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A shaft of sunlight hit your face, and your eyes slowly fluttered open. You were met with the sight of Spot's sleeping face. The two of you were on your sides facing each other and your head was resting on Spot's arm. His other arm was draped over your waist, and your arms were wrapped loosely around his torso. All in all, a very pleasant waking up. Until a child's scream shattered the early morning calm.

You jolted into a sitting position seconds before Spot, the scream having woken him up more effectively than any clock. The two of you exchanged a glance before sprinting out the door and across the bridge to your cabin. Currently occupied by the Darlings. Bursting in through the door you weren't sure what you expected to find. But it wasn't the youngest, Michael, sitting up in bed and screaming at the top of his lungs while the middle, John, tried to calm him frantically.

"WendysgoneandIdontknowwhereweareandshe's gooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!" Michael wailed.

With a growing sense of dread you looked at the extra bed. It was empty. The oldest, Wendy, was gone. John had convinced his brother to calm down finally, reminding him that they were on Neverland, and turned to the two of you with a worried look. "We woke up and she was gone. No sign of her."

"She's probably just down in the main camp." You said, trying to placate the younger boys.

"Without me??" Michael scrambled out of bed and ran to the rope ladder, climbing down with an agileness that surprised you. His brother followed, which left you and Spot. Spot scooped you up in his arms and flew down, which was quicker and infinitely more fun than taking the ladder. Setting you on the ground, Spot scanned the campsite. The Lost Boys were going about their morning tasks, including marbles, jacks, and, of course, breakfast. But there was no sign of a white nightgown with perfectly curled brown hair above it. 

Spot stuck his fingers in his mouth and let out a piercing whistle. Immediately all activity stopped. "Anybody seen da new goil Wendy?" He demanded. Muttered 'nos' and 'naws' filled the air. No affirmatives. Spot pursed his lips. 

"She can't'a gone far." You pointed out.

"Yeah." Spot said. "Oi, Blink! Race!" The two boys trotted over to us. "We lookin' foah da new goil Wendy." Spot instructed. "She prob'ly ain't far. Split up an' whatnot, meet back heah. I'se'll take da South side."

Spot paused and looked at you. "Be cahful." He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before taking off in flight towards the mountains.

"I'm gonna find Wendy!" Michael yelled, before plunging into the jungle. His brother ran after him. You exchanged glances with Blink and Mush. 

"I'll get 'em." You and Blink said at the same time. 

"We can both go." You offered. "I t'ink it'll be easier wit' two."

Blink nodded and Mush set off towards the North as you and Blink sprinted after the rapidly disappearing Darling boys.

It wasn't too hard to find them. At least, the older one. But the little one had practically been swallowed up by the jungle. You became aware that the 3 of you were heading more eastward by the step, but what could you do? Leave the boy alone, on the part of the island overrun by pirates? So you forged onward, following the slight trail left by small bare feet in the soft forest ground.

Then you saw a flash of color in the trees. You headed towards it, Blink and John by your side. It was Michael. He was standing on the beach, just beyond the treeline. Looking towards the large ship floating in the bay. His small finger  pointed towards the bow.

"John! Wendy's on that ship!" He said. 

If you squinted, you could see the figure of a girl. Your heart sank. The situation just got a whole lot more complicated. 

Never Saw You Coming (Spot Conlon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now