Chapter 35: Rush

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"I'm sorry Jasmine! I didn't think they'd be that fast!" He whispered to her, but he needn't have said anything for she was still lost in some awful fever dream, her lips muttering words which he could not understand. Accepting that for now, he was on his own, he grabbed the slid and slogged onward, but at a slower pace, keeping an eye out for the Direwolves. As he passed the charred smoking body of the one, he had slain, a thought occurred to him. None of the other ones were mutated. Perhaps I slew their leader and that's why they retreated? Maybe I'm just that lucky?

He didn't really trust his theory, but he had a moment to breath, and he kept going, dragging Jasmine across the forest. Storm clouds darkened the sky, pushing towards him. For a second, he thought maybe he was doing it. Huh? Then he realized the thunder wasn't in his head or his hands.

"NO! DAMNIT WHY NOW!" He lost his cool as the sky literally started to fall. Levi looked back at Jasmine, her dangerously pale hands and lolling head distracting him. He almost tripped. After steadying himself, he gazed at the sky, trying to estimate how long he had. Maybe an hour or two, tops? Maybe less. No...the wind is blowing towards us. We're running into it. We'll never make it at this rate! But I don't know if Jasmine can handle another night without help. This...I have to go faster!

Levi started outright running, ignoring the bumps to the sled and just hoping it would hold. Jasmine moaned with each rock in the road but Levi knew she was too far gone for it to matter, he just kept on going. He lost track of time, only the ground in front of him and the darkening clouds in the sky stayed in his sight.






At any moment, he was alert for the signs of first rainfall, the telltale shimmer of the Shatterstorm's deadly coming. But all he felt was the muggy, humid air, and the pain as the skin from his hands was stripped off by the rough handles of the sled. Some time later, he couldn't take it anymore and stopped to crudely smooth the bark off with his knife. When he picked the sled up again, he couldn't feel anything but burning, and he took that to be a good sign. At least it's bearable! Roaring, Levi pressed onwards, before he realized he was wasting air and shut his mouth. Somewhere behind him, he heard Direwolves howling, as if serenading his quest. But he dared not look back for fear that he would trip and not be able to get up again. Come on, where's the city! It can't be that far! He prayed that his sense of distance was correct, and he wasn't still miles away. Up above, the sky became ominous, the clouds thickening like water swelling above the River Guardian's passage. He knew it was coming. We're not going to make it!

Then it was there. Just as he had given up hope. The city, Daya, salvation! FINALLY! Levi wanted to say something, but his step was unsteady and every drop of air in his lungs too precious to waste on speech. He slowed to a trot, unable to take the last couple hundred steps at a run. I can do this! Just don't stop! He kept at it, hauling his feet forwards and locking his hands in a death grip. As long as I never let go, Jasmine won't fall, so I just need to keep on walking!

The city approached. It was far larger than Ceda, with proper walls taller than Levi. Upon their ramparts were men guarding their posts, and he desperately hoped that they were not in the employ of the enemy. However, he had no chance to decide. Without hesitating, he marched right up to the gates and the man at the post took one look at the girl on his back and waved him through. Levi felt relief as the guard fell in with him.

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