seven || following your footsteps

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When I arrived at the Fort the next day, Niall, Abel, and Will were all waiting for me inside, like a little group of middle schoolers, waiting to hear the latest drama.

"Well?" Will asks impatiently.

I hold up my hands with my palms facing upwards. "Nothing."

They all release groans.

"Did she not have it?" Abel asks, taking off his glasses and using the bottom of his shirt to wipe away a smudge, before placing them back on his face, blinking a few times as his eyes readjusted.

I pulled out the extra chair surrounding the small table we were all huddled at, sliding into the seat and placing my elbows on the table. "I don't know, I didn't get the chance to ask her, because James was there."

   "Ah, so the poor bloke decided to be safe by switching his drinking a few blocks," Will spoke, his voice dripping with sarcasm and I smirked at him, letting out a chuckle as he spoke the words that I had thought the night before.

   Niall started scratching his head, before speaking. "Wait did he see you? You know Whit is gonna be so pissed if he spotted you. What if he thinks we are just using this alliance to spy on them and then-"

I held up my hand to cut him off, rolling my eyes. "Niall, this is not my first rodeo, no he did not spot me, I left as soon as I saw him." Niall let out a breath of relief, and Will lightly thumped him on the back of the head, which was a regular occurrence.

    Abel's soft voice spoke up, and I turned to give him my attention. "So, what are you going to do now? Are you still gonna get the knife?"

  I was about to open my mouth to tell them about how I spotted her walking with James, but I decided against it, wanting to avoid their numerous requests to accompany me. "I'm just gonna go back tonight, see if I can catch her on her way out, and ask her, simple."

   "Is she hot?" Niall quipped, earning a much harder thump on the back of his head, although it was from Abel this time, which made me laugh.

  "If you guys keep doing that, I am going to be concussed? Do you want that?" He cried out, dramatically flailing his arms. This only made the whole table, including Niall, erupt in laughter.

   "She was pretty fit," I admitted. "Although I don't see what that has to do with getting my knife back."

"Well," Will started, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head. "You could get the knife, and then get some action, if you know what I'm saying," he looked around the table and suggestively raised his eyebrows.

       "Will, I'm good, thanks though." I scoffed. While there was no denying that whoever this girl was, she was very attractive, I still had my suspicions about her and would prefer not to get in bed with the enemy. And even if she had absolutely no relation to James or Grayson, I still didn't want to get involved. I preferred to keep the women in my life as in the dark about me as possible. A one night stand at a bar, someone that I lock eyes with across the crowded dancefloor at a club. We'd spend one lust-filled night together, and then we would both be on our way. No strings attached, no feelings, just how I liked it.

After my mom died, I had no room for love in my heart, it was already overflowing with grief, that was soon replaced by anger and the hopes for revenge. It was fitting that I got into this line of work, seeing as how it was necessary to have no weak spots, nothing to go back to, nothing to lose. A risk-free environment.

     It was then that Whit strutted into the room, wearing a dark charcoal grey suit, not a wrinkle in sight. He was peppier than usual, a bright smile on his face as he approached us, firmly grasping the handle to his coffee mug.

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