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"Dat's a sparrow." Spot said dryly, crossing his arms as he watched you watch the little bird as it warbled on a branch. He had been pointing out the different types of birds to you as the two of you strolled through the jungle, on the way back from the beach. 

"Yes I know it's a sparrow, but it's still cute." You said, shooting Spot a glance. Although, as you looked at the drab little bird you had to admit Spot had a point. Compared to the other brightly colored birds you had seen already, it wasn't much to look at. But the song was pretty, and, after all, sparrows deserved love too. You opened your mouth to say as much to Spot, but before you could he said,

"I'se cuter than a sparrow though, and you ain't lookin' at me." 

Of all the narcissistic, vain, self-centered... Spottish things to say. But, it had to be said, he had a point. So in an attempt prove his point wrong, you turned and stared directly at him. He smirked, pleased with himself. Well, that backfired.

"I'se right, ain't I." He winked. You sauntered a little closer to him and looked right into his eyes. 

"Maybe you are, maybe you ain't."

"Well..." Spot said, reaching a hand up to cup your cheek. "Youse definitely are."

(a couple hours later)

You sat idly on a stump that served as a seat near the firepit, watching as one of the boys tried to start the fire again. It had just rained, and there was a chill in the air. You shivered a little, barely any movement, but it didn't go unnoticed by Spot. 

"Cold?" He asked from his seat next to you, where he was idly carving something out of a block of wood in his hands.

"Not really." You shrugged, although you were a little cold. Your shirt wasn't very thick.

"Heah." Spot shrugged out of a vest he was wearing and put it around you.

It was a little too big for you, and you turned to look at him. "But ain't you gonna get cold now?"

"I would. Dat's why youse can sit heah." Spot winked at you before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you so that you were on his lap. You felt your cheeks heat up as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. His stomach pressed up against your back in a not at all uncomfortable way. 

The small knife kept moving, slicing slivers of wood cleanly away.

"Whatcha makin'?" You asked curiously.

Even though you couldn't see his face you could tell that he was smirking. "It's a s'prise."

"Hmmm." You said, trying to think of what it could be. After a few wrong guesses, you eventually gave up and just sat in silence, watching the carving take shape and enjoying Spot's warmth. 

By and by the hour grew late (bruh I feel like some classic literature author writing that ) and you decided you were going to turn in for the night. (I would like to note, if I had stuck with the classic literature author trope it would have been "and you decided it was time for you to retire")

You wiggled off Spot's lap and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He made an offended noise and pointed to his other cheek. With a grin you kissed him there too. As you pulled back Spot quickly kissed you on the lips, a soft, sweet kiss. You smiled at him before leaving.

A little later, up in your cabin, just as you were about to fall asleep, you heard a soft knock at your door. Curious, you got up and opened the door. There was nobody there- except for a small carved piece of wood holding down a folded up piece of paper. You picked up the items, and ignoring your first instinct, which was to look at the carving, you unfolded the paper.

Dear Y/N,

I just wanted to say you are the best girl I have ever met. You are kind, loving, and really pretty. I loved watching you look at the birds and get so excited even with the little sparrows. So I made this for you.


The words were by no means fancy. But they were heartfelt. And as you folded up the paper and turned your attention to the carving, you saw exactly what you had expected to see. A small, wooden sparrow.

And on the bottom? S.C. + Y/I. Y/L/I.

(your initials)

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now