forty || flashbacks

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the song for this chapter is "The Scientist," by Coldplay :)


Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start



When we landed back in London, the rest of the boys took their own car, and Tate and I took mine. I knew that I would probably be joining them back at the Fort later, but I was definitely looking forward to a few brief moments completely alone with Tate.

   We pulled up to my flat and I parked my car, getting out to grab both of our bags. I couldn't help but double-check my surroundings as I guided Tate to the door with my hand on the small of her back. 

   I knew now that the chase for this software wasn't something new, it had been going on for over two decades, which made the situation a million times more serious than I had originally thought it to be.

  If someone had spent that long going after something, there had to be a reason that people tried to hide it from them. 

    We entered the flat and I placed our bags on the couch, turning my attention to Tate.

  "Come here, baby," I whispered, holding out my arms to her. 

 She quickly made her way over to me and wrapped her arms around my body, nuzzling her head against my chest. 

   "This is insane," she chuckled against me.

 "I know," I laughed weakly.

   Who would have thought that the girl that I kidnapped because I saw her as a suspect, would now not only be my girlfriend but potentially the Bonnie to my Clyde if it became necessary? 

 I couldn't believe that I had admitted out loud that if we found something that we didn't like, that I would willingly run from Whit. The same man who had taken me in all those years ago, who had acted as a father figure to me, who had made me the person I am today. 

  Sure, we all had our faults. We weren't exactly in the most honorable line of work, but aside from that, he really did look out for me. He gave me a home when the only home I knew was the unforgiving streets of London. 

 I could only hope and pray, that if we had to run, that someday, he would understand. But as much as I didn't want to lose my relationship with him, I was much more concerned with losing the girl in my arms. 

    I couldn't help but think back to how Tate said that the men who kidnapped her never learned who her father's partner was. Assuming that it was my own father, I found it odd that they wouldn't have come for me as well. I was far more well known than Tate was, which I would have thought would have placed an even larger target on my back, but I guess not. 

   Tate suddenly pulled away from my chest to look into my eyes instead.

 "Do you have any idea where your father's key could be?" She asked softly.

   I paused for a moment at her question. I had spent the last six years trying not to think about my family. The only time I did let the thought enter my brain when it involved the possibility of vengeance for my mother's death. I would always remember the pain that I felt when I lost my mother, but I tried to not reflect on the happier times I spent with her, as it only made everything hurt more. 

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