eleven || no more games

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AN: the song for this chapter is Who Are You, Really? by Mikky Ekko


After a few minutes of Tate writhing around, trying to overpower the chloroform cloth I had pressed to her face, she finally stopped. I pulled the cloth away from her face and then put it back into my duffle bag. 

    That should keep her out for a while, and if she did come to, all I had to do was press the chemical back onto her face, and she'd be out again in no time.

   I looked around her room as I stood up from the bed. It was exceptionally neat. Not a single thing was out of place, or a speck of dust in sight. I wondered if she had been staying here long, or if she had only recently moved here, in order to be closer to whatever organization she was working for. Maybe she was an independent, although I doubted that, she seemed to have a lot of resources otherwise she wouldn't have been able to know who I was or that the knife belonged to me. 

     I made my way over to her closet, shuffling through the pretty neutral colored clothes, minus a few light greens, blues, and purples. Eventually, I found a bag that looked large enough, and began to throw some clothes into it, along with some shoes. Next was the dresser, I pulled out some of her underwear, trying to ignore the more scandalous ones as I placed them into the bag. I got a couple of more things, before heading into the bathroom, and grabbing the items she had lined up on the counter, and a little clutch full of some skincare shit. 

     I had a feeling that getting the information we needed out of her would take a while, and I would prefer if I didn't have to take her shopping. I didn't want to reward bad behavior. I cracked my neck as I ventured back into her bedroom, placing all of the items inside the bag before zipping it shut. I grabbed her phone and put it into my pocket, making a mental note to have Abel hack into it as soon as possible to look for any useful information, and also so that we could send out fake texts in order to cover all of our bases, and maybe even buy us a few days before people started to look for her. There was one thing left to grab though.


I slid both bag straps over my shoulder before shifting towards her. I bent down slightly and slid one arm under her knees, and the other under her upper back, lifting her up easily. She was pretty small, which just made my work easier. 

     I exited the apartment after I had taken one final glance around to make sure that nothing looked out of the ordinary. Minus some of Tate's clothes missing, there wasn't anything gone that would cause questions to be raised.

    I mean, she was missing, but nothing in the apartment showed any sign of forced entry.

My plan was to have Abel access her most frequent contacts, see if she had any friends that she talked to on a regular basis. We would send a message to her mother saying that they were going on a girl's trip for a few days. Obviously, sooner or later, her mother would start to grow suspicious, but hopefully, we'd be able to use the first few days or a week to get the answers out of Tate, without also having to worry about her panicked mother.

      I was immensely grateful that James had given me his security key, and that I could use the employee exits and stairwells, that way I didn't have to run into any other residents and explain to them why I was carrying an unconscious girl around their apartment building. 

   Soon enough, I was exiting the back door, greeted with the sound of the engine of our car, humming quietly.  

   The backseat door flung open, and I was met with Niall's grinning face.

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