ten || one way or another

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AN: for the ultimate effect, I suggest you listen to the song that I attached. It is a "One Way Or Another" cover by Until The Ribbon Breaks. I think it really helps to set the mood! Okay that's all hehe enjoy!


Whit and Grayson put James and I in charge of planning the kidnapping of Tate. In their words they said that they, "didn't care how we did it, just that we did it." Obviously we had to keep her alive, in order to question her and find out her involvement in our software, and get the password we needed in order to access it. I had to admit, I was looking forward to it, growing increasingly annoyed by how she managed to pull the whole innocent act on me with each minute that passed.

For the next few days, we worked tirelessly, to make sure that our plan was executed perfectly.

We had Abel hack into all of the Lotus Apartment security footage, along with their resident list. He easily found Tate's apartment number, 409. We looked at the security footage when we realized there was a second resident in her apartment, which we deduced was her mother, Leilah Bridges. There was no way to tell if her mother was in on her schemes, and to decrease any further collateral damage, and to make less work for us, we had to figure out if there were any patterns that showed times when her mother was most likely not in the apartment.

Abel and Niall were on their computers, typing down anything that they saw on the footage that showed a consistent pattern, while James, Will, and I sat discussing how the kidnapping itself would take place.

"I could offer to walk her home one night, and the two of you could grab her at some point," James offered.

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "That won't work." I stopped myself short before I revealed how I knew Tate. I didn't want Whit or Grayson to find out that I had dropped my knife at our crime scene, and have them pester me about being sloppy. Nor did I want James to know that I was suspicious at the sight of them together, and that it caused me to question the integrity of the alliance between our organizations.

When they asked me how I knew her, I told them that she had been my hostess one time at the restaurant, and James told me how much he loved their salmon. I think they bought it, I just had to make sure that I kept selling it.

Niall, Abel, and Will had given me a funny look as the lie left my lips, but I gave them a look that kept them quiet, and none of them questioned me.

"Why not?" James asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I paused for a second, making sure that I played this out carefully, and that I didn't reveal that I had actually held her at knifepoint, and she didn't just show me to my table.

"Security cameras. From the security footage we've seen, she takes the same route home every day. It is very exposed, and if we were to try and grab her, there is no way we would be able to do it without being seen. When she goes missing, one of the first places her mother will tell the police to check would be the security footage on her path home. We need to do it inside the apartment building."

"What about the security cameras in the apartment building? Can't they check those too?" He asked, leaning forward in his chair a bit, causing the base of it to creak a little under his weight.

Abel suddenly spoke up, continuing to type as he did so. "They do. However, the security cameras on the streets are all linked together for that unit. There is a very high amount of cameras, and the current system they have running makes it so that if you hack one camera, they all go off. An interference that large on a public system would be noticed much quicker, as it would affect more than one location. The security cameras inside the apartment building are privately owned, and thus, them being turned off would only be noticed if someone went in and individually checked all of them. With privately-owned establishments, they rarely check the cameras unless they have a reason to. This means that by the time someone notices that the girl is missing, we will already be long gone, and they won't have anything to go off of, other than the time that the cameras went out, and that doesn't help much anyway."

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