Chapter 14 : A faithful meeting and a bitter truth

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Eric was upstairs sitting on the bed near the window in his room. He looked lost looking outside and just then he saw a man ringing the doorbell of his house. "Huh? Who is it?" he said this to himself finding himself helplessly looking at the young gentleman to know if he knew about him.

Then he even saw his grandmother going to receive him, so he rushed downstairs and went outside.

"Oh! Eric" she said.

The gentleman standing there gave him a smile. He had blond hair and purplish eyes and he was really good looking. He was dressed nicely with coat and tie and looked friendly and easy to get along with.

Eric mean while didn't ask who he was since it would be a bad mannered decision to ask who someone is in that person's presence so he kept quiet and went near his grandmother.

"Is he Arnold's son?" the young gentleman asked.

His grandmother nodded and the young gentleman gave him a warm hearted smile filled with warmth and happiness. His grandmother knew Eric was curious so she said, "I'll introduce you when we go inside".

The three of them went inside and the man sat on the comfy sofa along with Eric meanwhile his grandmother was preparing something to eat.

The man asked him various questions but Eric didn't back down either.

"Which class are you in?" he asked.

"I'm homeschooled" he answered.

"Ah, same as me" the man said with a smile.

"What? You were home schooled too" Eric asked curiously.

"Mm-hm. My father wanted me to learn things fast, so he had me home tutored" he said.

"Wow. So, what do you do" he asked.

"Me? I am a business man. I look over the Publishing Companies in some countries" he answered not as if he was bragging but it did feel like he wasn't trying to stand out.

"Well, that's cool" he said as a complement.

"Eh" the man smilingly said "Well, you're not bad yourself. You got your self some good looks there, kid and seems like you have passed more grades than a high school student. Also, you don't look like you'll fall for any trick" the man completed.

"Well, aren't you keen to see things" Eric said as he smirked.

'I guess we'll get along pretty well' both of them thought in their head.

As the conversation ended his grandmother brought some refreshments and said as she put down and placed the things.

"Well, aren't you too getting along" she said

"You didn't need to do all this, Mother" the man said.

'Mother' the word had hit REALLY.... REALLY! Hard on Eric's brain that he found himself dumbfounded for a moment and blurted out loud as if he just got to know his exams! Are in a few weeks.

"WHAT!!!" he went.

His uncle was cool and actually looked cool as he was calm and drinking tea with his eyes closed with a dashing smirk that could shoot all the woman's hearts.

His grandmother sighed and said, "Yes. Eric. He is your uncle".

Eric looked at the fine man and stared at him confusingly and said, "He's my long distance relative".

This made the both of them to fall ridiculously as would happen in an anime or manga.

"He's your real uncle!" she sighed again and to make it clearer she said, "He's your father's brother".

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