Maybe not just a feeling

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The coldness of November took over Lorraine's body and made her shake shortly. Rain was falling slowly from the blanket of clouds above her head barely soaking her caramel hair.
Father Gordon was waiting for her outside the church, watching the empty street. A sad smile formed on his face when she showed up and the woman looked away, pulling back her tears. She had to focus. If she was right about her feelings...
'Good afternoon, Father,' she greeted the old man with a forced smile.
'Hello, Lorraine! I am glad you changed your mind about this case.'
She nodded, feeling guilty that her husband wasn't with her. They were a team, no matter what she felt, he knew and no matter what he found out he would tell her. Now, Lorraine decided to check out the case Ed turned down without telling him and she hated it.
'I am so sorry about your daughter,' murmured the man as they walked through the church. 'Such a young girl wouldn't run away from her own parents like the police thinks.'
'That's what I am thinking.'
After all, Judy was ten years old. She wouldn't even be able to make it far away and that night Ed had searched the surrounding of their house so many times.
When they got to the room where Gordon was holding the files, Lorraine was still freezing. And somehow she knew it wasn't just from the cold. She had to be close to something.
The two sat at the table face to face and the man spread pictures and papers on the surface, covering most of it.
'A family of nine people had been experiencing strange stuff. It began soft, objects moving around the house when no one looked then when everyone could see. Beds shaking and noises coming from the walls.'
The explanations made Lorraine focus more on the pictures. She listened to some tapes and silently decided that it wasn't a lie. What was happening inside that house was horrible. The man stopped talking and she looked up to him, feeling that there was something else.
'What happened to them?' Lorraine asked with a serious voice.
'The oldest child died a day ago,' he murmured. 'They saw him killing himself, saying that it is a sacrifice and that they are all going to die.'
A chill ran across her skin while she listened the words and the scene flashed shortly in front of her eyes. Despite the coldness that filled the room she started to sweat.
A beautiful teenager with blonde hair and oval, brown eyes was covered by blood. Tears pooled in his eyes as the knife wasn't stable in his trembling hands.
'You don't understand!' he yelled while his parents begged him to put the knife away. 'We are all going to die!'
Her head shook when she got pulled back to reality by the man in front of her.
'Are you alright?'
She nodded.
'What else?'
'The entire land around their farm seems to be dying. It's not just the house. Whatever spirits are in there, they like to move.'
"It's bad" Lorraine thought, not being the first time she had seen something like this.
'For how long have this things been happening?'
'Around two weeks, if not more. They aren't sure either. Lorraine, they are terrified and lacked of hope, right now. Will you help them?'
Thoughts began spinning around her head making her dizzy.
'I don't know, Father. May I take the file with me and check it out? I need to see some other stuff.'
'Of course! I really hope you two will change your mind.'
'Me too...'

When she got home, the rain was pouring on the ground and she dashed inside with her hood over her head. No thought she had was straight and nothing made sense inside her head. It was just a loud mess.
Ed heard the front door and walked to see his wife. He needed to see her blue eyes, that's all that made him think things will be better. Knowing she was with him had always helped him even though his darkest times.
'Hi there! Where have you been?'
She took over her coat and despite the warm air from the house he saw her pale skin, showing that she was cold.
'Out for a walk. I needed some fresh air.'
At a second look, Ed noticed something on her face. She looked like she was about to get sick.
'Hon, are you alright?'
After letting her purse on the couch from the living room, her eyes fixed on the fire from the chimney. She bit her lip nervous, something he had seen her do lots of times. Then she murmured:
'I am okay.'
Okay was clearly not what he hoped to hear but he didn't push it. How could she feel good with everything happening after all?
'I am really cold, I will go and take a shower,' she announced and walked to the stairs.
A little while after she left Ed sat on the couch, staring at the fire, losing himself in his own thoughts. Suddenly, a sound heard from his left and he got pulled to reality.
Next to him, Lorraine's bag was now laying on the ground even if it had been placed well on the couch. Ed leaned to get it when it flew across the room, toward the fire. In not even a second he was standing on his feet. A file flew out of the bag and almost got into the fire when Ed caught it.
Fortunately the papers were still inside and he checked them out, wanting to find out what just happened. As he checked the document he realized what they were. Lorraine took the case he had turned down to look over it. And by the way it looked he couldn't judge her feelings to take it.
He heard her loud steps on the stairs.
'What happened here?' Lorraine shouted so he could hear her.
Of course she felt it, how could she not? What happened before was clearly a demonic presence that did not want them to solve the case.
She stormed inside the living room and sighed relieved when she saw that he was alright.
'I sensed something and I-'
'Your bag flew by itself toward the fire,' Ed explained promptly. 'Something wanted these to burn.'
'Why did you take the case without me? I mean, you know I understand you no matter what and I would have understood you now too! I just wanted you to be honest.'
'They need help.'
'So many people do, but so do we do now!'
'It has a connection with Judy,' she said and made him stop protesting.

~Yeeey, another chapter done! I tried my best to write it as fast as possible! I hope you like it and please vote it💚~

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