fifty || any way the wind blows

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the song for this chapter is "Bohemian Rhapsody," by Queen :)


Nothing really matters,Anyone can see,Nothing really matters,Nothing really matters to me.
Any way the wind blows...



  "Hello?" I grumbled into the phone, the irritation evident in my voice, and my pants feeling noticeably tighter as I stood in the bathroom, recovering from Tate's teasing attack. 

 "What crawled up your ass and laid an egg?" Abel laughed into the phone. 

 I ran a hand through my hair and strolled out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, to find Tate still in her underwear, sifting through her bag which she had placed on top of the dresser. 

    I narrowed my eyes at her and she smirked at me, knowing full well what she was doing.

"Tate did," I replied, and she gasped in mock offense, only to have her expression replaced by a sly grin moments later. 

   I walked over to the bed and pulled my phone away from my ear to put it on speakerphone, before throwing it down on top of the soft white duvet.

  "Good job, Tate," Abel chuckled, his laugh echoing throughout our suite.

  "Thanks, Abel!" She chimed back cheerily. 

"You guys are assholes," I grumbled, spinning around and letting my body fall back onto the bed, my boots still placed firmly on the floor, and bringing my arms behind my head as I pouted up at the ornate ceiling above me, following the golden patterns and ethereal paintings on it with my eyes. 

   We hadn't even been in our suite for five minutes, and Tate had already managed to leave me extremely sexually frustrated, which I am guessing was due to the flirtatious and suggestive comments I had said to her in the elevator.

   "Yeah, yeah, so are you, Harry. How was the flight?" Abel asked.

  "It was good, but I know you didn't call to ask about our travel experience. What's up?" I sighed.

"Okay then, someone's a little feisty. I called because I was seeing if you had figured out anything about where the clues in Spain lead to, and also to kind of give you a heads up," he replied, his voice growing more hesitant and quiet towards the end of his sentence. 

    I shot my torso upright and snatched my phone into my hand, holding it so that the screen was facing upward in my palm. I could feel the ridges of my phone case digging into my skin from gripping it a little tighter than I probably should have.

    "Yes, we figured it out. What do you mean a heads up?" I asked, already feeling the tension in my jaw as the muscles involuntarily locked up. 

   " see-" Abel rattled, dragging out his words and only causing me to grow even more rigid, and although I tried to remain calm, the words left my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.

  "Damnit, Abel, please just spit it out already!" I snapped, instantly regretting it.

  Before Tate had a chance to scold me, I reprimanded myself, relaxing my shoulders a bit and sighing.

  "I'm sorry, Abel. Stressful week, not your fault," I mumbled, glancing over at Tate who was nodding at me approvingly, mouthing, 'good job.'

  "It's okay, Harry. I know it's stressful. I wanted to give you a heads up because, well, things haven't exactly been smooth sailing over here since you left," he began, and I could hear the exhaustion in his own voice as he spoke, making the guilt I felt for snapping at him increase tenfold. I had gotten so caught up in the stress that all of this had caused in my own life, that I had neglected to acknowledge the fact that it was impacting everyone around me as well.

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