thirty || morning, sunshine

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the song for this chapter is "Sweet Emotion," by The Kooks :) 


Yes, I feel sweet emotion
Every time you're near me
Every time you are near
I said I feel sweet emotion
Every time you're near me
Every time you are near





        I woke up the next morning with Harry holding me. I wish I could say that as soon as my eyes opened, regret set in and I felt disgusted, but I actually woke up feeling happier than I had in a while. Peeking over my shoulder, I saw that Harry was still asleep, a grin crept onto my face as I took in how peaceful he looked. I decided to get up and go wash my face and brush my teeth, slipping as slowly as I could out of Harry's arms. As soon as I stood up though, I felt his hand grab my arm.

    I turned towards him, to see his sleepy eyes barely opened. "Come back," he whined, his voice deeper and raspier than usual. 

   I laughed at this tender side of him, causing him to stick out his bottom lip and pout. I went to walk away again, but Harry tightened his grip on my arm, tugging me back towards the bed. Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly got back in the bed. Harry smiled in satisfaction, pulling my body against his and humming as he nestled his face into my neck. 

     "Harry, don't you think we should get up and ready before the other boys get suspicious?" I chuckled.

    He groaned. "To be honest, I don't give a fuck what they think. I don't think Niall or Abel would care, the only fucker we have to worry about would be Will," he replied, laughing softly before continuing. 

  "Besides, what is that they have to be suspicious of? I thought you said there was nothing going on between us?" He teased, and I just knew he would use my own words against me eventually. 

    "There isn't," I replied defiantly, although I knew a smile was already spreading on my face, I was just glad Harry couldn't see it.

   "Oh really? That's not what it seemed like last night. The only thing between anything was my hand between your legs," he retorted, and I felt my face burning.

     "Harry!" I whispered, turning around and lightly smacking him on the shoulder, he just smirked in response. 

   "What? Are you saying that I was just a booty call to you? I'm hurt!" He gasped, placing his hand over his chest in mock distress. 

    "Yes, Styles, you were a booty call. Life's tough, deal with it," I replied with a smug expression. 

  "Well, in that case, call me anytime you like, princess," he smiled, pulling me back down to snuggle my body against his. 

    I sighed. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Who knows, I have so many other options..." I trailed off, grinning as I felt Harry's arms tighten around me.

     "Oh really? Who? Don't worry, I'm not going to kill them, just asking for a friend," he replied cheekily, and I let out a laugh. 

     He was quiet for a bit before speaking again. "In case you're wondering, you're the only booty I'll be calling from now on."

    I turned around to face him, both of us holding serious expressions on our face before we burst out laughing.

    "You know, when you aren't scaring people or killing them, you're kind of funny," I admitted, and he gave me a smug grin. 

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