The Song of Light (Alison Blaire, aka Dazzler)

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Peter Parker was swinging through the buildings going to where he knew former E.S.U's Vice-Chancellor, Edward Lansky or better known as Lightmaster. How was Peter Parker swinging through the building? Easy... He is Spider-Man. Lightmaster had returned once again and this time, he had kidnapped a famous disco singer called Dazzler. So here he was, trying to find him so he could manage to help her in time.

He arrived at the building where he knew Lansky would be. And as soon as he entered the building, his Spider-Senses began to buzz. He knew he was here, he just needed his senses to buzz harder to know that he was near, and after a short while he got the location of the villain and Dazzler.

"You and I will be quite a team, my dear... Quite a team indeed!" The malicious voice Spidey heard told him that he had found Lightmaster. And he will make sure that the night light wouldn't touch Dazzler and if he did... Well... He will get there if the villain does it.

"Don't bet on it, Brights!"


Spider-Man punched through the door, breaking the hinges out of the door and making the glass shattered into pieces when the punch impacted the door. Spider-Man saw an unconscious Dazzler connected to an experiment table.

"In fact, I wouldn't bet on much of anything right about now..." Spider-Man stated, trying to hide the anger he was feeling. He has been educated from a young age to respect women, and seeing Dazzler trapped in a table used for experiments... Let just say he had to hold back more than he is used to. "Somehow I don't think you're gonna be able to collect where I'm gonna put you!"

"You again? How did you find me?" Lightmaster said as he stopped working on the computers that were around the entire room to look at Spider-Man

"Come off it... You were once E.S.U's Vice-Chancellor.. It didn't exactly take a whole lotta brains to figure out where'd you run off to..." Spider-Man stated, making Lightmaster growl in anger. "And when I got here, my Spider-Senses took me the rest of the way!"

"Your ridiculous senses would have warned you that you are soon to die!" Lightmaster shot out a beam of light.

"Actually they did warn me, Bright-Eyes... Warned me that I was dealing with a Grade-A looney!" Peter dodge the beam of light with ease. This made Lightmaster's eyes widen in shock.

"What? You dodged my light blast?!"

"Yeah! And I can sing, too!" Spider-Man said, half joking. He does indeed sing, but he is no artist material like Dazzler over there.

"The only song you shall sing, my webbed-friend... is your funeral song!" Lightmaster grabbed the lever as Spider-Man was getting closer to him. "Observe what happens when I pull this lever!" And he did so.

Suddenly, the unconscious Dazzler began to glow... her lithe body seems to be covered with lambent flames. But it was then that flames began to combust through all the machinery.

Acting fast, Spider-Man created two domes with his webs. One for Dazzler and one for himself. And then...Protected by the webbed domes covering their bodies, neither Spider-Man nor the seemingly comatose Dazzler can see the wild fury that overtakes the underground laboratory... There is a sudden moment of fiery hell, which just as quickly fades into smokey vagueness.

"It's all over, Dazzler" Spider-Man peaked out to see all the smoke around them. "Only I don't see any sign of Lightmaster. He must have fled before this place went up" Peter turned around to see Dazzler trying to get out of the table.

"Here, give me your hand..."

"No. I don't need your help" Dazzler stated, confusing Spider-Man a bit as he began to walk forward, giving his back to Dazzler.

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