Chapter 25

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Freya opened the door on the top floor of the Empire State Building. She arrived before Sebastian and Howard. She would do what she wanted. She quickly found the Core robot, but it was impossible to get its attention. Meredith must have reprogrammed it to not track sacrifices as easy. She quickly put her hair in a long ponytail and started running.
The door behind her opened. Freya quickly became frustrated. But it was not Sebastian or Howard. It was Morgan. "Freya stop it" she screamed on top of her lungs.
Freya was frustrated and had tears in her eyes, "No way Morgan. I got here first. I am going to do it" She said and started running.
Morgan being faster than her grabbed her by her wrist. "Don't be foolish Freya, please don't do it" Morgan begged her.
Freya managed to make Morgan let go of her arm. But she was too late. Both Sebastian and Howard had come on the top of the building. "I was here first!" That is why Freya did something she was not very proud of. She took her sword out and stabbed it on the ground which released so much energy that stunned the others. With tears in her eyes, she started running as fast as she could, trying not to look behind her. It was her duty to be the sacrifice.
She was 5 meters away from the robot. It was so hideous and horrifying. She kneeled before it. The robot revealed a gigantic spike out of its chest. Freya tried not to panic, but she had not expected it to be that big. She waited for the robot to kill her. The spike was an inch away from Freya.
Freya had tears in her eyes. She wanted to die; she was ready to do it. She was not afraid of dying. The fear of watching her loved ones watching her die was worse than death. She closed her eyes.
She did not feel the spike getting through her. She quickly opened her eyes. To her surprise, she did not die. The spike did not get her.
Sebastian sacrificed himself at the last second. She started screaming. "Seb. Why did you do that? It was okay." She started sobbing.
Sebastian with the least of life that he had in him shushed Freya. "I always knew that I would die for you," He said with a weak voice and a throbbing pain on his chest. Freya was crying on top of him. He closed his eyelids and said his last words. "And I always knew that you wouldn't die for me". Freya heard him. She was holding his dead body. She bend down and ran her fingers through his hair.
A tear rolled on her cheek "You were my hero Seb". She did not want to have a brave face anymore. The tears were running like a waterfall, her knees were too weak to hold her legs. Freya could not breath correctly he was dead and that would not change. His heart gave up. Freya screeched in pain.
Morgan, Howard, Moira, Liz, and Sarah were staring horrified at their direction. Sarah was holding Liz who was trembling from the shock.
Morgan was more confused than sad. It seemed like she could not believe her eyes. She gasped and put her hand Infront of her mouth. "The robots aren't dead."
The others realized that what Morgan said was true. "He died for nothing. It's unfair" Freya cried. She repeated it over and over again. She was having a panic attack.
"I am sure we have a bigger problem. The building is on fire" Moira cried. This day could not get any worse.
"Shit. Meredith is into us." Morgan said. She ran over at Freya who was in the verge of turning mad.
Red flames covered the building in a few seconds and there was no way out. The smoke started making the atmosphere even more pungent and poisonous. "This can't be the way it all ends," Morgan said to herself. She was afraid of dying. And she would not die helpless on a building on fire. If she had to die, she would do so in the most heroic way possible. Not burned alive.
A body came in the fires. A helicopter landed on top of the burning building. "Hop on guys. We have to go." James shouted in the most heroic way.
James certainly impressed Sarah. She always thought of James either as a wannabe or as a nerd. Never as the guy who would come flying through the fires with a helicopter. "Do you know how to pilot this thing?" Sarah asked.
"Of course not. There are more chances that you will die on the helicopter than by the fire. It's a miracle I didn't die trying to save all" James joked. Morgan went on the pilot's seat. Morgan piloted them away from the building covered with fire.
They would not escape that easily. An airplane was shooting at their direction. Morgan was trying to not get shot in two days in a row. She reached a shotgun and gave it to James. "Here be useful."
James got a bit offended but started shooting outside the window aiming for the plane's windows. "Damn it. They are bulletproof and shockproof"
Freya was sitting quietly in the back. "I need you to open the door." She said with a low voice. Everyone was waiting the why. "It is bulletproof. But I am sure it cannot stand the power of an ancient weapon that was used in some of the bigger massacres in the history of the planet. Give me at least a chance to try" Freya told them with big eyes. She needed the others to trust her. For once she wanted to be the savior.
Morgan seemed apprehensive but Howard opened the door. "Take care queen." Freya smiled.
Freya climbed on top of the helicopter. She went on the tip of the ceiling. She jumped but she was not falling. She took her sword. She said some words in the Melanian dialect. The sword started ricocheting energy. The airplane did not seem to be affected at first but soon it turned to ashes.
Freya did not stop. She loved feeling powerful. She continued emitting energy to every plane that was near her. In the end, no planes stayed on the air, other than the small helicopter with her friends in it.
Freya managed to do an incredible landing at the ground. The rest were staring at her. "That is the most incredible thing I have ever seen," Moira exclaimed and high fived Freya.
Freya was only paying attention to Howard. She slowly walked at his direction. Freya grabbed him by the tip of his shirt and pulled him closer to her. She kissed him. "I love you, Howard."
