Chapter 20

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It was 2 am when someone knocked on Sandra's door. It was pouring outside which made Sandra that it would be for a bad reason. How wrong was she. On her way to the door she realized Freya's sword was missing. She opened the door and saw Freya all soaked up.
"Freya are you alright?" She asked the young girl who cried as soon as she started hugging Sandra.
"I had a terrible month. I wanted to come back to you. That's everything I wanted" Freya cried. Sandra could not Freya out of her eyes.
"Everything is alright now. Come inside." Sandra said and covered Freya with a blanket. Freya was at home at last.
It was so weird. Freya was back at New York, she made it out alive. She survived Rodolfus and the evil queen. She did not die or anything those lines.
Freya took a deep breath; "Sandra, I need to tell you something." Freya confessed.
Sandra brought a mug of Freya's favourite tea for her to drink. "I am sure it can wait. I want you to relax and tell me what happened. Why you didn't let us know you are alright? Nate told us that he would let us know that you woke up"
Freya gulped. She tried not to start crying. She blew her nose and tried to not stutter. "I woke up in Melania. My dad and Tommy were gone. There was an evil guy, Rodolfus that put Nate in prison. He had taken away all technology in Melania" Her body started feeling cold and Freya's vision got blurry. "I had to marry that abusive monster and I kind of committed suicide. I went in the chapel and tried to burn myself alive. But that is how I discovered that I was the White Knight and I was able to get rid of that sick bastard. Then I went to Celestia to find Kiara and I came back here because I have to tell you something important. Something that cannot wait; We discovered who did all this stuff. It's Meredith Parker."
What Freya told to Sandra was the most surreal sentences she had ever heard. She was certain that Freya had not woken up. Not that there was a whole Game of Thrones situation in Melania. Everything she said, made Sandra shiver and especially the last part. "Meredith Parker? Are you sure? It's a serious charge"
Freya looked Sandra in the eye. "Kiara and I found it in Celestia's confidential files. My suspicions were right. The queen was behind the King's Murder, but they covered all their movements very well"
"Kiara's mother? Amelia? Why did she want her husband dead?" Sandra asked blown away. Freya was a lot braver than everyone thought. And nothing was as it seemed to be.
Freya chuckled. "Kiara is later today or tomorrow. You can ask her. She is the one with the answers. And the one that should answer those questions"
Sandra and Freya got up from the couch. "We are going to surprise the others tomorrow morning. Adm then we will all go to the base tomorrow morning and figure everything out. Now I want you to get some rest. You are a brave girl Freya" Sandra kissed Freya on the forehead. "We missed you very much" Sandra expressed. "I missed you too. It's good to be back home" Freya confessed.
As soon as Freya rested her head on her pillow, she felt like nothing had ever happened. For the first time after a long time she dreamed. She dreamed that nothing had happened, that everything was like it was one year ago.
It was not even 6 am when Freya woke up. Sandra and Moira were both asleep. It was the perfect moment for her to go next door to James' house. She knew how Natalie was always up before 6 and that day was no exception. She knocked the back door. Natalie opened to her with a big smile on her face. She took the blonde girl in her arms. "You can't imagine how much we missed you Freya."
Freya had missed feeling loved. And she had missed the affection from her family. "I missed all of you. Can I go wake up James?" She asked with a smile.
"Of course you can! I am sure he will be happy to see you" Natalie exclaimed.
Freya climbed the familiar staircase and went to James' room. A surprise was there for her. James and Morgan were sleeping in each other's arms. Above the covers. She sat on James' armchair and stared at them. "Geez. I thought you would be more excited that I am home" She said loud enough to wake both of them up.
Both of them woke up confused. As soon as they saw Freya, Morgan started crying and hugged her tight. "I missed you so much. It has been so long. Are you alright?" The two girls hugged each other.
"Now I am okay." Freya said. It was the truth. She looked at James' direction. "James, did you miss me?" She asked with a huge smile.
"Nah. I was glad you were gone." He joked and hugged her.
Freya's expression hardened. "Wait a minute. Why are you taller than me? You aren't supposed to be taller than me" Freya laughed. "Now tell me, how are you?" She asked James.
