thirty-seven || bloody knuckles

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the song for this chapter is "Wishuwell," by Ghostboi, and I HIGHLY suggest you play it, I suggest playing it around Harry's second POV ;) 


      My blood boiled for the entirety of the trip back to the house. Abel stayed glued to his laptop the entire drive, furiously typing on his laptop and hacking into different security cameras. Niall stayed silent, though his own anger was seen simply by his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly.

  We were about five minutes from the house when Abel finally spoke up.

   "I got it."

  I leaned forward in my seat, craning my neck in order to see his screen. My heart faltering for a bit when my eyes finally focused on the security tape playing.

   There she was, my beautiful Tate. I'm sure that she thought that the most beautiful things in the market that day were the flowers, but she was wrong.

      The most beautiful thing in the market that day was her. 

  I watched on the fuzzy security footage as she strolled through the different rows of flowers, so effortlessly stunning. My heart lurched as it hit me yet again that when we got to the house, she wouldn't be there. I gripped the back of Abel's seat tightly as thoughts about her swam around in my mind.

   Suddenly, a man appeared in the corner of the screen. I watched as he walked up to Tate, and they bumped into each other. I gritted my teeth as I watched the interaction. Of course, to the untrained eye, this would have looked like a complete accident. But I had enough knowledge and experience to know that their collision was completely intentional. 

   Abel paused the screen when he had a clear view of the man's face, and zoomed in. He clicked a few buttons and suddenly, a scanner appeared on the screen, and I watched as various codes and tabs flew across the screen.

      But then everything stopped, and a single file illuminated the screen. 

   Darren Kent.

   "Who the fuck is Darren Kent? One of Quinton's men?" I asked, disgust dripping off my lips as I spoke his name. 

    "No, I don't think so. I am guessing he has something to do with the third party threats we were receiving for Tate and her mother though. There's nothing about his work on the file, just his basic personal information, and some aliases. I can try and run his name and aliases through flight records and hotel guest lists and stuff like that to try and pin possible locations," Abel sighed, reaching up and adjusting his glasses.

   I turned my head away from Abel when the car began to slow to a stop, and it honestly felt like my heart was going to slow to a stop as well.

   The front door to the safehouse was wide open, and even from the car, I could make out the bloody handprint on the door. 

  Niall turned off the car and we all silently began to get out. Will was right behind us, already out of his car, and just staring at the bloody door in disbelief. 

   I was the first one to start moving towards the door, and the rest of the boys followed shortly after. The closer I got, the more blood I could see. Streaks of red dribbled down from the handprint on the door, the blood still fresh. This just further made my heart twist in my chest, as I realized how close we were to almost saving her. 

    I pushed the door open and it slowly creaked open, revealing even more blood. It was all across the floor, and I couldn't help but wonder whether this was from the man that Tate shot, or if it was from her. 

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