Chapter 7

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The next morning everyone was up early, it was the first day back at school. Kiara got the taste of the American public school which was almost uneventful. She did not have any classes with the others as she was a grade below them. She did not expect so little attention.
What shocked Kiara the most was the fact that James was very popular. James was so soft spoken and to her, he was a loner. But that was far from the truth. James and Howard were like a power duo. The most famous guys at school. Football captains, top grades. She could not believe that James the guy with asthma was the most famous person at school.
Luckily, Kiara was in the same class with her new friend. Edith reminded her, of her best friend back in Celestia. The two of them where much alike. Kiara was considering taking Edith with her back in Celestia so she could meet with Aria. But if the two of them met Kiara would never be able to talk. The thought of Aria made her miss Celestia. She had not heard Aria's news since June as she had gone on holidays.
The one thing that did not surprise Kiara at all was Morgan's social status. To her, Morgan was a big snob who thought that she owned the school. She did own the school and she counted at least 15 girls that wanted to hang out with Morgan. But Morgan of course rejected them. And imagine that she was a junior. Kiara hoped that she could go home before the next school year. Morgan's life seemed to perfect to be true. Or Kiara was jealous of the attention Morgan was taking.
Freya and Sebastian were not that popular at all. Freya was more like the nerdy artsy girl that gets involved with everything . Kiara realized that Freya was greeting random people at the hall and checking up on them.
And Sebastian he was a skater boy. He was in the football team, but he preferred being with the skaters. He was more like a wallflower. He did not sit with the others.
Being the new girl is always stressful. Kiara learned it in the hard way during the first way. She did the one thing you do not do when you go to a new school. Fight with the popular girl. Morgan, when she was not with Howard, Freya, or James she could get out of line. She needed them to stay grounded and do not do anything stupid.
After lunch time, Morgan was with two of her school friends. Not distinctive personalities but probably rich enough to hung out with Morgan. The three of them were smoking cigarettes in the bathroom and laughing.
Kiara made the mistake and talked to them. "I don't think you are allowed to smoke in school. Don't you get a week of suspension if you get caught smoking in the school grounds?". She said to them with an aggressive tone.
Morgan threw the cigarette in the toilet seat and flushed it. She stepped down of the toilet seat and faced Kiara. The other two girls stayed behind them and they started laughing. They probably knew that Kiara was so dead. Morgan crossed her arms. "Honestly, Kiara, why do you care. It is my life. I can do whatever I want. Am I bothering you? Have I ever told you what to do? No, so back off and leave me alone" Morgan replied with the most bitter tone.
Kiara chuckled. "I guess I wasn't wrong about you. You are a bitch after all" Kiara regretted the second she said that. The other three girl except from Morgan were astonished.
Morgan's face turned snow cold. She slapped Kiara. "Don't you dare even look at my direction. I do not like you either, but I have never complained. I sympathized you. You had to leave your life behind you but that DOES NOT give you the right to talk to me like that. You can't use your troubles as an excuse for your shitty behavior."
Kiara felt awful but she needed to explode "You are the one who is always judging me! You do not want me. I have never come to your house. Actions speak louder than words" Kiara barked.
"You are right. I do not want your behavior in my house. You love getting attention for what happened to your family. But everyone else doesn't want to talk about you 24/7. And actions don't always speak louder than words. You will remembered as the girl who called me a bitch and everyone will forget the fact that I slapped you." Morgan shouted.
Kiara was feeling like she got stabbed in her guts. "That's how much you hate me. You feel threatened by me. You know that I will not do whatever you want, and you hate me for that. But It is not your fault that is how you your parents have raised you. You are a superficial little spoiled brat. You think that you are rebelling by smoking cigarettes in school". Kiara stormed.
Morgan had the look of a killer on her face. "Don't you ever say a bad word about my family. You are the one who was not raised well. I don't have the need to attack others, so I get attention" She snapped.
"F*ck you Morgan. Go f*ck yourself." Kiara said and gasped.
Morgan did not answer. Tears formed in her eyes. She pointed her index finger at Kiara, and before she left the bathroom, she shouted "You will regret that".
Morgan opened the door revealing half of the school standing outside. Howard and Freya had a sorrow look on their faces. James' blank expression made Kiara feel much worse. He hugged Morgan and the two of them sat in a bench by themselves. Everyone else had the not cool expression at their faces.
Kiara realized how bad her behavior was. She had failed her mother and above all her diseased father. It was true that Morgan had never said anything about her, which made Kiara the bad person. Even Freya who promised Kiara to help her if she had any problems, turned her back at her. Of course Freya would take her best friend's side and she would not help out the random girl.
But at least she had Edith. "Do you want to come at my place. You need a bit of support at the moment." She commented.
"Sure, why not" Kiara said.
Edith's house was two blocks away from James' house. Not exactly in the neighborhood. Her room was a whole floor. "Cool house" Kiara admitted stoked by the how big her room was.
Edith had a mischievous smile on her face. "You haven't seen anything yet. Follow me" They climbed more stairs until they reached the attic. Edith removed a big piece of fabric to reveal a robot. "I stole it from Morgan's house two weeks ago. Nobody even noticed me. I bet it is her project for the school contest. It's such a shame that it has gone missing, isn't it?"
Kiara felt angry with Morgan. "Such a shame" she laughed.
James did not care about the feud Morgan and Kiara had. They were girls. At some point they will be talking again. Freya and Morgan fought all the time. He did not keep any hard feelings for either of them as he knew that this is what girls do. Besides, he had problems of his own. He was filled with anger he could not control. He found himself clenching his fists in the classroom and felt the urge to explode. He got mad over silly things that until two days ago he would not be mad at. But what was bugging him the most was to know why he could not remember how he got in the alley. And what happened in the alley.
He is playing basketball for an hour on his own, at the backyard. Then he received some noise complaints from Sarah, he tried very hard to keep his temper. He decided to go and punch the punching bag he had as hard as he could. He felt his anger getting stronger with every punch he was throwing. He blacked out. He opened his eyes, with his heart beating fast. His body covered in sweat, he had a bloody nose, bruised fists, and the punching bag on the floor. He could not breath. What was wrong with him? He reached for his aspirator.
"James what happened? Are you all right?" His father asked entering the basement.
"I don't know dad. Something is wrong with me. I blacked out" James confessed. For once he decided to say the truth. His father was the person he trusted the most. He always knew what to do when something was wrong. He was James' to go person.
"I am sure nothing is wrong with you. But we will figure it out son, I promise." The tall man responded.
James paled "I am afraid, dad. I started remembering" James got for sure his father's attention. "I left from the coffee shop and a girl started talking to me. I do not remember her name, but she injected a black liquid in me. It made my heartbeat very fast. That was why I collapsed. I do not know what that liquid was, but I am sure someone wants me dead." Father and son both sat in silence. They were that shocked but also knew that what James said was the truth.

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