Chapter 12: "Dinner"

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Riley's POV:
We hear a knock at the door and it's the boys. Let's go to dinner Taylor shouts. Julia screams back ok and slams the door in his face. We all laugh. I run to my suitcase and grab a neon green skater skirt,a gray crop top, high knee socks, and my black converse. I run in the bathroom and quickly shower. When I get out I get dressed then blow dry my hair. Then I decided to curl it. I put on concealer, eye shadow, and a little mascara. That's how Jacob likes it. We walk out the door and all the boys are standing there with bouquets of flowers. Sage runs to Taylor and tackles him to the ground and kisses him. They are so cute. Julia put her arms around Jack's neck and he picks her up. I run to Jacob and he picks me up and twirls me around. He puts me down and I tell him how much I love him. He was wearing khakis, a button up shirt and a tie. Just like the rest of the boys. He looked so cute. Saige and Vian were taking pictures. Their brothers hooked arms with their sisters and started walking. It made me miss my brother a lot. Jacob grabbed my hand and we started walking. When we got outside there was 4 SUV's waiting for us. Jacob and I hopped in the back and we headed off to TGI Fridays. When we arrived Taylor got out of the car and screamed FOOOOOOD. We all laughed. We walked in and Jacob sat next to me. The waiter came and we all ordered. Cameron trying to be funny asked for a camburger. The waiter looked at Cam confused. We all just laughed. Johnson couldn't stop laughing. I had to burry my head into Jacobs chest cause I was laughing so hard. The Saints were playing tonight and Jacob was so pumped. He was screaming and I was laughing. The food came and it was so good. At the end the boys payed for all our meals. They are so sweet. Then the boys pulled out Broadway tickets to see Aladdin and I was so excited. We decided to walk because it was only 4 blocks away. I got on Jacob's back and he carried me pretty much all 4 blocks. We got a picture in front of the Broadway sign and it was so cute. When we got inside we were second row from the stage. Brooke and Shawn couldn't stop kissing. I think they only saw 1/3 of the show. Taylor couldn't stop talking. Sage slapped him about 4 times and I giggled. I layed my head on Jacobs shoulder and he kissed my forehead. I love when he does that. I can see something going on between Saige and Johnson. I thought I saw them holding hands. Vian has always ship them together. Carter is not going to be very happy. After the show we decided to head back to the hotel.

Jacobs POV:
As we were leaving I could tell Riley was tired. So I picked her up bridal style and we walked back to the hotel with the rest of the boys. Ava fell asleep on Cameron. At about the 3rd block Riley had fell asleep in my arms. She is so cute. We finally got back to the hotel at the 11th block. The girls let me in their room so I could put Riley in bed. I walked in and put Riley on the bed and took off her shoes. Then I put the blanket over her and I kissed her forehead. Goodnight beautiful I whispered in her ear and walked out the door. All the girls awed and went to bed. I walked in my room hopped into bed and fell asleep thinking about how lucky I am to call Riley mine.

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