Chapter Fifteen

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Blood seeped from the wound in Shigiraki's head. He looked around, dazed. He was laying on the floor in the new and improved Aizawa-Hizashi residence. He nearly puked. His family was nowhere to be seen, and there was blood everywhere.

The house was a wreck. Picture's were ripped off the walls, the frames shattered. Their furniture was torn to smithereens, and there Shigiraki was, surrounded by a circle of blood. It was painted around him. 

He tried to stand, but was hit with a wave of nausea. His hand immediately went to the wound on his head. Then he saw it. His glove was gone. It had been specially manufactured to his quirk, and he didn't have his glove. Only one question was on his mind. 
What happened?

He looked around the room, and saw a piece of paper, folded pristinely on the counter, not a drop of blood on it. Written in elegant script was "Tenko Shimura," :0

He grabbed it, paying mind to only use four fingers. 

Dear Tenko Shimura

You did not belong in that family, and you know it. You are a villain. You killed your dog, you killed your father. You can hear it still, can't you? The screams? You like it too. You try to convince yourself you don't but I know you. 

You know, your family is dead. You did it. You lost your mind, and you killed them in cold blood. Their bodies are gone because you disintegrated them. You are the reason this all happened, and there is no going back, now.

You are a villain.

I used to think I was a hero, too, you know. I helped people with their quirks. Made them stronger. Steal from the rich, give to the poor, that idea. They turned on me, though. Everyone turned on me. I gave up on helping people.

You should too. 

You have a destructive quirk. You cannot help people with that quirk.

You know what you have to do. 

Your dearest ally,
All for One

Shig-Shimu- Error 404

Shigimura placed his last finger onto the letter and watched it dissolve to dust, and scatter onto the carpeted floor. 

Knowing my family, they aren't dead. It's impossible.

He was going to find the son of a bitch who did this to him and his family, and he was going to pay.

He headed to the bathroom to patch up his head. He avoided looking at himself in the mirror, and opened the medicine cabinet immediately. He cleaned up the cut and sewed it together. It was a bit difficult, seeing as how he got so comfortable with using all five fingers. He had to make a point to not use his pinkie finger. 

He took a shower, and cleaned himself of the blood and headed to his room. 

He hated how casual he was about having a missing family, how common it was at this point. 

He walked out of the house with a mission, and determination burning in his eyes.


Blood. There was so much blood. It nearly covered the walls, and painted the carpet red. Usually Toga loved the color red. She watched violent movies, and consumed as much red as possible. Yet, this- this made her sick. 

Her family - the first family to ever fully accept her- was gone, and she had a feeling she knew what happened. Well, mostly. That was the thing, her memory was completely blank. Last thing she remembered was her and her family all sitting around in the living room watching a new hero movie that Midoriya had insisted on watching.

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