'I knew that was her'

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Ed stared at his very tired wife after she had mentioned their daughter's name.
'What do you mean? What about Judy?' he asked right away with a burning curiosity.
She sighed and sat on the couch. Her hands were trembling and her caramel hair was falling wet over her shoulders after the shower.
'When you turned down the case,' Lorraine began. 'I felt something about it. Turning it down wasn't the right choice and it wasn't just the usual feeling that a family needs help. I sensed a warm presence and I knew that was her.'
She looked at him with her big blue eyes opened widely and filled with pure sadness. He felt bad for acusing her of working without him so he placed his arm around her shoulders.
'So I decided to look over the case and see if there is something. I felt terrible for not telling you but I didn't want to lose the small feeling that guided me.'
'It's okay,' he whispered. 'It's just that we always work together so we could know that the other one is safe.'
She nodded and focused on the fire. That was the place she and Judy would usually stay before bed and read.
'We have to help that family, Ed,' she whispered. 'I saw that they need us. And maybe this way we will save our own family too.'
The man looked above her head at the clouded sky from outside. There wasn't much to see outside form the curtain of rain but the image was soothing.
'We will.'
He pulled Lorraine closer and kissed the side of her head. She was his guardian angel, his anchor to the real world and the bravest woman he had ever known. It was impossible to imagine a world without her.

The sun was barely rising when the Warrens carried their bags to the car. The cold wind made Lorraine pull her coat closer to her body, wanting to warm herself. She had always been a chilly person, while Ed had always been warm.
She watched the coloured sky for a few moments, inhaling the fresh smell of the morning. A smell of autumn carrying a scent of fallen leaves. She had always loved autumn for showing that sometimes letting go is part of life. Nature had always been the best teacher.
'We're ready to go, Lor,' Ed spoke from behind her and she got inside the car. Maybe after all there was hope.
No matter how much she tried, when the car became warmer, Lorraine couldn't help but fall asleep. And Ed didn't disturb her, driving gently on the roads. His wife hadn't slept properly in a long while so he couldn't bother her.
His fingers were slowly tapping on the wheel along with the music that played slowly. When they were close to their destination, Lorraine began fussing in her sleep in agitation.
'Honey,' he said gently trying to bring her back to reality.
But she kept moving, shaking and murmuring. He threw a short glare to her and noticed a red drop of blood coming out of her nose.
'No, no, no,'he murmured and pulled the car on a side of the road.
Ed took her hand and shook her shoulder.
'Lorraine, wake up!'
With a gasp her eyes opened widely and she looked at her husband who was close to her, concerned.
'We need to get faster! Something is happening, Ed, we have to go!'
He nodded and drove with speed.

The car didn't even stop properly when Lorraine jumped out and rushed through the gate from the farm. Screams of fear came to her ears and she ran faster, closely followed by Ed.
When they stormed inside the small house, they saw what was happening. A tall man with the same blonde hair as the teenager Lorraine had seen, was standing with a broken piece of glass in his hand. His green eyes were fixed on his wife but when the two cam inside the house he looked to Lorraine.
When they locked eyes, her heart skipped a beat, recognizing that person.
'Chris?' the woman said with a low voice.
Ed didn't wait anymore and pulled his holly necklace out and showed it to the possessed man.
'Leave him, demon!' Ed shouted and surprisingly Christopher fell on his knees, freed by the spirit. For the first time in a while, the spirits had something to be afraid of. The two Warrens.
The man's wife and six children stumbled to him and sat with him. Looking at them, Ed stepped closer to Lorraine and took her hand in his, squeezing it tightly.
'Do you know him?' Ed asked surprised.
'How could I not...'

'Oh stop flattering yourself like that,' a young Lorraine laughed at her best friend.
The tall boy laughed along with her while he brushed a tress of blonde hair from his tanned skin. Christopher's green eyes followed a girl as she walked and Lorraine had to punch him playfully to bring him back to reality.
'That girl clearly looked at me, Lor,' he said with a happy voice that his attempt to look good worked.
His best friend rolled her eyes as they walked to the high school.
'She probably wondered why is an idiot looking at her.'
'Hey! Remember what you promised me,' he spoke with a charming smile.
'Yes, yes, I will find a pretty girl for you, don't worry I won't forget.'
'Like I will let you forget.'
And just like they have been doing for the past years the two best friends walked to the high school, talking about stupid stuff that crossed their minds.

Christopher got up and Lorraine observed the way his face thinned from the shock and lack of sleep. He glanced at her with an apologetic look in his eyes and a thankful one at the same time.
'Thank you. Who would have thought we will meet again?'
'Clearly not me,' she answered with a neutral voice.

~Another chapter done! We will have some other Lorraine and Christopher (fictional character) flashbacks in the following chapter that will explain Lorraine's not so enthusiastic reaction. I really hope you guys like it:)~

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