forty-nine || mr. jones & me

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the song for this chapter is "Mr. Jones," by Counting Crows :)


Mr Jones and me
Tell each other fairy tales
And we stare at the beautiful women
She's looking at you
Ah, no, no, she's looking at me



     Spain was even more beautiful than I had imagined it to be. The weather was perfect when we landed, with partially cloudy skies and a light breeze in the air. 

   Harry had a car waiting for us at the airport, although it was not what I was expecting at all. 

 I actually loved cars a lot, and so when I saw the 1976 Ford Bronco in a gunmetal blue color waiting for us at the airport, I was ecstatic, to say the least.

  "Harry! What? This car is beautiful! I thought we'd just get another black SUV or something!" I cried out, running down the stairs of the plane and towards the car. 

  I heard Harry chuckling from behind me.

  "I thought it'd be nice to switch it up a little bit, you like it?" he asked.

  "I love it!" I gushed, but then I suddenly remembered something.

  I turned around to find Harry next to me but brushed past him to go back up the stairs.

 "What are you doing?" He asked in confusion, but I continued my way back up into the plane.

  I peeked my head into the front of the plane where the pilot and copilot were still sat, and they both turned their heads towards me expectantly.

 "Thank you for a great flight," I smiled, and both of them instantly grew matching expressions on their faces.

  "Oh, well, of course, Ms. Bridges," Tim replied.

  "You can call me Tate, I hope you both have a safe flight back," I replied, giving them a small wave.

   "Okay then, Tate, thank you again, and I hope you and Harry stay safe while you are down here,  I am sure we will see you soon when you go to your next destination," Parker chimed in, and with one final goodbye, I turned and headed back down the stairs. 

   As I descended back down the narrow plane staircase, I found Harry still at the bottom waiting for me, beaming up at me.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked awkwardly.

 "Because that was really sweet. You're really sweet," he replied, placing his hand on the small of my back as I reached the last stair and then hopped onto the pavement. 

  I really didn't think much about thanking the pilots, it just seemed like the right thing to do. But I suppose when you work with people as Harry does, the tiniest act of kindness can seem monumental. 

   "You ready to go, baby?" He grinned as we walked towards the car.

 "Ready as I'll ever be," I joked back, pushing myself up on my toes to peck his cheek.

  He opened the door for me and helped me climb into the high sitting car, before shutting the door behind me and jogging around to the drivers' seat. 

   "So, where are we staying?" I asked, buckling the seatbelt and lounging back into the plushy white leather seats.

  "You'll see," he replied with a smirk on his lips, putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking space, and heading to the exit of the small private airport.

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