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You sat at the long table, at the right hand of the King of Neverland. The table was laden with more food than you had seen in what felt like forever. Down the sides of the table sat all the boys. Spot had explained to you that they were called "Lost Boys".

"You'se'll be da foist Lost Goil." he had told you with a smirk.

"Ey, Y/N, afta we eat I'se'll show ya 'round da island." Spot said from next to you. You looked at him with a smile.

"Sounds good."

He shot you a wink and you felt your heart skip a beat and your cheeks flush a little bit. Were you falling for this boy? It couldn't be; you had barely met him. You pushed the thoughts from your mind and began to eat heartily. 

Spot kept sneaking unnoticed glances at you, but they became more obvious as you began to chat with the other boys, especially when Blink scooted a little close. Then it became an all out glare. You didn't notice, although all the Lost Boys definitely did.

"Ya finished Y/N?" Spot asked after a while.

"Yes, thank you." You smiled at him. He returned your grin with a smirk. Taking your hand he stood up.

"Then let's go." 

Spot gave you some dust from the pouch on his belt and the two of you lifted into the air. You waved towards the boys on the ground as Spot led you soaring through the sky.

The two of you were above the tree line, and the brilliant greens of the jungle foliage were nearly blinding, especially when paired with the beautiful cobalt sky that stretched uninterrupted as far as you could see, dropping down to where it met the shimmering water that surrounded the island. It was to a point here where Spot took you, to a small lagoon fed by both a small waterfall that cascaded down onto large rocks below, and by the inlet to the main part of the ocean. 

Spot touched down on one of the rocks carefully, aware of the slickness they had when wet. Unfortunately you were blind to that fact, and as such ended up immediately slipping and tumbling down towards the water.

Immediately strong arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you back onto the rock. 

"Ya a'right?" Spot asked, looking down at you.

You nodded, your cheeks red. Spot's hands were still on your waist, and you made no move to push him away. You looked directly into each other's eyes for a few seconds that seemed to stretch out forever. Then a splash broke the moment. 

You looked down off of the rocks and saw a flick of a tail. A green, long, scaly tail.

"What..." You began, as one head, then another, then another popped up around the rock. Women's heads, but... not. They had a strange ethereal quality to them, and their noses were too small, barely more than slits in their heads.

"Mornin'." Spot greeted the heads. 

"What..." You started again.

"Oh. Y/N, dese ah da mermaids." Spot said, as casually as if telling the time of day. "Ladies, Y/N; Y/N, ladies."

You were dumbfounded, and Spot saw it. Upon hearing your name, the mermaids exchanged glances and dove smoothly back into the water.

"Can we swim with them?" You asked, dipping your foot towards the water. A hand shot up from the water, a long, slim hand with webbing between the fingers, reaching for your ankle, and Spot pulled you back out of reach.

"Best ta not." he glanced towards the water. "Can ya swim?"

"Yeah." You nodded. (A/N: If you can't just pretend you can, since this whole chapter kinda revolves around this ;) )

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now