She's there...

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When Lorraine woke up next morning, the spot next to her was cold sign that Ed let her sleep more. Despite the fact that the house was haunted, she had a peaceful sleep after a long while. Weird dreams visited her during it but nothing disturbing. And she could only take that as a good sign.
She got dressed quickly with a short and a pair of pants, enjoying the soft touch of the silk against her slim body. She grabbed a cardigan to keep her warm because the air was still cold and she rushed downstairs.
Everyone was outside, having breakfast while Ed was standing at the door from the kitchen that led on the back porch. He heard her steps against the wood floor and turned around to see his beautiful wife, looking surprisingly fresh.
'Well, someone had a good sleep,' he said with a smile and kissed her lips shortly.
'I did. But you shouldn't have let me sleep so much.'
'You deserved it. Coffee?'
Ed didn't know why he even asked. Lorraine always needed a hot beverage to warm herself and to fully wake up. With clumsiness he tried to make a cup of coffee the way Lily taught him, since he wasn't used with what they had. After a few minutes he handed his wife a mug filled with the hot liquid.
'Done,' he announced with a nervous smile.
Lorraine took a sip while watching the family from outside. Then she grinned and looked up to Ed.
'It's terrible, isn't it?' the man asked and she laughed a bit while nodding.
'Just take mine, it's still warm. I will ask Lily to make more.'
Ed looked disappointed and that made Lorraine giggle softly and press a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at the sensation of her warmed lips against his skin.
After eating Lorraine decided to take a walk around the farm once again, hoping to pick up something. Ed was working on the case focused, reading papers about the history of the land when he observed her leaving.
He made a plan in his head and already requested an exorcism for the house. But they had to wait for the demon to possess someone again so it would all end. It was all about timing, but the demon seemed to understand that plan too, making them trouble by not doing anything anymore. Well, nothing dangerous at least. Everyone from the house woke up with claw marks on them and with their energy drained and objects were still floating with no sense. Yet, nothing extremely dangerous.
Lorraine was walking between the fruit trees calmly, when someone came to her. She turned around to see an exhausted Christopher walking along with her.
'You guys said to never leave someone alone,' he explained with a shy smile, trying to cover the fact that he wanted to talk to her.
She rolled her eyes amused by his attempt.
'What do you want, Chris?' Lorraine asked with a calm voice.
'I want to apologise. For everything.'
She expected that but when he actually said the words she didn't look at him.
'I realized years ago that I made a mistake by not trusting you, when i first saw an article about you two. And even if I didn't believe you, I shouldn't have acted like that.'
'That's right you shouldn't have,' the woman said coldly.
'And who would have thought that you would end up with the popular Ed Warren?' Christopher smiled, feeling like a teenager again. 'The way he loves you is almost unbelievable, even I saw it.'
Lorraine stopped and looked at him.
'At least he believed me and accepted me for who I was. And he took my side no matter what, because that's what trust means.'
In her voice you couldn't hear a judgy tone. It was just the sadness brought back by the memories.
'You broke my heart, Chris, because I thought you would never leave me. I imagined that you will be there for me no matter what others will say. Dammit, I even imagined you at my wedding telling me how pretty I was. But instead you hurt me.'
'I know, and I also know that I will never be able to fix what I broke. But maybe we can start all over again.'
Lorraine didn't answer and continued walking, followed by the tall man. None of them broke the silence for a while.
'I am so sorry about your son,' Lorraine murmured, remembering about her own child. 'I am not going to tell you what everyone says that everything is going to be fine and that they understand. Because I don't know how it feels and I don't want to fool you with empty lies. But I can tell you that the pain will dissipate at a moment...'
He glanced at her.
'You re just as brilliant and kind,' he answered with a low but impressed voice. 'And also just as beautiful.'
'You used to say that to me when you wanted help with girls,' she chuckled. 'But you still found true love without my help and I admire that.'
'Oh yes, how I love Lily,' Christopher said dreamy. 'She is the woman of my dreams.'
'So is Ed for me.'
The looked at each other and smiled.
'What about children?' Chris asked Lorraine and a shadow of sadness covered her face. 'Oh no, bad question?'
'No, it's okay. I had a daughter, Judy. She went missing a few days ago and part of me was determined to take this case because I know she is connected to it. And I didn't know that you guys were part of it.'
However, the following words didn't get to Lorraine's ears. Things blurred around her and she began shaking. How she knew that feeling. The feeling of a vision.
Suddenly, she found herself in the barn and her blue eyes spotted the pale silhouette of a demon. And close to it the warm presence of a child.
'Lorraine,' someone shouted next to her but the sound came from far away.
She couldn't get rid of the coldness that took over her bones. The demon swirled around the room like a tornado and she knew that something was going to go wrong. Very very soon.
With a gasp she came back to reality, choking loudly. How long had it been since she took a breath?
'Lorraine, what is going on?' Christopher asked while holding her from collapsing on the ground.
He must have called out for help because a very concerned Ed ran to them.
'The barn, someone is in the barn and-'
She didn't get to finish the sentence because flames burst inside the building she was pointing out. The fire was quickly taking over it, letting them confused.
When they were about to go and put it out, Lorraine and Ed stopped with shock. Because they heard their desperate daughter call them from the barn.

~Okay, this chapter is longer than I expected but I like the way it turned out. I hope you guys like it and if you do please share it and vote it!
With love, your day dreamer~

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