Chapter 24

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James and Morgan made their way to the heart of the battle right after they felt the earth moving. "Where the hell is Freya?" Morgan screamed.
James was trying to keep Morgan safe. He was trying to kill the robots although it was impossible. "I think where Freya is, is the least of our problems at the moment." James screamed. He threw the gun on the floor and took a knife out of his combat boot. He started manically stabbing the robot near him. It fell on the floor. James was removing the cables from the robot. But there was something in the way he was doing it that made Morgan nervous. She saw a black like appearing on James' bicep. She did not want to say anything. It was all in his head.
"James stop it. It's dead" Morgan cried.
James cut himself with the metal. "I have to keep you safe Morgan"
Morgan laughed. "That won't keep me safe. Just remove the mother board. Oh wait, you do not how the mother board looks like. You need to go find Freya while I kill some robots, that I made."
James did not want to leave Morgan alone. Morgan signed him to go, so James started running and killing more robots. He had to find Freya.
A robot came to Morgan's direction, but she managed to terminate it. Morgan was not feeling so well. Her wound on her hip hurt very much. She started feeling very dizzy and she wanted to faint. But she knew that if she stopped fighting that moment, she would never be able to fight again. She could not admit to James that she was dying slowly and painfully.
Morgan continued doing the best thing she could even if it were not good enough to keep her alive.
Three girls came to the battlefield. It was Sarah, Liz, and Moira. "Morgan go and find my mum. She is in the street down from here. She said that she wants to give you something" Sarah said as loud as she could. Sarah was braver than anyone thought. She was equally good as James and she was the smartest person Morgan knew.
"No. I want to keep fighting" Morgan said.
"You'll keep fighting. Just go to my mum now. It is very important. We have everything under control" Sarah exclaimed.
Morgan did not enjoy getting orders from others, but the pain was getting worse. She immediately found Natalie who was in a big SUV van of ARK. Natalie signed Morgan to come in the van. "I want to give you a shot. It's going to make the pain go away..." Natalie said with doubt.
"Do it" Morgan had closed her eyes from the pain. She just wanted to get the shot. Even though she was afraid of needles.
"It is a prototype of the ARK. It might not work" Natalie warned her.
"I don't care Natalie. Please do it. I can't take it anymore." Morgan gasped.
Natalie gave Morgan the shot. Which hurt like hell. "I want you to help me out." Natalie said. "I want you to find where your brother is."
Morgan had a devilish smile on her face. The shot started working "Give me a helicopter and I'll get him to you. I think I know where he is. I will also need Moira, Liz and Sarah."
Natalie smiled and nodded. She threw some keys at Morgan's direction. "I hope you know how to drive a helicopter."
Morgan laughed. "My dad took me flying lessons. Can you call the girls? We don't have a lot of time left before one of them decides to sacrifice himself"
Natalie gave a call to Sarah, Liz and Moira who came running. The four girls started running to the helicopter. Morgan turned on the engine and they started flying.
"Where are we supposed to find Howard?" Sarah asked Morgan.
Morgan was concentrating on flying the helicopter. "He is my brother. He cannot get away from me. He never could. And I have a tracking machine on him for the last three months. I just remembered about it"
Sarah and Moira exchanged looks. "And? Where is he?" Moira asked.
"He is near the Empire State Building. A long way from here. That's why we needed a helicopter"
"Why are you tracking your brother?" Liz asked.
"I have a lot of trust issues. Especially with girls as Kiara. I wanted to always know where Howard is." Morgan replied. That response made the other three girls feel very uncomfortable.
Liz was pointing at something ahead of them. "Morgan. I don't want to freak you out but there is something Infront of us."
"We are in the sky" Morgan replied not realizing what Liz meant.
"That's why I am telling you to not freak out" Liz said loudly.
Morgan realized that a spaceship was 1 km Infront of the helicopter. "You have to be kidding me. Where the hell did Meredith find a spaceship?" Morgan started flying faster. But Morgan had a plan.
"We are going to crash" Moira said in terror. Morgan was getting extremely close to a building.
"That's what I am planning. Just stay calm. I have everything under control" Morgan shouted.
"Morgan are you crazy? That is not under control! That's a death plan!" Sarah cried. Morgan crashed on the terrace of a tall building. The helicopter collapsed.
"Are you alright?" Morgan asked the girls. She helped them get out of the ruins. Morgan unleashed a grenade. "Jump now!" She screamed.
A jump from so high was dangerous but they made it. Moira was utterly shocked. "Are you mad? We could have died!" Moira cried.
"You didn't" Morgan replied and handed them electric guns. Her nose was bleeding.
Hopefully, none of them got hurt. "Why the hell did you do that. My mum is going to kill you" Sarah warned her.
"I want them to believe we are dead. Those people are powerful. The guns will shoot electric bullets. I came up with them last night. If you shoot the robots, they burn. They will need some time to regenerate but they will buy us time. We are a block away from Empire. The others are trying to get sacrificed. We have to run and save two of them" Morgan said in a serious tone.
"Which two?" Liz asked.
"It doesn't matter. One of them has to be sacrificed. We don't need to lose other two." Morgan's answer was harsh, but it was the truth. It was the final countdown. Now or never. There was no time left.

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