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You watched in surprise as Spot descended, three awestruck children behind him. Two boys and... a girl? You had expected one boy, maybe two. Not three... and especially not a girl.

You weren't sure exactly what rubbed you the wrong way about this girl.  Maybe it was the way her long brown hair was perfectly curled. Maybe it was the fact that she was wearing a spotless white nightgown. Maybe it was because of the way she was staring at Spot. Maybe it was all of the above. But the fact of the matter remained, that girl did not look like she had been sleeping on the streets. Quite the opposite, actually.

"Y/N!" Spot pulled you into a hug before turning to face the three he had brought back, his hand on your waist and holding you glued to his side. You felt a familiar rush of happiness go through you as you held onto Spot in return. 

"Introductions, Spottie?" You asked, tugging slightly on the far side of his shirt with your right hand, which was wrapped around his back.

"'Course. Y/N, dis is Michael, John and..." he paused after pointing to each of the boys in turn.

"Wendy." The girl filled in, slight disappointment sweeping across her face.

"Right. Wendy, John, Michael, dis is Y/N. My goil." Spot squeezed you a little tighter. 

"Pleased to meet you." You said, nodding at the three. The two boys were looking around the clearing and at the treehouses in awe. Wendy was looking at Spot's hand on your waist. 

"I'm tired Wendy." The small one- Michael- tugged on his sister's sleeve.

"Where are they going to sleep?" You whispered to Spot. There was only one open bunk in the main cabin, which could fit two in a pinch, but not three.

"I was t'inkin' dey could share yoah cabin an' you could stay wit' me until we got dem one built." Spot whispered back.

You didn't like that idea- but you did- but you didn't- you loved half of it, and hated the other half. But you couldn't exactly say that. 

"A'right." You said.

"Ey Spot," Blink said, tapping him on the shoulder. "we's got a couple t'ings foah youse ta take a look at."

"Comin'." Spot said, pressing a kiss briefly to your cheek and whispering, "Can youse get 'em settled in?" 

You nodded, blushing happily. Even though you had been with him for a while now you still felt giddy whenever he kissed you. 

"C'mon." You said, leading the three siblings over to the rope that led up to your treehouse. You began to climb, and the three of them followed you. 

"There's one bed, I can get anutha but somebody's gonna hafta double up." You said, pointing to your cot and starting across the rope bridge to the main lodging house. When you returned carrying the extra cot you saw John sticking his head out the window and talking (yelling, really) with a boy on the ground, Michael dancing in circles in the middle of the room chanting "Neverland! Neverland! Neverland!" , and Wendy was examining your carved sparrow, picking it up from the small shelf you had built for it and turning it around.

"Here." You put the bed next to the other one and dusted your hands on your pants before walking over to Wendy.

"Oh, is this yours?" She asked, handing you the wooden carving.

"Yes. This is my cabin." You said, blinking slowly.

"It's very nice." Wendy nodded towards the bird.

"Thank you. Spot made it for me." You said, running a finger over the carved head with a slight smile.

"Oh." Wendy opened a piece of paper and glanced over it. "I think this is also yours." She said a little stiffly. You took it. It was the note Spot had left you with the sparrow.

"Yes. It is." You folded it up coolly and stuck it in your pocket. The bird you kept in your hand. "Well. If any of youse need anything, you can come get me or Spot. We'll be in the cabin right down theah." You pointed in the direction of Spot's cabin before turning to leave. But you hesitated. "Don't... don't go on the East side of the island. That's where the pirates are." You didn't know why you felt the need to say this. But it didn't really matter anyway. "Goodnight."

With that you left, heading for Spot's cabin. Once you got there you sat on the bed and drew your knees up to your chest. Why had Spot brought them back? Why had Spot brought her back? You were jealous, and you didn't know why. It was a strange feeling. 

While you were occupied in thought Spot came into the room. "Rest o' da boys're goin' ta bed. Da Darlin's too."


"Wha- ohh. No no no. Dat's deah last name." Spot said, flopping onto the bed next to you. 

Right. "Why'd ya bring them back?" You said, still not looking at Spot. 

Spot was quiet for a heartbeat before answering. "I dunno, Y/N. It was weird. Da goil was tellin' a story-- 'bout me actually--" 

"Oh of course." You said before you could stop yourself. The bitter feeling welled up in the back of your throat. "'Da goil'."

"What's wrong?" Spot asked.

"Nothin'... just... youse brought 'er back. Her, with her perfect haih, an' a nice nightgown... ain't I good 'nough?" You voiced the thing that had been troubling you and immediately felt a strange calm come over you. Like no matter what Spot said next it didn't matter, you had said your piece. But there was still that part of you that was nervous, hanging onto every movement Spot made, every little flex of each individual muscle. 

"What? Y/N! 'Course you is. You... you'se da most incredible, amazin' goil I'se evah seen." Spot put his hand on your cheek and gently turned your face so that you were looking at him. 

"Then why'd you bring her?" 

"I told ya, she was tellin' stories. I t'ought she could tell 'em ta da li'l ones. Like a mudda to 'em."

You looked down, still feeling upset.

"List'n. Y/N." Spot said softly. "You'se my queen. I'se yoah king. Ain't nothin' gonna change dat in da woild." And with that he kissed you, his lips soft and sweet on yours. You kissed him back, your arms wrapping around him, pulling him close, as if he might slip away if you let go. But he didn't slip away, in fact he grew closer, his other hand resting on your waist as his right one cupped your cheek. Until you felt like you were going to slip away from the waves of happiness you felt. 

Eventually you broke the kiss- against Spot's will- since you had to breathe at some point. And then he kissed you again, and again, until you had no more concept of time. Then the two of you lay down, still wrapped in each others arms, and eventually drifted off to sleep. 

Neither of you noticed the shadowy figure in the doorway. The figure that saw the entire thing. The figure that climbed down a rope ladder in the dark, and set off... for the East side of the island.

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now