forty-one || bossman

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AN: So I see Whit being played by Bradley Cooper, think like Hangover Era Bradley Cooper hehe, I feel like they have similar personalities. Also, the song for this chapter is "How You Like Me Now," by The Heavy :)


Oh no, would you see right through me?If I sing a sad sad sad sad songWould you give it to me? Would you?
So how you like me now?How you like me now?How you like me now?How you like me now?



     I breathed out in amazement as Harry put two and two together and deduced that his dad's half of the key was in a little knick-knack in his childhood home.

   It's kind of funny, how when you're a child, you tend to automatically assume that you know everything that there is to know about your parents. When in reality, at least in our case, it was anything but.

    It hurt to see Harry while he pieced together that story. I swear, it was like his body was here, but his soul was elsewhere. I tried so many times to speak to him, but it's like the man sitting next to me was merely a shell for a mind that was no longer there.

  And it was scary. It was scary to see someone who you viewed as the strongest person in the world look as though they could break if you breathed too hard next to them. 

   We sat there in silence for a bit before Harry finally spoke up.

 "We need to go down to the Fort. Whit has been blowing up my phone for the past week, I need to catch him up, and I need to tell him our plan," he stated, staring straight ahead.

  I nodded slowly. "Yeah, and what exactly do you plan to tell him? "Hey, Whit! Just FYI, we recently found out our family past is extremely sketchy, we might give you the information for the software, we might not! That's just showbiz baby!"?" I asked, giving some little jazz hands for effect at the end. 

   Harry chuckled and nudged me a little bit.

    "You're pretty funny, you know that?" He smirked, and I was just thankful to see him in a better mood.

   I shrugged. "I'm basically the best thing since sliced bread, I'm surprised you're just now noticing it."

   "Oh, trust me. I've known that for a long time," he winked, and I felt myself blush.

   "Oh, really now? What made you finally come to your senses?" I hummed.

   He put his finger to his lips, acting as though he were in deep thought.

  "I mean, there's just so many options! Maybe it was the time I saw you fall flat on your ass when you picked up my knife, maybe it was when you nearly gave yourself a concussion when I came into the restaurant, perhaps it was the time you practically force-fed me peanut butter and honey toast? I don't know how I'm supposed to pick!" He replied in a teasing tone.

    It was my turn to nudge him now. "Oh, can it, Styles. I know you wanted me from the second we met," I joked.

    He leaned in closer to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

   "Well, clearly I did something right, look where we are now," he smiled.

     I placed a hand softly on his cheek and brought his face closer to mine, and pressed a kiss onto his lips.

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