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Spot's grip on your wrist loosened as you turned back to him.

"What was ya t'inkin', Y/N?" Spot asked. "Why..."

"Why what?" 

"Why what? Why didja head out, wit'out tellin' anybody, ta try an' fight da pirates?"

"I tried ta tell you, but you were too set on me stayin' behind!" 

"Yeah, foah good reason! What happened when ya did come, huh?"

"I beat Oscar easy, da only reason they got me was cause Morris hit me from behind!" You stomped your foot on the forest floor, crossing your arms and glaring at Spot. In the back of your mind you were aware you were acting like a baby but you didn't care.

Spot's eyes softened when he heard this, but you didn't see, you were too steamed up to notice.

"-brought me ta Pulitzer, an' da only reason they decided ta toss me ovaboad was cause you carve your initials into every sword you make!" You were conveniently glossing over the parts where you antagonized the pirates at every opportunity in your rant.

"Me? From what I hoid you was pretty sassy up thea, doll." Spot said, infuriatingly calm. 

"From what you heard? How long exactly was you down there, just waitin'?" You said, outraged. 

"Long enough." Spot said, his eyes flicking around your face, settling on a spot an inch below your nose and then back up to meet your eyes.

You spluttered for a second, trying to get your inexplicable anger under control. You almost had it, and then Spot spoke again.

"If I didn't know betta I'd t'ink you has a li'l crush on me."

The comment took you so off guard that your anger evaporated in an instant. "W-What? I nevah said that-" You stammered a little.

"So what would ya do if I did dis?" Spot stepped closer to you, one hand at your waist, pulling you closer to him, the other hand reaching up to cup your cheek gently. Your breath caught as you looked into his eyes. 

This boy made you feel all sorts of ways.

Spot slowly started to lean in and you tilted your face to meet his. His lips pressed slowly and gently onto yours, and you (of course) kissed back, your hands reaching up to his messy hair. Spot's thumb stroked your cheek and you involuntarily sighed a little. You could feel Spot's lips curve upwards in a smirk as he kissed you harder. It was pure bliss. Eventually the two of you pulled apart. Spot rested his forehead on yours.

"So, doll, whaddaya say?"

"To what?" You asked.

Spot looked at you like you were crazy. "Be me goil?"

You nodded at once. Spot smirked, pleased, and leaned back in, leaving little kisses on your cheeks, forehead and nose before kissing you directly on the lips again. You melted into the kiss, your hands joining behind Spot's neck as he pulled you as close as was physically possible.

"My Lost Goil." 

A/N: OK this was short and probably bad. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Never been kissed. So sorry if it stinks 😜

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now