Chapter 6: It comes like a shooting star

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The boiling sun woke Melody as the light rays trespassed into her room.

Rubbing her eyes she came down stairs and saw her parents having breakfast.

"Good morning" Melody mumbled.

"Good morning" her parents replied her back.

 "Melody, would you mind telling me what time is it?" her father asked. 

Melody bit her lip nervously, looked at the clock and said, "it's twelve"

"Don't you think you should wake up early in the morning?"

"It's a weekend" she groaned.

"Yeah and you are going to read books and watch TV all day long" her mother said as she placed her breakfast in front of her. 

"What's wrong with both of you? The day has just started and both of you have started to scold me" she complained.

"Melody, we do it because we care about you. It's for your own good" her father said to her. "You'll miss it once we're gone" her mother said. "Mom!" Melody exclaimed. 

"You know, I miss the time when she was a baby"

Melody and her father stared ironically at Mrs. David 

"What?" Melody was surprised at the mention.

"Okay, Melody we're going now. Be sure to lock the door and don't wander around too much" her mother carefully dodged the awkward situation. 

"But where?! It's the weekend!" 

"We're going to buy groceries"

Her start of the day had been abominable and to keep herself composed she was going outside after finishing her breakfast. 

The scenery improved her mood. She was going to take a bus and wander around.
As she was waiting at the terminal with a book in hand, she saw someone walking towards her. She looked up and got utterly disappointed.
It was Eric, she put her eyes back on the book.
He stared quietly at Melody and began to boast, "it's so tough being handsome. Women flocking around me has become so troublesome"

Melody saw her limits retiring to heaven and a storm of anger raged in, "that's it! What is your problem?! Why do you keep following me". "Well, it isn't my fault, little demon. You fall from the sky wherever I go. It makes me doubtful of your intetions" he cheesily pretended to blush.
Frustrated, Melody focused on her book.

Eric sighed, "hey, can't we just.... You know, be friends".
Melody then closed the book and looked at his face with an annoyed look,"I thought you didn't like women flocking around you?" Melody chimed.
"Yeah, but you're a girl" he said in a laughing manner.
Melody felt as if she just spit blood "but you said you were doubtful of my intentions!!"
"Were they worthy to be doubted?" He asked with a deep voice. Melody suddenly felt enchanted.
"Even if they were, it doesn't matter to me! Demon lady is not my type" he went from wild to innocent and Melody felt as if she was riding a roller coaster and decided to get off of it as soon as possible.
"Okay, okay. Let's be friends but nothing more than that" she said.

"Are you scared that you won't be able to handle it if there would be more to it" he huskily stated.

"Just kidding. That would be so yucky!" He exclaimed.

Melody hit him hard with the book and entered inside the bus that stopped in front of them.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do anything like that again. So, let's just be friends. What do you say little demon?"

"Fine, I'll give you a chance"

He immediately looked at her with surprise.
"but you would need to make me accept your offer of becoming friends with you".

"But that was no offer"

"Then, I'm not your friend-"

"Deal!" he said as he forwards his hand towards her.

She then took his hand and shook it. She was starting to enjoy her day and Eric smirked as he thought that they could be good friends if Melody would keep smiling like that.

The bus then stopped and Eric lightly nudged Melody,  "come on, here's our stop".

"Huh?" Melody was dumbfounded as Eric suddenly grabbed her hand and lead her out of the bus.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.
"Just wait and see" he told her as he pulled her hand.

He took her into a museum. When they were inside, he let go of her hand and walked away towards the hall way.

Melody was taken aback.

"You've failed already. Museums are boring"

"I'll make you regret saying that"

"Try it" she challenged him.

Nothing piqued her interest and she started to yawn intentionally to annoy Eric until they stopped in front of a stone so mesmerising that she could stare at it, all day.
It was labelled as  'Rosetta stone', with some kind of an ancient language imprinted upon it. Melody tried a thousand times to read it but all her efforts were in vain.

"it's inscription type is Greek and Egyptian" She stared at Eric with respect.

"It's written in it's description" he pointed at the long passage describing about the stone and Melody shoot him a murderous look.
"Come on let's watch something  else" he dodged Melody and the both of them then saw other antiques.

Eric then walked out of the museum and Melody followed him out. "So, where are we going next?" she asked. "Wait for it" he said with a playful smirk.

Then he went to a building which was huge and had green painted doors.

Melody gasped and brazenly shouted, "is that a library!".

Eric clicked his tongue "could you keep it low?"

"S-sorry" Melody felt embarrassed at her sudden outburst.

When they went inside after passing through an empty hall with vases and scattered decorations. Melody felt as if she was in paradise.
It was a library with thousands of shelves! Filled with books! "I was right about it being a library" she said beaming.

"You want to read or should we leave?" He asked.

Melody ran to the shelves and looked at books. She'd take them out and read, sometimes sitting on a chair while sometimes she would be scooted on the floor with various books circling her.

They both kept reading and spent hours inside. When they finally came out the sun was about to set.

They were waiting at the bus station with dead pan silence hanging in the air until Melody mumbled,

"Thanks, today was fun" she said.

"No one can get bored if they're around me" he bragged.

In a glimpse Melody's happiness came to zero, "don't be too full of yourself. By the way the day came to an end fast, right?"

"Yeah, well if you do something in which you get absorbed the day eithers finishes fast or slow" he answered.
"yup" she answered.

Again there was a short silence.

"So, what do you think?" asked Eric. At first Melody gave a questioning face and then asked, "about what?".

Eric was flabbergasted, "seriously!". Melody started to laugh "okay, okay. Hm. Well it wasn't so bad hanging out with an idiot". Eric looked here and there looking as he was controlling himself.
"Are you trying to test my limits?" he asked.
Melody gave a look which meant 'maybe'.
"Fine. I accept. I'm your friend" she said.

Hearing this Eric looked rather surprised. 

As the bus arrived Melody got up and started to make her way towards it.

"Not getting in?"she asked her friend.
He smiled and got up from the seat.

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