'You and mom left me'

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The darkness folded around him like an infinite curtain that strangled him. He knew something was wrong, he felt it. His veins were filled with that coldness that made him want to breathe desperately.
Then Ed heard the scream. A scream that made his heart freeze painfully for a few long seconds. A scream coming from his small girl. He didn't care that he couldn't see anything, he simply started to run. He ran with all his speed even if he was aware that nothing could lead him there.
Judy's face showed in front of him but when his fingers headed to her face they went through it like through mist.
'You lost me dad,' she spoke slowly.
All around him Judy's face was appearing making him suffocate with his own tears.
'You and mom left me,' all of them shouted at the same time. 'You never cared about me!'
'That's not true, that's not true,' Ed kept whispering with a low voice then shouted once again: 'That is not true!'
'Ed,' someone called him from somewhere far away. 'Ed, wake up.'
The voice of his wife was like a guardian angel that brought him back from his darkest times. Yet the dream held tighter and tighter around him.
When Lorraine's fingers gripped around his arm his eyes opened widely. His hands were trembling and each one of his muscles seemed to be shaking in fear. His wife was watching him with fear and her eyes betrayed her exhaustion, showing that she didn't get much sleep either.
'It was a nightmare,' she whispered and pulled him into an embrace.
Ed buried his face in her neck and sobbed silently.
'I saw her, Lor.'
'I know...'
Of course she did. If he had a nightmare like that he couldn't even imagine what his wife was going through at that moment. Probably her bad dreams were a lot worse.
Outside the sun was barely showing throwing its first rays of sun to the earth. Ed walked downstairs to make some coffee after both of them slept a lot less than they should have.
The phone rang loudly and he headed to it while rubbing his eyes slowly. When he picked it up he already knew what was going to come. Father Gordon's voice came out of the phone in a soft hello.
While the man told him about a case of a haunted family ina town close to New York, Ed forced himself to focus. But he knew it wasn't the time and that they were clearly not going to case. No matter how much they wanted to help each family that needed their help, they had to save their own. Because none of the two Warrens would ever be able to live with themselves again if their daughter would never come back.
'Can we meet to give you the details?' Gordon asked after finished the explanation.
'Father, I am afraid we won't take it.'
'Why? Those people-'
'Our daughter just went missing,' Ed interrupted the man politely but promptly. 'We are doing everything we can to find her right now.'
'Oh, I see. I am so sorry, Ed.'
After he hung up the phone, the man still didn't know that his wife had been listening for a while from the door. A feeling a guilt boiled inside her chest because beside losing their daughter and not being able to help her, now they were not able to help families either. Even if that family must have really needed them...
A cold feeling spread over Lorraine's shoulders. She knew that feeling too well so she turned around slowly and carefully. Nothing. It must have been her imagination but something about the case Ed had just turned out was odd.
'You okay, hon?'
His voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she nodded softly.
'As okay as possible, I guess.'
She took a cup of the fresh coffee and walked to the living room. That's where she took a photo album just about Judy. She hoped that maybe she will connect with her daughter somehow and sense her.
Even if she was smiling, tears filled her eyes as she looked at the photos. Lorraine saw herself pregnant from the beginning till the moment she gave birth and the first time Ed had seen their daughter. When Judy was little she looked just like Lorraine but as she grew up she got some of her father's looks too.
Her fingers stopped on a picture with herself wearing a large hoodie that could cover her baby bump. She smiled as she remembered that day.
'Ed! Ed Warren!' Lorraine shouted with obvious anger from their dormitory.
Her husband came running to her, thinking that something happened to her. Instead she threw him a mad glare.
'I have literally nothing to wear,' she explained and he exhaled relaxed.
'You scared me, Lor.'
The woman started throwing the clothes she used to wear before she got pregnant.
'Nothing fits me. I am huge.'
'Hon,' Ed began with a calm and sweet voice. 'A person is growing inside you and that is amazing! It's okay if you are huge, we will go and get you more maternity clothes.'
'I am sick of those clothes, Ed. I miss my dresses and all my old clothes.'
'You will wear them again in a few months, don't worry.'
She sighed annoyed. And as Ed looked around the disastrous room, a brilliant idea crossed his mind.
He walked to the closet and grabbed one of his large hoodies. Lorraine was not slim anymore but she wasn't too big either.
'Here. It's your favourite.'
She put it on and smiled brightly.
'Did I ever tell you that you are my saviour?' Lorraine said and wrapped her arms around Ed's neck gently. 'I am sorry I scared you.'
'It's okay.'
He leaned slowly and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.
Lorraine pulled her out of the memory, still feeling the kiss. Then she became angry at herself that she could get inside a memory with the help of a photo but she couldn't help her own daughter with her gift.
She pulled the album to her chest and closed her eyes, thinking of Judy.

~That's the new chapter! I hope you guys like it and I will try to write faster!~

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