"I was worse, but I am getting better. Now, let us go get breakfast. We can talk about everything downstairs" James replied. The three of them went to the basement and ate breakfast as before the good old times.
Within the next hour, they had all reached the base. They have kept a secret from both Sebastian and Howard that Freya had returned.
Howard came in 10 minutes after Morgan, James and Freya reached the base. When he walked in, his eyes immediately found Freya.
Howard ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek. "I missed you so much. I hope you are feeling better" he said.
Howard was the first person that did not ask Freya how she was feeling but rather if she was getting better. "Now that we are all together yes. I am getting better." She laughed.
Then she saw Sebastian walking in. She started running and jumped on his arms. Everything got fixed. The two of them shared a passionate kiss with everyone staring at them. "I never gave up on you. I knew you would find your way back to me" He said smiling.
"Always a pleasure, darling" She giggled. But something was feeling wrong deep within.
"You were all I was thinking about" Sebastian whispered in her ear. Freya smiled.
Morgan noticed something for the first time. The way Howard was looking at Freya. His eyes were beaming but when she was with Sebastian they were filled with sorrow. Like he did not want them together.
"Come on guys. We have a bad guy to catch." James shouted as all of them went into an office.
The office door opened. Kiara came in, looking so much better than she did 3 days ago. "I hope you didn't forget about me," Kiara exclaimed.
"Of course not." James said and motioned Kiara to sit in a chair. He turned to Freya "So, Freya. You said Meredith Parker killed my father?"
Freya sat in her chair better. "She was assigned to kill you too. But they didn't expect that your father would catch your bullet too." she replied
Morgan had a computer in front of her. "According to what I see on my screen Meredith Parker is dead" She raised her eyes.
Kiara's face got red. "This can't be right. There must be a mistake. She can't be dead." She pointed out.
Morgan death stared Kiara. "I am sorry. Come on be my guest. Find her on the computer. Because as it seems you know better than me. I know she is not dead. The person she was impersonating is dead." Morgan said annoyed. As it seemed she was still mad with Kiara after all.
"I am not saying you are wrong." Kiara replied.
"Wait a minute. Meredith was not the girl Kiara was hanging out. The photograph matches perfectly with the one you were hanging with." Morgan asked. Kiara lost the earth under her feet.
James was pissed. "It doesn't matter now. You can have your feud another time. Freya. You said something else is going to happen in New York?"
Freya did not feel comfortable telling what will happen to all of them. "Meredith has an evil plan." Freya paused. "She has an army of robots with her."
"What kind of robots?" Morgan asked worriedly. She felt that it was all Kiara's fault and she did not mind showing it.
"Cyborgs. Your worst nightmares. They are impossible to terminate. They are designed to kill." Freya said with a low voice.
"That's impossible. I was the only one who has constructed cyborg and it got stollen. How did Meredith find it?" Morgan said and turned at Kiara's direction.
"Why are you staring at me? Do you think it's my fault."? She asked feeling upset. You didn't want Morgan as your enemy.
"Did you see a robot in her house. Tell the truth or you will regret it. I know you have been to her house. Multiple times. Your little friend has a big mouth." Morgan said tense.
"Morgan stop it. Kiara has nothing to do with it!" James said. He tried to calm Morgan down.
"No, I am not going to stop it. I want her to answer me. Did you see a robot in her house?" Morgan screamed.
Kiara seemed so small. "Actually. When I went to her house, there was a robot in the attic." Everyone got tense.
Morgan had the 'told you so' look on her face. "Great! An army made from my prototype robot will try and kill us all! They can calculate your fighting style and predict your plan. There is no way we can destroy them" Morgan replied.
Freya went to the screen. "There is actually. I called Nate and he found some new research who said that it was possible to happen." She exclaimed.
"You have signal in Melania? And Technology? I can't be the only one that thought Melania was a medieval kingdom!" Sebastian questioned dumfounded.
"There is only one way to stop this from happening. A sacrifice is required." Freya said ignoring Sebastian's comment. Everyone stayed quiet.
