Chapter Nineteen

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After a little bit of contemplation, Hitoshi decided to go to where Toga would be going. Looking for someone while you are both on the move is difficult. So, he headed to what he assumed to be the bosses office. He knew that he was going the right way when he started to hear screams. Toga was getting information. 

He knew that they were fake people and that it was okay to hurt them, but he knew that they had to be careful around the others. After all, it still reflects on Toga's morality seeing as how she thinks that they are real people. 

When Hitoshi arrived at the managers office, the screams were louder. He pressed his ear up against the door, and sure enough, they were coming from the room. He tried the doorknob. He was disappointed to find that it was unlocked. Rookie mistake. 

He made sure to be on edge when he entered. Toga had gotten really good at knife throwing and was very likely to try to kill him when he entered the room. She did. 

It really was a good thing that his reflexes had also grown, so he was able to dodge the knife aimed directly at his head. 

"Is that any way to greet your brother?" He questioned, a small smirk gracing his lips.

Toga gasped loudly. "Hitoshi!" He was enveloped in a large hug. He tried to ignore the blood that soaked into his shirt. 

"I KNEW you weren't dead!" He gave him a toothy grin. 

"Right now, I've gathered the Adults (tm) of the squad. We have an address on where we might be able to find Dabi, but we aren't sure. We need strength in numbers, in case it's a trap." He pulled a notepad and pen out of his hoodie. "They don't actually know that I'm here, though. Write a note saying that you want to meet nearby. You know that we are alive, something like that."

Toga grabbed the stuff out of his hands and jotted something down.

Meet me in Hosu behind the gardens. I miss you guys <3


Toga nodded, passing it back to him. "I just need to finish up here. Give me the address and we can meet up there." 

"Okay. You're lucky I'm wearing a hoodie. I have a you print on my chest." He pulled it over his head, and dropped it on the floor. "Burn this with the rest of the evidence please." 

Toga saluted. "Sir, yes, sir!" Hitoshi chuckled and walked out the door. "Be thorough with it. We don't want them to find out that their kids are... less than moral."

Toga snickered. "See you soon!" She turned back towards the man tied up on the chair. "Now, you wanna give me some answers?" 

Hitoshi closed the door behind him, the sound of screams fading as he walked away.


Hitoshi walked back into the motel room, and was bet with a barrage of questions. The one that stuck out the most being Hizashi who shouted, "WHERE'S YOUR HOODIE?" Leave it to him to focus on the important details. 

"I had to leave it. Someone started to follow me, so I needed to get them off my trail. Sorry." He plopped down onto the bed that he was sharing with Nemuri (seeing as how Aizawa and Hizashi would want to share a bed, being husbands and all). 

Aizawa sighed. "It's fine. Just, what did you find?" 

"Well, I did see a note left behind. It was from Toga. I made sure to check the area that we all agreed on in case we need to contact each other, and know where the other would most likely be." 

"Huh?" Hizashi voiced his confusion.

"In case we are ever separated, we made a plan. We go to the place where we are most likely to go to together, and leave a note in a... certain place that tells us where to meet. I think that Toga was still latching onto the hope that we are alive." He pulled the note out of his pocket. He made sure to make it look a little worn down from being hidden. 

He handed it to the closest person, Aizawa. Aizawa's eyes quickly scanned the note, and he passed it over to Nemuri, who then passed it to Hizashi. 

"That's near the spot we need to take her to." Hizashi observed.

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock!" Nemuri joked.

"No cursing in front of the babey!" Hitoshi said, almost on reflex. 

"Doesn't count if the babey isn't here," Nemuri shot back.

"Technically the babey is in the same room as us right now. We are all just unconscious," Hitoshi argued. 

"Yeah, so he can't hear me! Therefore, I can curse. Nemuri concluded her statement by crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are both children." Aizawa sighed. He was holding the note in his hand. "This is in her hand writing." 

Hitoshi glanced around at the three adults in the room. Even though he was thirteen, he was still very young. Even Aizawa acted as though he was older than he was. He missed being young. He strained his brain to figure out when that was. When he was really, truly, happy. Nothing came up. 

His parents weren't good people. They were constantly telling him to help them. He never knew exactly how bad it was until he saw them chained up in his basement

He never realized how bad it was until he saw all the blood.

He shook his head, and focused back on Aizawa who had been talking the entire time.

"-we need to hurry to where we are meeting Toga. We don't want anything to go wrong." 

Hitoshi nodded, pretending he had been listening the entire time. 

"We should refuel first. We need our strength. If anything goes wrong, and we aren't at 100% we could flub. We have no idea what happens if we die in here. We need to be careful," Hizashi reasoned. 

Hitoshi nodded along with their argument. Nemuri was laying down on the bed already, and it seemed to be more of a conversation between Aizawa and Hizashi than anything else. 

"Toga could be wating for us. We can't let her down." 

"If she's been waiting for us this entire time, she can wait a little bit longer. Just enough time to regroup, nothing too drastic. " 

Aizawa sighed in defeat. "Alright, but if she isn't there when we get there, I blame you." 

Hizashi nodded. "I know. We need to take care of ourselves, though. Toga is a strong girl. She can take care of herself for one more night. 


Toga grinned at the bodies. Everything was in place. She was pinning this on someone. She really didn't like All Might. Might as well have some fun, right? She found a lot from government files. Turns out, All Might is a man named Yagi Toshinori. She had his exact address. SO if someone were to, say, dump a body in his basement (along with several other bodies, of varying age) all the signs of him being a serial killer would be there. 

He would, possibly, be sent to prison for a very, very long time.

This is what he gets for being a QUIRKIST ASSHAT. She mentally cursed him. She called the police a little bit after she cleaned up. 

"Hey, I.. oh god. I think I saw someone dragging a dead body into their house. I think I'm going to be sick!" She gagged to herself.

"Okay, ma'am, can you tell me where you are?" She gave the address. 

"Please hurry. He.. I think he might find me." 

"Alright ma'am keep hiding. A patrol car will be there soon."

"WAIT! Can you.. can you want with me. I don't.. I don't want to be alone." She tried to sound as pathetic as possible.

"Of course, ma'am. Can you tell me what the man looked like?" 

"Tall. He- he  looked like an All Might impersonator. He-" she cut herself off with a screech. She dropped the phone and continued screaming as she walked away from her 'Hiding spot'. She went out to the park where she had tied up someone at an anti quirkless rally nearby. 

She quickly slit her throat and ran off again. 

This was going to look terrible for All Might.

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