twenty-three || a stroll in the park

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the song for this chapter is We Must Be Killers, by Mikky Ekko :)


I woke up I was stuck in a dream

You were there you were tearing up everything



     I actually managed to sleep the first four hours of the drive. The after-effects of my hangover made it quite easy to fall asleep, leaving only about forty-five minutes left in our drive. The only reason I woke up was that Harry was honking the horn at someone who had pulled out right in front of us, and he screamed curses at them and threw up his middle finger, giving me a rude awakening.

    I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and let out a yawn, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright sunlight. Harry peered over at me briefly once he noticed me stirring about.

  "Sorry about that," he mumbled, turning his eyes back towards the road.

  "It's okay, sorry I slept most of the time," I replied, scooting up in my seat to sit up straighter, rubbing my shoulder which had a knot beginning to form in it from sleeping in such an odd position. 

"What'd you say this park was called again?" He asked.

"Pannett Park," I replied, staring out of the window at the rolling hills and lush countryside flying past us as we drove. 

We didn't speak after that. I wished so badly that I had a book or something to keep me entertained so I didn't have to sit here in the awkward silence floating about the car. I was sure that the tension between us would fizzle out in a few days. I guessed that Harry probably kissed girls all the time, whether I wanted to admit it or not, he was extremely attractive, and I was sure he had his fair share of meaningless kisses and one night stands. But I was also guessing none of those women were being held captive by him, making this situation unique and very uncomfortable for us both.

    I let out an audible sigh of relief as we pulled up to the park entrance. It was a beautiful place, and I wished that I remembered it more. After my father was killed, my mother and I moved around a bit before we eventually ended up in our apartment that we live in now in London. I don't remember my time in Whitby, I was far too young, but I wished that I did as I took in its beauty. I can see why this place had been so special to my dad. 

     Harry pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, walking over to my side of the car and opening the door for me, causing a blush to appear on my face, and I wanted so badly to smack it right off. 

 I got out and waited outside of the car while Harry grabbed his black duffle bag, watching as he unzipped it and went to get something out of it. My eyes widened as I saw him pull out his gun, tucking it into his back pocket, and pulling his shirt over it to hide it. He zipped the bag up, and slung it over his shoulder, shutting the car door and locking it. 

  He turned to face the park, scanning it over with his eyes and letting out a tired sigh.

"I sure hope your instincts can find this thing," he spoke, and I gave him a weak smile.

I hoped they could too.

  Harry walked a little bit ahead of me, and I awkwardly trailed behind him, taking larger steps than usual to keep up with his long legs. I darted my eyes around, trying to see if anything sparked something inside of me.

    There weren't that many people in the park, which I found surprising, considering it was such a beautiful place. If I still lived here, I think I'd be here every chance I got. A slight chill ran over my body as it hit me that this place was probably one of the last places I had been with my father. One of the last times we had all been together as a family. My heart hurt as I began to wonder what he would have been like, and what my life would have looked like if he hadn't been killed. Perhaps I would have grown up here, in the quaint countryside, spending my free time outdoors and running around in the open air, instead of the smoggy city air of London. I was grateful that I had the opportunity to live in such a prominent city, but I couldn't deny that part of me wished that I had grown up here, away from the rest of the world. 

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