"It has to be a special sacrifice. You have to drink the poison of Melania's sacred monster which I have with me. After you drink the poison you have to get on the highest point of New York. Where you will let the core robot to kill you. The core robot isn't supposed to kill. It is the brain. If it kills, all the robots die."
Everyone said at the same time "I will do it". Which caused them to have a huge fight over it.
"How much time do we have?" James asked loudly so they would stop arguing.
"The monster attack will start on Friday" Kiara said. She had not said a word since everyone discovered her secret.
James turned pale. "Tomorrow is Friday. What are we going to do?"
"Let's get ready to slay some robots," Morgan said with a steady tone.
"Hold on. Freya you are great, and I trust you but poison? Killer robots? Core robot? How you know that it is going to work?" Howard asked.
"I don't know if it will work but it's the only plan we have." Freya confessed. Everyone left and went back to their houses.
Freya had a plan on tricking everyone so she would sacrifice herself. When she returned to Sandra's house a surprise was there for her. Her mother came home.
"Freya, I missed you so much," Jane said lovingly. She was exactly how Freya remembers her.
"12 years mum. I haven't seen you in the last 12 years" Freya said coldly. She did not need any distractions. Her mother was the biggest distraction she could have.
Jane ignored Freya's comment. "Sandra told me everything. I am so proud of you. I am happy you are strong and healthy. And that you helped out Nate and Tommy. But I hope you will stay out of the fight tomorrow. You need to rest. You are too weak to go to the battle tomorrow. You should let the adults handle the situation." Jane stated.
"Excuse me? I don't think you have a say on what I am supposed to do with my life" Freya confessed. She clenched her fists. She is not weak.
"I am your mother Freya. You aren't allowed to go and risk your life for the millionth time." Jane demanded.
"You may have given birth to me, but you aren't my mother. Where were you a month ago when I got stabbed, and lost half of my blood? Where were you in my graduations, my ceremonies and everything that mattered to me?" Freya shouted.
"I was working Freya. Aren't you bored of making me feel guilty for something I shouldn't be feeling guilty for?" Jane replied mad.
"It is the truth. I am not trying to make you feel guilty mum. You have never been there for me. I have been over too much crap. I needed my mum. I needed my mum. But you were working." Freya started crying.
"You should be thanking me. I made you stronger!" Jane crossed her arms.
"I WAS JUST A KID. I DIDN"T NEED TO BE STRONG. I NEEDED TO BE SAFE. I WANTED TO BE SAFE" Freya had never been more upset in her entire life. That was coming from Freya who have had the worst month of her life. This was the cherry on top of all the horrible stuff that happened to her.
Jane felt guilty. "Sweetie..." She tried to hug Freya.
Freya pushed her away from her. "No don't you dare call me sweetie. I am going to do what the hell I want. You should not have come over. You should be working."
Jane had a disgusting calm voice. "I was hurting you for your good. You have become a strong, independent young woman because of me. I am the reason you are standing here. I am the reason you are still alive"
Freya got up. "You are a hypocrite. YOU are the reason I am so broken. You are nothing in my life but a big burden. A burden that is always keeping me behind. I wished you weren't my mother"" Freya left the house and went next door at James'.
"You know that you can stay here for as long as you want," James said to his best friend.
"I am not going to stay for long. I just thought we could go together at the base. And I wanted to see a friendly face who can understand me" Freya laughed.
"Am I a friendly face? I think I am too serious and sad all the time. Aren't I depressing?" James asked in a way too serious voice.
"It is your resting face. You are calm and I like being around people who are not tense all the time. I will miss you very much" Freya said.
"Why? You aren't going anywhere" James said feeling uneasy.
Freya looked in James' eyes. "James. I am going to be the sacrifice. You can't change my mind"
James smiled sadly and sunk into the couch. "I know that I can't. But a stubborn person to another; there is always someone who can change your mind. Believe me"
"I am not afraid of death. Kiara and I had a conversation about our legacy. I always wanted to make my family proud and I did. I saved my people. My legacy is sealed. I think that everyone gets a sign from the universe at least in our lifetime. My sign was finding the vial on my bed. You can't go against your destiny."
"You know how much I love you Freya. It will be difficult having to get used to not having you around." James said and hugged Freya.

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