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Before you even opened your eyes you could tell it was cold outside. Far colder than it had been even the past few days. You started to press yourself further into Spot's side-- you had moved permanently to his cabin now that the Darlings were here, and honestly you weren't complaining-- but felt only empty air. Your eyes cracked open the slightest amount to see that Spot was gone. Sleepily you sat up to see him staring excitedly out the window.

"Y/N." He said, his voice quiet but excited. "Look!"

You got up and went to stand next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pointed out. The entire ground in the clearing down there was completely covered in white powder.

"It snowed." Spot said, a smile on his face. You looked at him. 

"What are we waiting for?" You asked with a smile.

Spot laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you out the door and flying you down to the ground. The snow stretched in a clean, fresh, unbroken sheet, nearly a foot deep. There was nobody else awake yet, just you and Spot. So you decided to take advantage of that. 

You scooped a handful of snow up in your hand and packed it into a ball, sneaking up behind Spot, who was surveying the landscape with a pleased expression. You stuffed the snow down his back, and didn't wait around to see his expression, only hearing his indignant yell as you ran-- or, tried to run through the snow-- away. You laughed as you scrambled through the snow, looking back over your shoulder as you went. Spot was right on your tail, lunging for you. You jumped to the side and he overshot, falling into a snowbank. And you were off again, retracing your steps to make the going easier. Spot was fast, very very fast. And so he soon caught you, right as you were heading past a tree. Spot pinned you to the tree, looking down at you, snowflakes dusting his eyelashes. 

You looked up at him, an expectant look on your face as you thought he was about to kiss you. But instead he reached up and, with a mischievous smirk, twanged a branch, letting it dump a load of snow onto your head and running away. Now it was your turn to chase him, which you did, eventually tackling him into a snowbank. Spot laughed, looking up at you on top of him, snow dusting your hair, giving you, in Spot's opinion, an otherworldly glow, like you were an angel. You smiled down at him and leaned in to rub your pink nose with his, Eskimo style. 

"You'se looks so pretty wit' pink cheeks." You laugh, causing Spot to begin chasing you again, mock anger on his face.

The day was filled with snowmen and snow fights, snow forts and ice skating on the frozen swimming hole. And numerous kisses from Spot, who insisted they were to "warm you up".

Towards the end of the day, when a fire was built and everyone was drying the snow from their clothes, you even found Blink kissing Wendy behind a holly bush. You retreated without saying anything, not wanting to ruin the moment, and made a mental note to tease Blink about it later as payback for walking in on you and Spot kissing so many times.

When they returned to the fire, Wendy's cheeks pink "from the cold", you did just that, leaning in next to Blink's ear and whispering, "Where's the firestarter at?"

His face was priceless, and you and Spot shared a good laugh. 

"Maybe that'll teach 'im ta knock next time."

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now