four || unforeseen destruction

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    I always hated working the night shift. The customers were ruder, the staff was scarcer, and time moved slower. As much as I tried to get out of working the night shift, it was what I usually got stuck with. 

    I tried not to complain about it too much though, my mom helped me to get this job in the first place. She was friends with one of the chefs, and he put in a good word for me when my application was being reviewed. It was one of the nicest restaurants in the neighborhood, the kind of place the men wore nice suits, and the women always came in elegant dresses. The name was as elegant as the people who inhabited it, Les étoiles et la Lune, French for "the stars and the moon."  Even the staff had to be put together at all times. The servers wore black long sleeve workshirts, with black slacks and black shoes. I was a hostess, so I usually wore a black dress and black heels or flats, although as the night went on, I found myself growing jealous of the flat bottomed shoes that the servers got to wear, wishing that I had done the same.

    I had my dark brown hair straightened and half-up so that my hair would stay out of my face. I stood by the front desk, tapping my fingers against the wooden countertop, staring at the clock on the wall. Most of the guests had already left, except for one group that always came here, and would stay as late as possible. They seemed to be having a great time, but I was growing more and more tired with each second that passed. The clock read 9:45 p.m. I sighed, I still had at least another half hour before I could leave. 

     No new guests had arrived for the last hour and a half, and it seemed pointless that I had to stay. My thoughts must have been written on my forehead, because just then, one of the other hostesses walked up to me, she was a middle-aged woman, very sweet, named Sarah. She gave me a knowing smile as she reached the desk, placing her arms on it and leaning down.

   "Tate, you've had a long day, why don't you go ahead and head home, this group should be out soon, and I don't think we will be having anyone else tonight." 

    I widened my eyes at her words. "Sarah, are you sure? Really I can stay, I don't mind, I'm sorry if I looked like I was slacking off, I was just zoned out, I-"

  She cut me off before I had a chance to finish, laughing and pointing towards the door.

  "Tate, it's fine, I promise, you go on now and get home to your mom."

   I practically squealed with excitement. "Thank you so much!" I ran around from my station and gave her a quick hug, which she returned. 

   "Be safe Tate! See you tomorrow!" she called out, waving me a final goodbye as I headed out the door.

   "I will! See you tomorrow!" 

   Normally, I wouldn't condone walking alone at night, but I only lived a couple of blocks down from the restaurant, and I never took alleyways or sketchy shortcuts, I always made sure that I was in as public a place as possible at all times.

      I passed the noisy pub that always seemed to be flooded, laughing as I watched a group of drunken friends singing with their arms around each other through the window. I was so invested in their antics, that I wasn't watching where I was going, and the next thing I knew, my heel got caught in a large crack in the sidewalk, sending me right smackdown on the pavement, and giving me yet another reason to wear flats tomorrow. 

   I felt my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment as I was sprawled out on the ground, and I sheepishly looked up to see if anyone had seen, and let out a greatful exhale when I confirmed that no one had. I went to push myself up, and to continue my walk home, hopefully without any further embarrassments, but I stopped when I noticed something next to my hand...a knife.

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