got from her...
'Lorraine!' Ed came out of the house with a smile that disappeared quickly at the sight of the blood. 'What happened?'
Behind him Christopher was helping his boy to get out, followed by the priest. Adrien was terribly pale but he looked healthier than before.
'He cut me, but it's okay. I am fine.'
Just when she said that she grinned a bit from the pain.
'No, you're not.'
Ed dashed away to get a wet cloth and came back in a minute with a warm one. He made her lay on the bench from the porch and helped her clean the wound and cover it with bandages. Judy had been carefully watching, holding her mother's hand tightly.
'Are you going to be alright?' she asked with a small voice.
'Of course I will, honey,' Lorraine answered and pressed a kiss on her forehead.
The three Warrens watched the reunited family staying together and getting back into the house. Ed kissed Lorraine's temple softly and held her tighter after kissing his daughter's head too. They were all fine and soon they would get back home.
While Ed and Judy began playing some games to entertain themselves, Lorraine got up to go for a walk. Her gut was still hurting pretty bad but she hoped that a good walk might take her mind off it.
Yet she stopped on the grass, next to Christopher. He looked lost, probably remembering his dead child, but when she got there he smiled to her.
'I don't even know how to form a proper thank that can express how grateful we are,' he said.
'I know. This is our job, to help people.'
'I am glad you found your little girl. She seems lovely.'
'She is,' Lorraine answered with a dreamy smile.
'And Adrien feels extremely guilty for hurting you,' he added and she shook her head.
'He doesn't have to. It wasn't his fault.'
He rose his shoulders a bit then smiled to her.
'Just so you know, you don't have to be a stranger. I don't want to make the mistake to ruin things with you once again.'
'We should meet a bit more,' she agreed and they both giggled. 'Now, we should go back home. Judy can't wait to get there and see her friends.'
'Alright, let's walk back then.'
They hugged after the three got their bags to the car and stayed out for goodbyes.
'Don't blame yourself,' Lorraine murmured to the oldest boy and he nodded.
'And you guys should visit more,' added Lily.
They all smiled and greeted each other then the Warrens got inside the car.
'You all settled?' Ed asked.
The girls nodded.
'Let's get back home.'

~Another chapter!! It took me longer because I started school, but I am trying to write more. I am getting close to the end of this fanfiction but I already have an idea for a new one! What do you think about a fanfiction with young  Ed and Lorraine? How they fell in love and everything...
Anyways, next chapter coming soon, please follow and see you next time. With love, your day dreamer~

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