I knew...

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Ed let his bag fall on the ground while Lorraine helped Judy. He was still haunted by the terrible image of his wife bleeding and it was breaking his heart. Even if she was fine now, he kept thinking about it.
'What's with that focused face?'
Lorraine was now standing at the door, leaning on its edge and smiling to her husband. His eyes instinctively ran to her wound and her smile disappeared slowly.
'I am fine, Ed. Nothing bad happened.'
'You got hurt. That is bad enough.'
He was focusing on his bag once again, trying to hide his emotions. She walked to him and took his face in her hands. Ed couldn't help but stare at those big blue eyes who watched him with love.
'Everything is fine now. Stop living in the past, okay?'
Lorraine got up in her tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer and when they split up he could still feel her breath against his neck.
'But we have to stop doing this,' she murmured. 'I don't want to risk anymore, not after Judy had to suffer because of what we do.'
'I know,' he whispered. 'We will find a way to live a normal life, don't worry.'
He pressed his forehead against hers and they stood like that for a few moments.
It was the first time they were both sure that it was going to be over. They had tried before to stop but after what happened, now they were convinced.
'I am going to give this back to Judy,' she said, pulling away and grabbing the picture with the three of them that used to be in the girl's room.
She smiled and walked out of the room, feeling happy but sad at the same time. They both got used to helping others who need their help. Thinking that it was over made her feel down.
'Mom, where is my photograph?' Judy asked pulling her out of her thoughts.
'Right here.'
Lorraine handed it to the girl and she placed it carefully in a new frame. They stood there, mother and daughter, happier than ever to be together.
'Sweetie, I am so sorry,' the woman murmured and her daughter took her hand.
'It's not your fault, mom. I know it. You know what kept me happy?'
'What's that, honey?'
'The thought that you and dad were going to save it. I knew you were coming to me.'
Lorraine smiled with a tear of happiness falling down her cheek. She pulled the girl to her chest in a maternal hug.
'Nothing like this will ever happen to you again. I promise you that we won't disappoint you again.'
Judy hugged her tighter before they sat together on the bed, talking. After several minutes of telling stories about how she and Ed fell in love, Lorraine got hit by a deep question of her daughter's.
'Did dad ever disappoint you?'
Lorraine almost smiled remembering.
'He did once, when were young.'
'Don't act like I am weak just because I am a woman,' Lorraine shouted with anger after several minutes of arguing with Ed.
'You are not weak! I am just trying to keep you safe,' Ed protested.
'No. You are insulting me. Because you're think I can't handle whatever you are dealing with.'
'Well that's because you can't. You have no idea what you are trying to get into. You have no idea how dangerous it is.'
'I've told you that I am aware.'
'No, you're not. You think you have the power you need when you clearly don't!'
Lorraine stopped yelling and simply stared at him, radiating with rage.
'Get out,' she hissed and his eyes widened. 'I said get out!' she repeated.
'Fine,' Ed answered promptly and took his coat before storming out of the house.
Lorraine closed the door behind him and leaned against it with tears of anger falling down her cheeks.
'Oh, you are telling her that story,' Ed said showing up at the door with an embarrassed smile.
She grinned and nodded to him while he sat on the bed with them.
'I never felt as bad as I felt that night,' he explained. 'That's when I knew your mommy and I were meant to be together.'
'And he realized how stubborn I really was.'
The three giggled.
'Also that. You got it from her, Judy.'
'What did you do after, dad?' the little girl asked after laughing.
Ed thought a bit about his answer with a smirk on his face.
'I got drunk and told her the truth.'
Lorraine woke up when someone was pounding at the front door in the middle of the night. She rushed on the stairs to see who it was and she didn't even get there that she heard Ed's voice. She rolled her eyes before opening the door.
Outside the rain was pouring from the sky and Ed was all soaked in water.
'What the hell are you doing?' Lorraine said loudly to cover the noise from the rain.
'I have to apologise.'
'It's frickin freezing out there, Ed. You are going to catch a cold.'
'Wait, you have to listen to me.'
'I am trying to get you inside, idiot.'
She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside then locked the door. Lorraine pushed him to the living room then on the couch.
'How drunk are you?'
'Not very.'
His voice said the contrary. She rushed him to take his wet clothes off and gave him fresh ones. He was like a puppet, not really knowing what was happening with him. Lorraine was fussing around him with a blanket and murmuring curses.
'I've done a mistake, Lor,' he said and she stopped to look at him.
"He is drunk, he might say stupid stuff" the young woman thought. However, everyone knew that when someone was drunk they were more honest than ever.
'You are the bravest girl I know,' he continued before starting to hiccup.
'And you are an idiot.'
Behind her words there was love even if she seemed annoyed.
'I just want to protect you.'
She remained silent. She knew he was honest, he had told her so many times before when he wasn't drunk.
'I want you to go to sleep now, Ed,' Lorraine spoke softly. 'And maybe we'll talk when you will actually be awake.'
For Ed it didn't take long to fall asleep. Lorraine on the other side sat next to him for about an hour, thinking about how much she loved that man. And of course how much he loved her. At a moment she decided to go upstairs to bed.
'And how did you two made up?' Judy asked with a burning curiosity that made both of them laugh.
Lorraine almost threw the mug filled with coffee on the table in front of Ed. He groaned and closed his eyes, his head still hurting a bit.
'Drink that and take that aspirin,' the woman said to him.
He did as she said, grateful for her help even after the fight they had.
'I don't know what hurts more. Thinking about the lies I told you during that fight or my head?'
Lorraine rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a soft smile.
'I swear, Lor, I didn't mean it. I just...want you to be safe.'
'I know that. And you think I don't want you to be safe? You think it doesn't hurt for me to see you leave to take care of a case? I can help, Ed! My visions help. I just want to be with you and fight together, no matter how hard it will be.'
'And from that moment, I knew I was going to marry your beautiful and brilliant mother,' Ed whispered at the end of the story. 'I am lucky to have such an amazing wife and the sweetest girl.'
He kissed Judy's nose and she chuckled.
'I don't want you to stop helping people because of me,' the little girl said with incredible wisdom. 'You help families and you helped me too, I don't want to be the reason people don't get the help they need...'
'Honey, this is dangerous. It's a lot safer for us all if we stop.'
'But, mom, you like helping people. You've always liked that. So did dad. Just promise me, you will help the people who really need your help.'
The two adults looked at each other. Their daughter was right. And maybe one day they will do their job again. But for the next weeks they spent time as a family, going in trips and playing games.
In the end, everything was fine.

~It took me longer than I expected but I am done!!! I loved writing this fanfiction and I loved the support I got from you. I will write another one with Ed and Lorraine soon, so follow me to get a notification when it will come out. I hope you liked it and you can write some opinions in the comments.
With love, your day dreamer ~

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