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"Y/N." Spot's voice cut across the clearing like a hot knife through butter.

"Yeah?" You turned to face him, squeezing out water from your wet hair as you did so.

"We has ta talk." His voice was short, clipped; lacking its usual playfulness.

"A'right." You said, crossing your arms. "What about?"

Spot shook his head in frustration. "Somewhea a li'l moah... private."

You shrugged and followed him to his cabin. He shut the door and turned to face you.

"Wheah was ya dis mornin'?" He said.

"Swimmin'." You replied, gesturing to your wet hair and clothes as if the answer was obvious.

"Ya didn't tell me." Spot said.

"Uh, no?" You said, thinking about sitting on Spot's bed but deciding against it. You didn't want to get it wet. Instead you leaned against the wall. 

"Who was ya wit'?" Spot asked.

"Peanuts, Skinny, Shoeshine..." You named a few of the younger Lost Boys and Spot's face relaxed a little. "Oh, and Blink."

"Blink?" Spot's face hardened again.

"Yeah, he was takin' the littles an' axed if I wanted ta come. Why?" 

Spot didn't say anything, but his sky-blue eyes grew stormy.

"Why?" You pressed, aware something was troubling him.

"You'se spendin' a lot o' time 'round Blink." Spot said, crossing his arms.

"Whaddaya mean?" You asked.

"Yestahday you was takin' a walk wit' 'im, day befoah dat you was pickin' berries wit' 'im, taday you was swimmin' wit' 'im-" Spot listed.

"Technically I was pickin' berries wit' Mush an' Race befoah Blink joined." You objected.

"Yeah, like dat's any better." Spot scoffed. "Meanin' is, Y/N, you'se spendin' a lot o' time 'round Blink."

"So?" You shrugged. "He's my friend."

Spot said nothing again, and a dawning realization came to you. "You'se... jealous?"

Spot stiffened, but remained silent, in what was almost a sulk. 

"Spot Conlon, jealous?" You said, shaking your head. After you had said it you realized it sounded unintentionally taunting.

"Am I? Is it jealous ta wonder if yoah goil wishes she was wit' anudda boy?" Spot argued. 

"What'm I supposed ta do when you'se talkin' wit' da udda boys, oah flyin' around somewhere taunting pirates? You never take me with you! What'm I s'pposed ta do, sit 'round an' look pretty?" 

"Yes-no- I dunno, but... why Blink?" Spot spluttered.

"We's friends!" You said exasperatedly. 

"For now." Spot muttered.

You would have laughed at how jealous he was, if you hadn't been so ticked. "Well you're the one who..." You hesitated, trying to think of something you hadn't said already. Just because Spot had no trouble reusing the same argument didn't mean you would do the same. But gosh dang it why was this boy practically perfect? "...finished the F/F (favorite food) at dinner last night." You finished lamely, since you would rather do practically anything than back down from a fight, even if it was with Spot.

"Food?" Spot said.

Yeah... not your best comeback.

"Look, Spot." You decided to just say it plain. "I have zero romantic feelings for Blink. He reminds me o' my brother... before." You looked down, hating the painful memories that you had dredged up. You shrugged yourself off the wall, straightening up, and looked at Spot. "I cain't believe you'd think somethin' like that! I would nevah go behind yoah back, or anything similar." 

Spot was right in front of you now, and his eyes were still sharp and piercing and as breathtaking as always, maybe more so now that he was angry. You momentarily forgot why you were mad at him, then it all came rushing back, with a fresh wave of irrational anger directed towards Spot for making you forget what you were thinking about. You opened your mouth to tell him off when-

"I know." Spot said quietly, taking another step towards you, his body right up against yours, and with that he crashed his lips onto yours. You kissed him back, your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair as his hands found your waist, pressing your back against the cabin wall as he kissed you passionately. When the two of you had to break apart for air, it lasted only a brief second while the two of you caught your breath before Spot kissed you again, a little softer this time but still filled with passion. 

"Aye Spot, where's da- Holy mackerel!" A voice said, coming from the door. 

Spot pulled his lips away from yours and looked back over his shoulder in an annoyed manner. "Whaddaya want? Can't'cha see I'se busy?"

Blink stood in the door, eyes wide. "Uh... we was wondrin' where da firestartah was?"

"Does it look like I care?" Spot snapped. You squeezed your hand in between your bodies-- which was quite tricky, based on how close together you were, since Spot hadn't moved back at all-- and laid it on Spot's chest. He turned back to look at you, and you raised your eyebrows at him. With a sigh Spot said, "I dunno. Now, if you'se'll excuse us-"

Blink got the hint. Just before he left, as Spot planted a kiss in the crook of your neck (which made a not unpleasant tingle go down your spine), you mouthed, "Firestarter on table" to Blink. 

Which apparently gave him the courage to call back, "Have fun youse two..." before quickly shutting the door and scampering down the ropes to the ground. It didn't give him that much courage. 

"Idiot." Spot mumbled into your skin.

"Look at it this way-" You said with a smirk as Spot pulled back to face you. "If it was Race we'd nevah hear the end of it."

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now