Howard although he was happy that Freya liked him, he seemed more annoyed. Sebastian died 15 minutes ago and she was moving on. He turned to James and Morgan's direction. They both signed him to go for it. Howard kissed Freya back and whispered to her ear "I have always loved you. And I will always will"
Liz cleared her throat. She was upset that Freya got over Sebastian's death so easily. She felt like Freya had a button that turned off her feelings. She wished she had a button like that. "Glad you are having a moment, but my brother is dead, and the monsters are multiplying. What are we supposed to do?"
Morgan and James signed to each other. Then they all made their way to a small alley. There was an abandoned garage. James picked the locket and opened it. The garage was filled with guns and either weapons. James threw a gun in Liz's direction. "Improvise until you find a solution."
"Violence is not the solution," Sarah said in a serious tone.
"At the moment is all we have. The core robot was not that sacred slime Freya was talking about. By killing as many of them we will find the root of the evil. There must be another core robot. The brain. When one of them blasts the rest might blast too" Morgan replied. Then she walked up to Sarah. "Believe me, violence is never the first solution to a problem. Only the desperate way to not die."
Liz was horrified by the number of lethal weapons. "Where did you find all this stuff?"
"We have ARK"s old weapons and some of weapons that they didn't pass the check. And the weapons we found in the place the Russian Mafia was hiding."
Moira raised her eyebrows. "So we might end up blowing up ourselves?"
"Yes. But if that happens make sure that you are near a robot" James replied. Everyone had long faces.
Nobody was talking. "You heard the man. Let us go kill those sons of a bitches." Howard said always supporting James. They did a low high five behind their backs.
Morgan was not fond of James' plan. They were killing monsters but that did not help at all. They were multiplying in a fast pace making it impossible to find the core robot.
Morgan would not continue fighting until a monster killed her. She signed Howard to come at her direction. "I want you to cover for me. I have to hack the main spaceship without the others noticing me"
Howard looked very confused. "We are a team. Shouldn't the others know what you want to do?" He raised his eyebrow.
Morgan made sure, nobody else was watching them talking. "At this point, no, I don't think so. Will you help me or not? I am doing it no matter if you help me"
He thought about it for a second and then he nodded in agreement. "Damn its Morgan" He and Morgan managed to get safely in alley where she took her laptop out of her backpack.
It was not her first time hacking a multimillion organization. But it was her first-time having trouble doing it. "Morgan are you in yet? They are going to notice us. Why do you carry your laptop everywhere with you?" Howard asked only to receive a death stare from Morgan.
Morgan started getting angry and smacking her laptop. She accidentally pressed a button and to her surprise she managed to get in the system. "I am in" she said in a happy tone.
She started seeking for any information about the monsters or how to kill them all at once and forever. It was a dead end.
They did not have any information about the monsters. Only about the crew and the agents of the mission. What she saw at the screen shocked Morgan.
She came across Meredith's folder. "Howard you have to see this." She gasped almost unable to speak.
"What? Did you find how we will kill those monsters?" Howard asked but Morgan shook her head.
"Meredith's folder" she said weakly.
"What about it" Howard questioned getting a bit concerned about Morgan.
"She is not human." Morgan paled.
"So now you are attractive to other species?" Howard laughed.
Morgan's eyes widened. "Not the point Howard!"
He laughed but in the blink of an eye he was all serious again. "I am getting the others"
Howard called through his headset the others. With fast movements they all came and waited for Morgan to start talking.
"Meredith is not human. She is a shapeshifter. That is why we never noticed her. What she said to me was correct. She was a part of our lives." Morgan started losing all of her hope.
"How is that supposed to help us?" Freya asked. "I am sorry, but I don't get it."
Morgan got up. "She is the only monster. What you are killing for the past hour are images. Hallucinations. Creations of your mind. She is trying exhaust you. After you get weak, she will come down here. Why do you think she is acting like an empress from up there? She is charging. She wants to kill us all". Everyone was pretty confused.
"I knew something was wrong with those monsters." A girl said coming out of the shadows. It was Kiara. "I am sorry I ran away again. I arrived at Celestia and I realized what I did was wrong. To apologize I brought 5000 men of the Celestian Army to help us out" Kiara confessed. Freya smiled softly.
Morgan was not happy with Kiara's arrival. "We won't kill any of the monsters. We have to believe that they are not real. Because they aren't real."
"So, we will just wait for them to magically disappear?" James asked. He knew Morgan was right, but it was ridiculous. They just had to wait. Wasn't that too simple?"
"Yes and no. Meredith is watching us. She has been spying on us for the past year. If she sees us acting weird, she will come down here to check out what is going on." Morgan explained.
Kiara coughed. "Sorry to interrupt but I don't think she is that stupid." Kiara confessed.
"For once trust my plan. I am not stupid. For telling you to do something means that I have thought it through." Morgan said frustrated.
"We know that you are not stupid Morgan. In fact, you are smarter than all of us combined. But what if the plan does not work? What do we do then? Don't we need a backup plan?" James asked.
"We improvise. It is scientifically proven that if you have a backup plan it is more likely you will fail. If my plan does not work, you can go attack the spaceship or start blasting bombs. I don't care." Morgan raised her hands in the air.
"I agree with Morgan. Meredith's plan had many holes. Like me staying in Melania for a month or Howard going to the private school or Kiara leaving New York. This might be another hole in her evil plan. If we see that it does not work, we can continue pretending to be the monster slayers." Freya said supporting Morgan's plan.
"So, are we all in?" Howard asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Let's go and sit somewhere safer."

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