Chapter - 20

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Tim groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He could feel his head throb, but nothing else. He could tell he was on a bed/couch.

"Tim!! How are you feeling?" Marinette asked, looking concerned. He jumped.

"Where am I?" He asked, shaking his head and looking around. He was in the manor. He started to panic. Does she know he's Red Robin? How did she find him?

"You're at the manor. It's morning, you were like this when I found you. You had a slight bump on your head, along with Jason" She said.

He sat up, and looked around to see his brothers asleep on the couches. Amy was walking around, putting ice packs on Jason.

"Well? Why do you have bumps on your head?" She asked, raising an eye brow.

Something in her eyes told Tim that she suspected what happened, but wasn't sure.

He stuttered, trying to find a story.

"We uh... We.. Were fighting!! Yeah that's it. We were fighting with each other" He laughed sheepishly.

God damn it Dick was always better at these things.

She narrowed her eyes at him, but shrugged it off.

"Morning sleepy head" She said, smiling softly when Dick woke up, groaning.

"Morning.... Where am.. Oh right. Never mind" He stopped short, smiling sheepishly.

"Why were you fighting?" Marinette asked, walking towards the kitchen. Tim sniffed the air, he could smell bacon and eggs.... Maybe toast as well.

Dick looked over to him, panic etched on his face. He shrugged.

"Umm... Damian and Jason were fighting and we.... Tried to stop them!!" He said quickly. Marinette passed it off, and soon the other two woke up.

"Ugh... Why the fu-frick does my head hurt?" Jason asked, sitting up and massaging his temples.

"I don't know... Maybe because you were fighting with Damian?" The bluenette called from the kitchen.

"Wait... We were fighting?" Jason asked, sounding and looking confused.

Tim had the strong urge to face palm. He mouthed 'Just roll with it'.

"I mean... Yeah I remember now. We were fighting" He chuckled wanly. Damian literally facepalmed.

"Uhh.. Ok? Here!! I made you breakfast!!!" Marinette said cheerfully, handing everyone except Amy a plate.

"How did Alfred allow you in kitchen?" Tim asked.

"Oh I asked him. He said it was fine!!" She hopped away, leaving Amy standing with her arms crossed. A few minutes of eating passed, and she finally spoke up.

"You're the Bat Boys aren't you?" Jason chocked on his toast and Tim spat out his coffee.

"I'm sorry what?" Dick asked, clearly hoping he misheard it.

"Dick is Night Wing, Jay is Red Hood, Tim is Red Robin and Damian is Robin" She said again, slower this time.

Damian groaned, and started muttering about how 'amateurish' they were.

"Umm.. Uhh.. No we aren't!!" Jason tried to protest weakly. But they all knew they had lost. She raised an eyebrow.

"You have guns underneath your bed. And you weren't exactly quiet last night when you entered the manor"

Tim sighed in defeat.

"Great. Have a guest over for one fucking day and they figure out our secret" Jason muttered.

Percy Jackson x Miraculous Ladybug x Justice League - BOOK - 3Where stories live. Discover now